Private & Confidential









Managing Performance Policy – potential gross incompetence Notice of suspension

Contact HR prior to sending this letter.

Timescale:Send this letter within 4 calendar days of the meeting.

Save:Save this letter tot the employee’s ePF

I write following our meeting of <date>when <I/manager> met with youto discuss concerns that had arisen regarding your performance. I am writingto confirm that you are formally suspended from duty, on full pay, with effect from <date>.

The decision to suspend you is precautionary and does not prejudge the result of the outcome of any subsequent formal meeting. During the investigation we will keep the need for you to be suspended under review and inform you if your suspension can be lifted.

While you are suspended, investigations will focus on the following area/s of gross incompetence:-

Give details:




Should you be required to attend a formal meeting and you will be given up to 9 calendar days’ notice of the meeting.At a formal performance meeting you have the right to be accompanied by a single companion who is a trade union representative or official, or work colleague from the Council.

<As you are a qualified Social Worker / Occupational Therapist who is required to register with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) we are obliged to inform them. > Delete if NOT required or adjust wording as appropriate

During the period of suspension you remain an employee of Hampshire County Council and subject to the normal terms and conditions of your employment. This includes abiding by normal reporting procedures, making yourself available for meetings and providing us with details of any change in your contact details.

You are responsible for managing your annual leave during a period of suspension. You may request annual leave whilst suspended and this will be approved where it does not cause unnecessary delay to the disciplinary process. The fact that you are suspended will not be an automatic reason for carrying forward outstanding leave at the end of the leave year.

Should you become unwell you should inform <me/your line manager/another> immediately in the usual way, giving the reasons, anticipated duration and indicate whether you are well enough to attend any meetings arranged by the investigating officer. The sickness absence pay scheme will apply in the normal way and you should record your absence through ESS lite and send your statement of fitness for work certificate/s to your line manager in line with current practice.

While you are suspended <namewill act as a focal point to help you with any questions you have, and to keep you informed of relevant events within the Department. You can contact <him/her> on <telephone number>.

If you feel you need additional support, you may wish to contact the 24/7 Employee Support. This is a free, impartial and confidential service and is available to all employees, it is designed to help you across a wide range of areas related to your work life or personal life.All calls are answered by qualified and experienced counsellors. You can contact Employee Support on freephone 0800 030 5182 (or0161 836 9498 if calling from a mobile) at any time. Further information is available at

Finally, if you have any other queries about the procedure you may contact HR Operations.

Yours sincerely

Full Display Name


Enclosed: Managing Performance Procedure

Copy:<HR Caseworker>

<Line Manager, if applicable>