Psychology 28 Spring 2003 Class-Generated Review Questions
Many psychotherapists try to elicit repressed memories from their patient's unconscious. What controversies surround the notion of repressed memories?
Intrasexual competition is when members of one sex choose a mate based on their preferences for particular qualities in another mate.
The Id operates according to the ______, which seeks immediate gratification of desires and ______thinking, or logical rules of conscious thought.
I've been dating my boyfriend for two years now. All of a sudden I'm attracted to his friend and I think I like him. I keep saying I don't like him because I have a boyfriend. Help me! What type of anxiety am I experiencing??
1. a piece of information that is not presently in your conscious thoughts but can be easily retrieved, such as your phone number, is stored in the:
a. unconcious
b. preconcious
c. superego
d. conscious
What are the three main sex differences between men and women according to evolutionary psychology?
According to Freud, what defense mechanism might Stephen use to displace
his anger and aggression over his parents divorce in a socially acceptable
Angeni and Molefi are dizygotic twins. Though they were reared apart, the two are met for the first times a couple of weeks ago. Their meeting was part of Angeni's psychology teacher study of twins. Her teacher told her that throughout the study that the correlation of the attitude of traditionalism was .46. When Angeni told Molefi about this, he informed her that he read that the correlation of traditionalism in MONOZYGOTIC twins is .63. From these results what would you predict was the heritabilty of traditionalism?
Which type of validity is considered the broadest type, defined as "a
test the measures what it claims to measure, correlates with what it is
supposed to correlate with, and does not correlate with what it is not
supposed to correlate with"?
a. face validity
b. convergent validity
c. construct validity
d. discriminant validity
Q:______Twins share 100% of their genes.
How do psychoanalytic theories and neoanalytic theories differ? Briefly describe either Adler's or Erikson's theory.
Which of the following terms DOES NOT match with its given definition?
A. Face Validity: Appears to measure what it should measure.
B. Predictive Validity: Predicts future behavior.
C. Discriminant Validity: Does not correlate with measures that tap different constructs.
D. Construct Validity: Correlates with measures that tap related constructs.
In twin studies, which environmental influence is known to have more impact on them?
~Shared influence
~Dizygotic influence (made it up as a term)
~Non-Shared influence
~Monozygotic influence *this on too
Clark and Hatfield went into the field to do research between men and women. Both sexes, when asked three different questions, gave different answers (to all but one question). Which question did men and women give similar responses to?
a) Want to go to my apartment?
b) Will you have dinner?
c) Would you like to help me walk my dog?
d) Care for sex?
Making sure that a psychology test measures one trait and not another is
an example of the test's:
1. face validity 4. discriminant validity
2. predictive validity 5. convergent validity
3. construct validity
The tendency for therapists to look only for evidence that confirms their previous hunch and to not look for evidence that might disconfirm their belief is:
a)subliminal perception
b)confirmatory bias
c)narcissistic paradox
d)motivated unconscious
Which of the following is the conflict which Erikson believes people go through during young adulthood?
a) industry vs. inferiority
b) identity vs. role confusion
c) intimacy vs. isolation
d) generativity vs. stagnation
The "worst thing" for a man, evolutionarily speaking, is the fear that he's giving his ______to another man's child.
When a child is in their "terrible 2s" Erikson would say that they are in what stage of development?
a) Initiative Versus Guilt
b) Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt
c) Industry Versus Inferiority
d) Generativity Versus Stagnation
e) Intimacy Versus Isolation
1 - Freud would say that drug addiction reflects what type of personality and results from fixation at which stage of psychosexual development?
2 - Which of the following is the most adaptive defense mechanism according to Freud? projection, repression, sublimation, or rationalization?
3 - True or False: the unrestricted and unlimited use of defense mechanisms can actually CREATE problems, such as inhibiting one's ability to work productively or maintain relationships.
______proposed that introverts are characterized by higher levels of activity in the brain's ascending reticular activating system (ARAS) than are extroverts.
A) Eysenck
B) Hebb
C) Zuckerman
D) Freud
Fraternal and identical twin studies are important tools in personality research. Discuss why this is by explaining the genetic difference between fraternal and identical twins and why these studies can be important in the nature vs. nurture debate.
"According to Eysenck's theory, what is the difference between introversion and extraversion with respect to the Ascending Reticular Activation System (ARAS). In other words, which environment does each type of person prefer and why?"
According to H.J. Eysenck's introversion/extraversion theory, extraverts have a higher ______than introverts.
a) cardiac reactivity
b) circadian rhythm
c) optimal level of arousal
d) frontal brain asymmetry
Identify a research design in personality that is good with examining causal relationships. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this design and provide an example.
Which of these is not a characteristic of a "good" theory?
A) Useful
B) Testable
C) Generalizable
D) Sensible
Sigmund Freud's theories on sex and aggression would be an example of:
a) contemporary personality theory
b) idiographic research
c) nomothetic research
d) grand theories of personality
Sally is known around her high school as the volunteer chair of nearly everything. Because of this, most people tend to think of her as a sweet girl who loves to help people. According to Evolutionary Perspectives on Personality, would you say that Sally:
a) has a need to belong, so she does this by being helpful and altruistic, additionally, she would be even more likely to help her family members.
b) suffers from her childhood, so she handles her past by the act of sublimation; she just channels her bad feelings and energies about her childhood into a positive setting by being altruistic and by performing acts of service.
c) needs to deactivate her Superego so that her 3 complexes balance on another
d) ranks high range the sensation-seeking scale
Alvin has been having a recurring dream that he wins the lottery so that he will already be rich, and so he won't have to work hard in school anymore. Even though this it is highly unlikely that this will ever happen, Alvin's Id is getting its desires temporarily fulfilled by the process of ______.
a) sublimation
b) the sensation seeking brain mode
c) wish-fulfillment
d) the aggression principle
Roger has never had a girlfriend for more than 2 months; he dumps them all because they "just don't measure up." His girlfriends always seem to accuse him of being a "momma's boy" and they accuse him of expecting to be waited on hand and foot. According to Neoanalysts, Roger:
a) does not possess the mating skills to pass on his genes effectively
b) has internalized the image of his mother and now compares it to his girlfriends
c) suffers from denial
d) needs psychoanalytic therapy to activate his Id more so that he will be in touch with what he really wants.
The ______stage is the stage in which a child experiences the world and seeks pleasure through their mouths by biting and sucking and in which the id is the overpowering source of behavior.
What is the difference in what a social psychologist would focus their studies on versus a personality psychologist?
Higher levels of activity in which of the following signals a proclivity towards introversion?
1) BAS behavioral activation system
2) BIS behavioral inhibition system
3) DRAS descending reticular activating system
4) ARAS ascending reticular activating system
A psychologist is trying to obtain information for the assessment of a 5-year old. Which two of the four methods for obtaining information would the psychologist be MOST likely to use and why?
Which of the following is not a goal of behavioral genetics?
a. determine ways in which environment and genes interact
b. figure out where in the environment effects take place
c. determine amount of variability due to evolution
d. determine amount of individual differences due to genetics vs environment
Which one is not a common misconception about habitability?
A. It can be applied to a single individual
B. It is an absolutely precise statistic
C. It is the proportion of phenotypic variance that is attributable to genotypic variance
D. It is constant or immutable
This type of data includes interviews, questionnaires, and self-repots. What is it?
a.) unstructured data c.) self-report
b.) observer report d.) structured data
Describe what a Projective Technique would be and give an example of a projective test.
List and describe the characteristics of Adler's four points relating to Ego Psychology.
From an evolutionary perspective, which situation should be more distressing to you:
a) your partner having sexual/physical relations with another man/woman
b) your partner spending a lot of time talking and connecting with another man/woman
Explain why you chose your answer and what the evolutionary psychologists' point of view is about this.
Evidence that suggests introverts and extraverts perform differently in similar environments is an example of,
A) shared environments
B) non-shared environments
C) genotype-environment interaction
D) genotype-environment correlation
Which of the following is NOT an aspect of a good theory:
a. measurable
b. generalizable
c. proven
d. non-gender specific
e. useful
Briefly explain why increased activity in Gray's Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) may lead to someone with increased anxiety. In other words, how are the two related?
Mentioning that someone is shy to describe a characteristic that makes them different from those who are outgoing is an example of:
a) Psychological mechanism b) Psychological trait c)average tendency d) personality
John just got yelled at by his boss at the office. He comes home to his wife and family, only to yell at them that dinner is not yet on the table. This is an example of which defense mechanism:
a. repression b. sublimation c. denial d. displacement