Award details

This award recognises work that has benefited society by improving the sustainability of water.

The work might relate to an engineering project, a programme of works, a policy or a piece of research.

It is open to individuals or organisations, including water companies, consultants, contractors, research bodies, regulators, governments and community groups.

Projects and initiatives from around the world are eligible, although they must be complete by April 2018. You do not have to be an ICE member to enter.

You can enter as an individual or as part of a project, by completing the nomination form. You can also nominate for the award, providing you have approval from the individual or a representative of the project or initiative.

Please be aware that the information submitted is likely to feature in articles and case studies on our website.

The Chris Binnie Award for Sustainable Water Management is FREE to enter.

What to submit checklist

Item / Done
A completed nomination form
A 500 word explanatory noteoutliningunder each of the relevant headings below how the project, policy or initiative has benefited society by improving the sustainable management of water.
  • Benefit. Based on the objectives of the project, policy or initiative, how much actual benefit has there been to society? (40% of marks)
  • Innovation. How innovative or unique is the project, policy or initiative? Does it represent new or revolutionary thinking? (20% of marks)
  • Value. How does the project, policy or initiative represent good value for money?Please provide brief evidence. (20% of marks)
  • Applicability.To what extent can the project, policy or initiative, or the thinking behind it, be applied or reproduced elsewhere to deliver added benefit? (20% of marks)

Relevant supporting content including:
  • Background information on the project/initiative and its representative(s)
  • Illustrative material (photographs, diagrams, plans, maps etc.)
  • Details of achievements and how these have been assessed

For further information on this award, please email
Remember, closing date for all entries is 6th April 2018, at noon.

Nomination Form

Project Details

Project name: Click here to enter text.

Project location:Click here to enter text.

Date of completion: Click here to enter text.

Type of project and brief description(no more than 250 words): Click here to enter text.

Commissioning Authority

Name:Click here to enter text.

Contact number:Click here to enter text. Email:Click here to enter text.

Approver (name) of nomination: Click here to enter text.

Nomination Submitted by Click here to enter text.Of:Click here to enter text.

SignatureTel:Click here to enter text.

Email:Click here to enter text.

How did you hear about the awards?

E-news email ☐ ICE website ☐ Directemail ☐ NCE magazine ☐

Professional networks ☐ Personal contacts ☐ Other☐

Please submit this form, along with your explanatory note and supporting information, to: