CCN number: 16/ADTBCM/04/2018

Contract title and reference: TB Testing Services Schedule 4

Number of pages attached: 5pages in total

WHEREAS the Contractor and the Authority entered into a Contract for the Provision of Bovine Tuberculosis Testing, its Associated Services and Bio-security Advice dated 11/04/2016 (the “Original Contract”) and now wish to amend the Original Contract.

With effect from Date: 01/04/2018

  1. The Original Contract shall be amended as set out in this Change Control Note:

Change requestor/originator: TB Contract Manager
Summary and reason for change:
Schedule 4has been reviewed and updated so that it reflects the changes to KPI thresholds introduced on 01/04/2018
Change in Contract Manager(s): N/A
Other change: N/A
  1. Save as herein amended all other Terms and Conditions of the Original Contract shall remain in full force and effect.

Signed for and on behalf of the Contractor

Not required for this change

Name (block capitals):


Signed for and on behalf of the authority


Name (block capitals): ANDREW DOYLE

Date: 06/04/2018


The Original Contract required that there will be continuous improvement by the contractor during the contract period (Schedule 1, Paragraph 15.1).

The Performance Management Framework (PMF), through its Key Performance Indicators (KPIs),is usedto monitor,measureand controlallaspectsofthe Contractor’s performanceofcontract responsibilities (Schedule 4, Paragraph 1).

The Original Contract laid out how the performance targets (below which performance is deemed to be unsatisfactory) for KPIs 1, 2, 3 and 4 would increase,first in Year 2 to 90% and then in Year 3 of the contract to 95%. The Year 2 target increases were introduced in April 2017.

In order to prioritise the requirements of the Department relating towork being carried out by contractors and in reflection of the current high TB incidence, it has been decided to postpone the planned increase in threshold for KPIs 1, 3 and 4. These KPIs will remain at the threshold levels required in Year 2 of the contract, namely 90% of tests reported by the required time.

However the threshold for KPI 2, Reporting of all TB reactors within 1 working day, will be raised to 95% with immediate effect as scheduled.

Also the reduction in target for KPI 7 from more than 25 working days to more than 10 working days to be introduced in Year 3 is unaffected by this Change Control Notification and is being introduced.

Schedule 4 is the Performance Management Framework

which has been reviewed and updated so that it reflects the change to KPI thresholds now in place. The KeyPerformanceIndicators table in Schedule 4 has been changed (see Annex 1).

The Reason for Change:

Recommendation 4 of the Public Accounts Committee Report on the Control of Bovine Tuberculosis in Northern Ireland (2009) was that the Department ensures that there is ‘100 per cent compliance with the requirement to report test results within one working day’. Therefore, it is appropriate to continue in Year 3 to raise the target and maintain momentum to reach the requirements of the Northern Ireland Audit Office.

KPI 7 relates to accurate certification which is a pre-requisite requirement for veterinary surgeons under the RCVS Principles of Certification. It is now appropriate to raise the standards in this area, from the 2017/18 standard of 25 day permitted to make changes to a test certificate to the indicated 10 day tolerance. This tolerance is in place to acknowledge the possibility of clerical error not to excuse false certification. False certification, if detected, will be considered a serious issue with serious consequences and consideration for fraud. The Department requires improvement in accurate reporting so as to reduce inefficiency and improve customer service by its contractors.

Annex 1

KeyPerformanceIndicators- KPI’s

Percentages aretheminimumlevels of performance requiredonaquarterlybasis in the year

KPI number / Description / April 2016 / April 2017 / April 2018 / Data source / Priority
1 / Contractor schedule of TB tests is provided to the Authority on or before the Wednesday of the week before the scheduled date of day 1 of each test for each Approved Veterinary Surgeon. Provided through e-PVP. / 80% / 90% / 90% / Aphis / 1
2 / TBtestreadings forcattle herds whereReactor readings aredisclosed,aresubmitted via e-PVP within1workingdayof day 4 of test / 85% / 90% / 95% / Aphis / 1
3 / TBtestreadings forcattle herds where Inconclusive readings aredisclosed,aresubmitted via e-PVP within 2workingdaysof day 4 of test / 80% / 90% / 90% / Aphis / 1
4 / TBtestreadings forcattle herds where only negative results are disclosed aresubmitted via e-PVP within5workingdaysof day 4 ofthe test. / 80% / 90% / 90% / Aphis / 2
5 / Satisfactory Field audit assessment of the Contractor by the Authority
(Satisfactory = AVS not having their status suspended as a result of the assessment)
(See note 1) / 100% / 100% / 100% / Contract Manager data / 1
6 / DNA tags applied to animals with positive reactor readings)
NOT PRESENTLY OPERATIONAL / 90% / 95% / 98% / Contract Manager data / 2
7 / Test results and findings returned correctly via e-PVP such that it is unnecessary for the Contractor to ask the Authority to reopen the test for correction. 10 day tolerance. / 100% / 100% / 100% / APHIS / 1**