RHS Weekly Lesson Plan- Honors Chemistry (K. Stephens)

3/9/15-3/13/15 / 3/9/15
Monday / 3/10/15
Tuesday / 3/11/15
Wednesday / 3/12/15
Thursday / 3/13/15
Standard / SC6a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
SC6b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.
SC6c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase). / SC6a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
SC6b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.
SC6c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase). / SC6a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
SC6b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.
SC6c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase). / SC6a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
SC6b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.
SC6c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase). / SC6a: Compare and contrast atomic/molecular motion in solids, liquids, gases, and plasmas.
SC6b: Collect data and calculate the amount of heat given off or taken in by chemical or physical processes.
SC6c: Analyzing (both conceptually and quantitatively) flow of energy during change of state (phase).
Essential Question/
Key Question / Compare and contrast the different states of matter. / Compare and contrast the different phase changes providing at least one example for each. / Compare and contrast the different phase changes providing at least one example for each. / Discuss how the gas laws can be used to explain different occurrences that happen in the real world providing examples. / Discuss how the gas laws can be used to explain different occurrences that happen in the real world providing examples.
Lesson Opener / Class Discussion over the GRQs- States of Matter, Phase Changes, and Phase Change Diagrams. / Based on the lesson summary from the previous lesson, students will complete a reinforcement activity covering phase changes and phase change diagrams or a class discussion will take place covering phase change diagrams. / Pre-lab for Lab- Heat Capacity with a Potato Chip / Introduction to Gas Laws / Students will complete a review of Gas Laws using the SmartBoard or small group discussions will occur over the concepts of Gas Laws depending on the previous day’s lesson summary.
Procedures/Strategies / Discuss/Examples- Phase Change Diagrams
Practice- Phase Change Diagrams / Notes/Examples- Heat Capacity
Practice- Heat Capacity / Lab- Heat Capacity with a Potato Chip / Demos- Gas Laws
Lab- Gas Laws / Videos- Gas Laws
Computer Activity- States of Matter, Phase Changes, and Gas Laws
Lesson Summary / In small groups, students will be asked to construct a phase change diagram, label all the appropriate parts, and then discuss how the temperature and energy are affected on the diagram. / Using Kahoots, students will complete an activity covering Heat Capacity. / Post-lab Questions and Discussion for Lab- Heat Capacity with a Potato Chip / Students will use Socrative to answer 3 questions pertaining to Gas Laws. / Students will be asked to write two practice test questions covering the concept/concepts they felt was/were the most difficult to them.