Table Topics by O-R-D-E-R-S

Written by Steve Chen, DTM, PDG

Whether you are an experienced Toastmasters or a brand-new one, when you least expect it, Table Topics questions might find and strike you with anxiety, nervousness and fear. Although it is often seen by some as merely an interesting sideline of the Toastmasters meeting, in reality, success in Table Topics can translate to more confidence at work and in social situations. So, imagine the relief you’ll feel if you can approach a Table Topics question, instead of fear, but with anticipation and a plan.

This simple formula O-R-D-E-R-S you to be comfortable and not to have “dry mouth” or “blank brain” when called on for Table Topics – or (equally important) when you’re faced with unsettling questions from a boss, a significant other, or even an IRS auditor!

O – Open

Open with memorized salutation such as: “Madam Toastmasters, fellow TMs and guests.” Then smile. This will gains you several precious seconds to collect your thoughts and get use to the audience/platform. Time: 5 seconds

R – Reflect/Register

It’s often a good idea to repeat or rephrase the question so as to allow the question to “sink in” and reconfirm that is what the question the questioner has in mind. This will gain you few more precious seconds to reflect (in your mind) what your thoughts are and begin to formulate your response. As an added bonus, this will give the audience the impression (rightly or wrongly) that you are thoughtful and that they can look forward to a thoughtful response, too. A small pause at the end of your rephrasing the question will do wonders, too. It adds “gravitas” to your presence. Time: 20 seconds

D – Discuss

Once you have formulated some thoughts on the question, begin to discuss and relate your thoughts and let you line of reasoning take hold and dazzle the audience. Remember, you should take a position or form an opinion or solution. This is the main body of your response. Time: 45 seconds

E – Examples

Like a good argument, you want to reinforce your position or idea with examples or additional arguments. Time: 20 seconds

R – Recap

Like a good and organized speech, you want to recap the high lights of your points and bring the audience around to the starting point. The tried and tested formula works here, too: Tell them what you’ll tell them, tell them, and remind them what you’ve just told them. Time: 15 seconds

S – Stop

You want to end your well crafted response and stop your discussions on a high note. End with a thoughtful or witty concluding statement. Smile, shake the TTM’s hand confidently, and return the control of lectern with: “Madam, Table Topics Master.” Time: 10 seconds

By following this simple yet effective method, your Table Topics response will take about 2 minutes, which is exactly on time. And more importantly, you’ll enjoy the Table Topics more, because you are prepared and have a plan made to O-R-D-E-R-S just for you.