Department of Computer Science
2366 Main Mall
Vancouver, B.C., V6T 1Z4
Call for Participation:
Human-Computer Interaction Course Projects
[Instructions to students:
- Fill in all areas in angle brackets, such as <…>, and remove the grey shading.
- Follow the instructions which are all given in square brackets, such as […], and then delete the instruction sentences themselves, including this one.
- You must not change the wording of anything in this document, except where indicated.]
You are invited to participate in a small research study about <fill in briefly, e.g., smartphone usability, as part of a course called <course title> in the Department of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia.
Who can participate?
You must be:
· 19 years of age or older (or a UBC student who is 17 years or older)
· <fill in additional inclusion criteria, e.g., own a smartphone>
What is involved?
[Delete the options below that will NOT be used in your study, feel free to re-order.]
You will be asked to:
· Answer some interview questions
· Complete <a questionnaire OR an online questionnaire>
· Participate in a focus group
· Be observed in a naturalistic setting while doing an activity (more specifically, <give brief details here, e.g., interacting with your smartphone on the bus>)
· Perform several tasks in a laboratory-like setting
· Be videotaped while participating in the above activity
What is the time commitment? <fill in, e.g., 30 minutes, or 3 sessions that are 10 min each
Is there compensation? No, we regret we are unable to compensate you.
Interested in Participating?
Please contact us here: <name(s) and/or contact details, e.g., email address(es) or webpage>
If you have any concerns about this call for participation or study, please contact the course instructor: <instructor name> at <instructor email address or office phone number.
Reference: CS HCI courses, Aug 27, 2012, project team name Page 1 of 2