Knowsley Learning Disability Partnership Board

Minutes – Thursday 3 October 2013


Stuart Sheridan / Commissioning Manager, Partnerships, Employment and Autism
Michelle Ablewhite / Co-Chair, Self Advocate – BIG Group
Jacqueline Bolan
Michelle Ditchfield / S.P.E.A.K. Parent Forum
S.P.E.A.K. Parent Forum
Nikki Fairbrass / S.P.E.A.K. Parent Forum
Cathy Manley / Parent
Tim Hall / Transition Services, Knowsley Council
Steve Lees / Disability Team Manager, Knowsley Council
Jen Casey / Health and Wellbeing Engagement Forum
Nicky Greening / Healthwatch Knowsley
Jane Calveley / Healthwatch Knowsley
Lorna Pink / Knowsley Community LD Team 5BP
Mark Fox / Service Manager, Knowsley Council
Joyce Greaves / Knowsley Disability Concern
Vicki Hornby / Knowsley Disability Concern
Dot Ashton / Knowsley Disability Concern (TALK)
Paula Lomas / Knowsley Disability Concern (BIG Group)
Lisa Woods / Self Advocate, BIG Group
Jamie Quinn / Self Advocate – BIG Group
Alison Joseph / Self Advocate – BIG Group
Linda Power / Self Advocate – BIG Group
Jenny Day / Acorn Farm
Clare Ferguson / Self Advocate – Acorn Farm
Tara Watts / Self Advocate – Acorn Farm
Ashley Adcock / Self Advocate – Acorn Farm
Nancie Price / Knowsley User Led Organisation
Angela Cornwall / Knowsley User Led Organisation
Wendy Green / Partnership Support, Knowsley Council

1.  Introduction & Apologies

Everyone introduced themselves.

Apologies from

Cllr Jayne Aston / Cabinet Member, Health and Social Care
Debra Lawson / Head of Commissioning, Inclusion & Independence
Christine Murphy / Merseytravel
Jez Hunt / Service Development Manager
Barry Kelly / Day Services Manager
Jan Box / Knowsley Carers Centre

2.  Ground Rules

Lisa Woods read the ground rules.

3.  Minutes of the last meeting held on 1 August 2013

The minutes of the last meeting were agreed.

4.  Performance Indicators

Phil Charnock came along to answer any questions we had on Performance Indicators.

Performance Indicators help the Council check how good or bad services are doing.

We talked about Direct Payments.

A Direct Payment is money paid to people with disabilities to buy support they need.

Some of us do not understand Direct Payments and worry how to use them.

Knowsley Disability Concern can help us manage our Direct Payment.

We can use Direct Payments to attend services like Acorn Farm.

We talked about everyone supporting adults with a learning disability into paid employment

The Council is doing well helping people to live on their own or with support.

The Annual User Survey must be made available to everybody.

We said how important it is that everybody receives a review

We agreed to keep looking at performance indicators which are not doing well.

By Who?
Phil Charnock to review LDPB Performance Indicators as discussed. / Phil Charnock
Service User and Making It Real Surveys to be more accessible / Stuart Sheridan / Adele Gregory

5.  Business Plan

We talked about Knowsley’s Winterbourne Response Action Plan.

This will make sure the terrible things that happened at Winterbourne do not happen in Knowsley.

Knowsley’s Action Plan will be checked using traffic lights.

The Action Plan will make sure services are good.

All tasks in the Action Plan are on time as agreed by the Department of Health.

The BIG Group said they are happy to support the review process.

The BIG Group said it was good to have this information in easy read.

We agreed it is a good news story to share

The Action Plan will be included in the Safeguarding Board Annual Report and Healthwatch Knowsley Bulletin.

Actions /
By Who?
Knowsley’s Winterbourne Action Plan will be included in the Safeguarding Board Annual Report and Healthwatch Knowsley Bulletin / Stuart Sheridan/Jane Calveley

6.  BIG Group Update

Jamie told us about the Hate Crime Event taking place on 1 November 2013 at Huyton Civic Suite.

We have a new member called Tim Smith.

Lisa attended the Easy Read Training which was good.

Alison attended the Health and Wellbeing Engagement Forum.

Michelle has been visiting Sedburn Road and Bewley Drive to help set up a Self Advocacy Group.

Paula and Linda visited Tameside Council to look at their friendship and relationship policy.

7.  Adult Social Care Local Account

The Local Account tells us which care and support services are doing well and which need to do better

We want your help by answering 3 questions

1.  What has been good about your support?

2.  What has been bad about your support?

3.  What needs to be better?

The Health and Wellbeing Engagement Forum is holding a focus group on Thursday 10 October 2013, 2pm – 4pm at the Old School House

The focus group will also give feedback for the Local Account

If you would like to attend the focus group please contact Jen Casey, telephone: 0151 449 3954 or email

The final copy of the Local Account will be available in

January 2014

8.  Making It Real Project

Stuart told us how Making It Real will check if personalisation has improved care and support services.

Knowsley Council want to make sure changes made to social care services have improved people’s lives.

We want to find out where we can make things better.

We can do this by asking people about their experiences.

People will be asked to complete a survey about the care they get. There will also be some workshops done with local groups and day services to make sure everyone can take part.

People can also do this survey online at:

9.  AOB

We talked about our agendas being too big.

We agreed to vote on whether to have more meetings or meetings during the evening.

A copy of the Healthwatch Update was provided.

Next Meeting: Thursday 12 December 2013

10am – 12noon

Faraday Room, Old School House,

St John’s Road, Huyton.