The Delaware State Use Law Commission
Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2013
Roger Levy, Mary Page Bailey, Paul Beane, Thomas Burns, Terry Cipolla, Connie Hughes, Robert Doyle, Michelle Mirabella, Andy Kloepfer, Valerie Watson.
Rita Landgraf, Henry Smith, Elisha Jenkins and Debra Mills-Joe.
Jason Crouch, Dean Stotler and Ty Case.
** Robert Doyle is resigning effective immediately as he has taken another position in the state of Florida.
Mr. Levy called the meeting to order.
I. Secretary Rita Landgraf
Secretary Landgraf discussed, "Values and Diversity in the Workforce". She also stated that Governor Markell is the Chair of National Governor's Advisory Council and has on his agenda to:
- enhance employment
-to generate momentum
-to educating (private and public sectors)
-to partner with Industry and State government
-to utilize the state structure to enhance employment
Walgreens and Highmark (out of Pittsburg), and Microsoft on the West Coast are the top leaders of this venture. Invitations went to Government + 5 Government staff members. Thirty-two (32) states attended along with Washington's Institute attended the conference in Pittsburg at a round table discussion on primarily Vocational Rehabilitation. DC and Pittsburg was primarily Voc. Rehab. Utah's Orientation & Mobility Director is legally blind and was the LT. Governor candidate previously.
Governor Markell will be stepping down in August 2013 as Chair of the NGA. An e-mail will be going out with the blueprint, the history and the best practices tool kit. Each state commitment prior to August meeting is to show gain.
The Delaware draft:
Survey of all state employees
Low disclosure rate
Little spent on accommodations
Employees not successful due to none existing accommodations
Disability friendly workplace
Temporary placements
Selective placement (w/o government process)
Market Assertively
Website in one place
Connect with Education early-one experience =exposure
Project search
Christiana Care is the model in State Government for Internships/paid/unpaid/average wage. Over 600 employees were placed by the State Use Law last year.
Secretary Landgraf also stated that there were (38) temporary and (6) full- time placements last year of disabled individuals with the state. It was stated that if each individual with a disability has at least (1) job experience or internship, the probability of them finding a full-time job greatly increases. It was observed that a lot of Procurement offices were not familiar with the State Use Law when it came to hiring people with disabilities. Paul Beane of DelARF will head up a Sub-group on State Use Law. He will also be sending out an e-mail to all the committee members to make revisions to the document submitted by the group that put together the "State Use" document for recommendations that was not coming from the commissioner.
II. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of the last meeting was deferred approval due to corrections that needed to be made, and will be re-submitted at the next meeting along with June's meeting minutes. Members will send comments for correction to Debra Mills-Joe via e-mail and she will incorporate into the exiting notes.
III. Old Business
IV. New Business
There was a request to change the day of the SULC meeting. The suggested day is the 3rd Tuesday afternoon of each month. There was a vote and it was unanimous. This will go into effect on July 16, 2013. The group is trying at this time to reserve room 198 on the first floor of the Main Building at the Herman Holloway campus permanently. This information will be posted on the state website.
V. DELARF Report
The Annual Report deadline of 8/15/13 has changed. The 1st draft to the Commissioner by 8/13/13 and submit pictures and stories from providers to Jack Holloway. It was suggested that the stats be updated by 7/19/13 and that they by highlighted, bigger and in color.
The Change in Scope of Services- the DelDOT N. Building requested that service days be changed from (3) days a week to (5) days a week for cleaning. The price change is: currently $13,126 a year and the newly approved cost is $13,450 a year. The area being mentioned connects to the yard. DelDOT controls how dirty it gets and the linoleum flooring is now carpet for easier maintenance. Also included in this increase in cost is transportation, trash bags and the cleaning of the microwave at this location.
VI. DIB Report
Andy Kloepfer reported that the UAW has ordered (100) shirts for Saturday, June 22, 2013 (rush order). The NIB had solicited (3) other agencies to create an Emblem and all (3) failed. DIB was able to successfully conquer this task and was awarded the contract. The ISO manager's meeting is the week of June 24th. There is also an upcoming audit.
At the last month's meeting Andy reported about the Governor's visit in April. Mr. Levy asked Andy to recapture this event. He reported that the Governor was only there for about 20 minutes and he toured the DIB facility and all its operations and at the end was presented with a plaque by the individual that created it for him.
VII. Adjournment
Roger Levy asked if there was a motion to adjourn this meeting. Thomas Burns motioned to adjourn this meeting. Robert Doyle seconded the motion all are in favor. The meeting was adjourned.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, July 16, 2013 at 2:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted
Debra Mills-Joe