Big Winkle
On 1st April, Admiral The Lord Boyce, KG, GCB, OBE, DL. unveiled our new winkle sculpture made by local artist Leigh Dyer. It was a fantastic day, the spectacle attracted a large crowd and provided a great deal of positive publicity for the town and our club.
Pictures and links to videos can be found on our website,
The Spring Social
This year’s Spring social will be at the Fishermen’s Club in All Saints Street over the Jubilee weekend on Saturday 2nd June starting at 7-30pm. There will be music and a buffet. Let’s have a drink and raise some money for charity. This is a family event but please remember over 18s only. Admission will be free. Enclosed are 2 books of raffle tickets. Please return the stubs with any unsold tickets and any money to the Fishermen's Club with the slip on the back page.
Putting Competition
The putting will again be in Old Town week on Wednesday 1st August at the Stade Crazy Golf, the same night as the pram race. Tee off at 6-00pm. You will have plenty of time for a game before the pram race starts
Hastings Pirate Day
Put Sunday 22 July in your diaries, Hastings needs all you pirates!!!! We want our world record back. So come on down and let’s make it a day to remember.
Wishing Well
The wishing well has been repaired and our thanks to Hastings Rotary Club, Westridge Construction and Fuller Engineering. As in the past, all proceeds from the well's collection are divided equally between the Rotary Club and the Winkle Club.
Fantasy Island part 4
Oh yes…………...the craziness will be back. The venue as in previous years is Winkle Island and this fun event coincides with the annual Seafood and Wine Festival which takes place on the 15th \ 16th September. Last year a great deal of fun was had by all who took part. This event is not only great for raising monies for local charities, it increases the profile of the club.
So come on you pirates, castaways and hula girls, come on down and have some fun. Help will be required and is greatly appreciated in the setting up the island. We also need your help throughout the day so please get in touch with the events co-ordinator Polo.
Polo can be contacted by email at
The committee thanks you in anticipation.
Your club needs you!!!
The astute amongst you will have noticed that the committee has created a new role, a fund raising officer. The challenge is really on for the club, especially during this difficult economic climate, to raise vital monies for local charities. Colin Payne has taken up this role and is already on the case. The committee would welcome ideas for future fund raising activities. Please email Colin at