Commitment card for prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
Commitment card for prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
Commitment card for prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
Commitment card for prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
My commitment to prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
My Prayer Partner’s commitment to prayer and fasting
1. I commit to the following amount of time to prayer:
□ 2 hours or more a day
□ 1 hour a day
□ ½ hour a day
□ 3 hours a week
□ 2 hours a week
□ 1 hour a week
□ I choose not to make a commitment to prayer or fasting at this point
2. I commit to fasting in the following way:
□ Abstain from all food
□ Eat only fruits and vegetables (Daniel fast)
□ Eat only bread or crackers
□ Abstain from food(s) I enjoy______
□ Abstain from all television or entertainment
□ Custom fast______
3. I commit the following times to fasting in the way(s) identified above:
□ The entire 3 weeks
□ During the week
□ Three days a week
□ Weekends
□ During the day
□ After supper
□ Custom times______
To the Belmontcongregations,
This letter is to encourage us to commit thirty days, March 1-30, to a time of special prayer and fasting. Corporate prayer and fasting are times when a congregation intercedes and seeks direction in a special way. There are several things that we want to lay in front of us in seeking God’s will:
1. Repentance for the ways in which we have personally turned away from God.
2. Intercession for the sin and brokenness in our church and in the community around us.
3. Seeking God’s cleansing power to renew and release our hearts to love as God loves.
4. Seeking God’s direction for the relationships between the two emerging congregations
This time seems ripe for such a commitment for several reasons. As shape is being given to the administrative work, we recognize the danger of being caught up only in the corporate process. Renewal, as it comes, touches individuals. Renewed individuals live differently in church and out of church.
We are also in a time where many sense growing struggles and difficulties in their spiritual journeys as they have been. We would like to see what God is telling us about that and to seek spiritual renewal. This includes the lifestage transitons of many; the changing energy levels, ministry focus and pastoral transitions. Both BMC and BNF
To prepare for this time of prayer and fasting, we encourage you to choose what kind of commitment you would like to make and mark this booklet. Find a prayer partner and share with them your commitment and mark their commit- ment on the back of this booklet. You are also being given a card to mark. We ask that you then turn in that card so that we have some idea as a church of the kind of commitment being made. Keep in regular contact with your prayer partner (daily or weekly) by phone, email or meeting together. Help each other be accountable in following through on the commitment you’ve made.
We recognize that our jobs and health conditions will sometimes make it difficult to partake in some types of fasts. Please use prudence and caution in committing to a fast, and consult your doctor if you have any question about this. The inside of this booklet has some helpful ideas in approaching prayer and fasting. If you have any further questions, please feel free to talk with any ministry staff or elders.
God’s blessings,
Ministry and Vision Team
What Is Fasting?
One of the most powerful weapons of spiritual warfare that God has given to His children is fasting -- a way of crucifying the flesh or denying your flesh the basic sustenance of food. Although fasting will weaken you physically, it will highly enlighten you spiritually.It is important to note that fasting should be combined with prayer.
Fasting is a form of spiritual discipline that informs God that you are serious about repentance. Fasting is a significant part of your Christian walk just as praying and reading the Bible is significant. Fasting is for everyone who desires to draw closer to God.
When you fast, you do not have to give up just food; it can be anything of importance to you that is a sacrifice to give up. Whenever you fast, you need to pray and seek the Lord, otherwise you are just depriving your body of food and not getting in touch with what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you.
Although fasting is not commanded in the Bible, it is expected of all believers in their Christian walk, for Matthew 6:17-18 says "when you fast." Jesus did not say, "if you fast" but rather "when you fast'; therefore Jesus reveals through scripture that fasting is expected of us; however, it is not commanded (for example, you are not committing sin by not fasting).
Reasons for fasting
-To Mourn and Repent
(Daniel 10:2-3; Esther 4:3; Isaiah 58:5; Joel 2:12-13; Zechariah 7:5)
-To Receive God's Instructions
(Exodus 34:28; Acts 9:9-12; Acts 13:2)
-For Humility and Deliverance from Bondage
(Psalm 35:13; I Samuel 7:3-14; Ezra 8:21-23)
-To Resist the Devil's Temptations
(Luke 4:1-2)
-For Spiritual Power
(Matthew 17:18-21)
The first thing you need to do before you fast is set a definite time period for your fast. As a church, we will be fasting together for 21 days, from November 1-21. If you do a partial fast, you should decide which meals in a day or week you will be fasting.
The second thing you need to do is decide which type of fast you will undertake. Will it be a normal fast, a Daniel fast, or perhaps a television and entertainment fast?
If you are going on a prolonged fast, please don't begin your fast immediately but rather gradually cut your food intake back and then begin your fast. Also cease drinking caffeine products a few days before you start a prolonged fast so you can get over the withdrawl headaches before you start.
Drink warm water instead of cold and do not drink too much water at one time. Do not drink milk, coffee, or other beverages during the fast for this will be considered dieting and not fasting. (Follow these procedures on all types of fasts except the absolute fast.)
Do not take excessively hot baths during a prolonged fast; for this may cause dizziness. However, take a bath regularly during your fast because fasting causes many impurities to be secreted through the pores of your skin thus causing an odor.
Do not engage in excessive work or exercise. Walk, read, pray, and worship during mealtimes to overcome temptations.
Some Symptoms You May Experience
You may experience headaches, nausea, low fever, stomach pains, and sleeplessness. If you have any of these symptoms do not take medication for them.
Three phases of a prolonged fast:
At first you will strongly crave what you are missing, then feel weak and faint for 2-3 days, and then grow stronger as the fast continues.
Breaking the fast
Breaking the fast is the most difficult period after the fast; it requires discipline and self-control. If you fast for 40 days, then you should allow your body an adequate period of time to recover so you will be able to resume your regular diet.
Start with some vegetable and fruit juices a little at a time and maybe a cup of watered-down soup. The following day, start to drink juices and increase the thickness of the soup. Continue to do this until you gradually begin to build yourself back up.