EDEWG Meeting

Minutes 10/07/2004

Utilities: Allegheny Power, FirstEnergy, PECO, Duquesne Light, PPL, GPU, Penn Power

Suppliers / Service Providers: Green Mountain, Energy Services Group, UGI Energy Services, 8760, Allegheny Energy

Others: PUC

Nominees for EDEWG Co-Chair - Utility

Diane Goff has resigned her position of EDEWG Co-Chair – Utility effective immediately. The PA EDEWG graciously thanks Diane for her dedication, devotion, and hard work throughout her 7 years of service. Anyone wishing to contact Diane may do so via

The EDEWG will accept nominations for Co-Chair – Utility through October, 21 2004. Please send nominations via email to Brandon and Annunciata Marino . Self nominations are welcomed and encouraged by anyone wishing to do so.

Brandon Siegel has volunteered to tentatively serve as Change Control Manager and Transaction Set Owner until further notice.

Any questions regarding the position should be directed to Brandon Siegel or Annunciata Marino.

867 Interval Usage - Sample Change review

Waiting response from one EDC regarding the description on how they send detail 867IU data. EDEWG will contact the EDC and a follow-up red-line 867IU will be sent to the list server.

NAESB TEIS Meeting in Pittsburgh, PA

The NAESBRetail Electric Quadrant (REQ) Technical Electronic Implementation Subcommittee (TEIS)will be meeting in Pittsburgh, PA on October 13th and 14th. Dominion is hosting the meeting. For more information: REQ Technical Electronic Implementation Subcommittee

George Behr gave a high level brief of TEIS agenda items.

  1. Discussion of the REQ specific Electronic Delivery Mechanism (QEDM).
  2. Continuation of transaction set discussions, transforming the work of the NAESB Customer Process Subcommittee.

A brief discussion of the NAESB TEIS impact to FREDI was held. While no short term impact was noted, Pennsylvania will release for public comment the final TEIS standards when published by NAESB to ascertain whether Pennsylvania should adopt these standards. The EDEWG participants are greatly encouraged to participate in the NAESB TEIS efforts.

FREDI Update

FREDI conference calls are held each month immediately preceding the PA EDEWG callat 1PM ET. To be added to the FREDI distribution list, please contact George

Next Call

The next call will be Thursday, November 4, 2004 at 2:00 PM Eastern Time. The phone number is 717-901-0620.