II Samuel 17-18:18
Facing The Reversals of Life
1. Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
2. II Samuel 17-18:18 Many times David didn’t even know God was at work. Many times
David didn’t know what God was doing. God was at work! 5 provisions in reversals:
Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
He used ‘normal events’ to accomplish His purpose.
A. His Spokesman…David needed someone on the inside. Hushai was on the inside,
risking his life, speaking before Absalom.
B. His Strategy…Hushai has a plan to give David more time. Raise an army of more
men, and lead the army yourself…both ideas played on Absalom’s ego.
C. His Support…The advice of Ahithophel (16:23a) was rejected. Absalom’s counselors
*God had Absalom’s heart prepared to receive Hushai’s message.
*God opens doors and God shuts doors.
*David needed someone to care for him. Watch for the people God brings into your
*David was still on the run, still in exile. Circumstances hadn’t changed.
God was still at work!
Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
He used ‘normal events’ to accomplish His purpose.
A. The Plot 15-16…Hushai told the high priests the issue of the counsel. (v. 15) He must
get the message to David… lodge not this night… (v. 16)
B. The Plan 17-19…Johathan and Ahimaaz stayed in Enrogel. They were being watched.
A hand maid wentand told them. Ahimaaz and Jonathan told David. A lad saw them.
They went down in a well. The woman placed grain on the cover of the well.
C. The Peril 20-21…Absalom’s servants came “Where are Ahimaaz and Jonathan?”
“Arise, pass over quickly” v. 21
D. The Passage 22
*God was in this, moving behind the scene.
*Life is so intricate… v. 21 David needed this counsel.
*Life doesn’t “just happen”…Elise is 18 mos. old…the death of my brother and sister-in
Law…The Gideon Bible in the prison…the c.d. left in a bathroom with just the right
Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
He used ‘normal events’ to accomplish His purpose.
A. The Enemy 24-26...Absalom is confident of victory. His army is re-organized under
Amaza. His army isenlarging and advancing! David left Jerusalem with nothing!
B. The Enablement 27-29
David needs compassion. He finds what he needs in the most unlikely place.
1. The People 27 These were from the tribal people that were around him.
2. The Provisions 28-29 This was just what he needed when he needed them.
The people are hungry, weary and thirsty!
*God did it! Why did these care? Why show up now? Why bring what was
*God uses people to accomplish his purpose.
Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
He used ‘normal events’ to accomplish His purpose.
A. The Strategy 1, 2 David divides his army among 3 men: Joab (who was no spring
Chicken)…Abishi…Ittai(15:19) David would have sent him home. (It’s not your
problem). God knew he was needed.
B. The Sentiment 3 The future of Israel depended on David staying alive.
C. The Sight 4…“I will do what seems best”…the king stood beside the gate…all the
people came out in 100s and 1000s.
D. The Sadness 5…David’s heart is still broken over Absalom. Deal gently for my sake.
All heard the orders.Absalom would always be a troublemaker.
*Thank God for comrades…three capable, brilliant generals. Thank God for your mate.
Thank God for capable people willing to assist. You can’t do it alone. God did it!
Are you facing the reversals of life? God will take care of you. Change Position
He used ‘normal events’ to accomplish His purpose.Victory is ours, but a cost is involved!
A. A Great Victory 6-8…Out maneuvered Absalom was lost in the forest of Ephraim.
When Absalom tried to flee,his army became bottled up. David’s men were better
disciplinedand better led than the hastily assembled men of Absalom. They were no
match for David’s seasoned veterans.20,000 men were slain, plus many more were
killed in the forest of Ephraim.
B. A Ghastly Victory 9-10…Absalom rode through the thicket on his mule and his head
wascaught in the fork of an oak tree. He was left hanging between heaven and earth.
He wasdiscovered by one of Joab’s men. “I saw Absalom hanging in an oak.”
C. A Gory Victory 11-15…Joab moved with 10 of his troopers who surrounded the tree.
Joab put 3 darts into the heart of Absalom.
D. A Gallant Victory 16-18…Considering the campaign a victory, he blew the trumpet to
recall the troops. He cast Absalom into a pit and piled stones upon him. (this form of
burial was for a vile person) Victory Was Won!
*We are all in a battle. God must give the victory. One day our Conqueror will sound
the trump…the last trump and the dead will rise : O death where is your sting…
Reversals are a part of life…God will take care of you.
No matter how you feel…no matter how you perceive the situation…
God will take care of you.
You must change your position to change your perspective!