WestcourtPrimary School


Post Held / Learning Mentor
Salary Scale / Kent Range 5
Hours/Week / 35 x 39 weeks per year (term time only) 8.00am-4.00pm
Purpose of Job / To provide a complimentary service to teachers and associate staff addressing the needs of children who need help to overcome barriers to learning both inside and outside the school, in order to achieve their full potential
Principal Accountabilities /
  • To support children’s behaviour through the positive behaviour policy
  • To keep up to date records relating to the roleand record and monitor all incidents of behaviour including bullying
  • To monitor behaviour on a daily basis including report sheets and work closely with the SLT
  • To be responsible for the Westcourt Achievement KSS award including Anti Bullying & School Travel Plan
  • To monitor behaviour and reward systems in school
  • To work with all staff to support vulnerable children in the classrooms
  • To organise Peer Mentoring and Playground Buddies
  • To work closely with Inclusion Manager to provide pastoral support for families and children
  • Advising parents on behaviour strategies and parenting skills
  • To take responsibility for the Breakfast club including organising activities
  • To develop children’s economic wellbeing through fund raising and charity events to support mini enterprise
  • To liaise with the Community Warden and PCSCO to develop community links
  • To attend home visits with Inclusion team
  • To establish and foster good relationships with parents/carers of children and the school
  • Encourage parental involvement in the school and its activities
  • Attending and participating in relevant local and national training
  • Helping with transition activities for pupils moving to secondary school

To whom responsible / Inclusion Manager
To work closely with / Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Inclusion Manager

This job description will be reviewed annually and may be subject to amendment or modification at any time after consultation with the post holder. It is not a comprehensive statement of procedures and tasks, but sets out the main expectations of the School in relation to the post holder’s professional responsibilities and duties, including the provision of high quality teaching and learning and the pastoral care of the children in their charge. Elements of this job description and changes to it may be negotiated at the request of either the Headteacher or the incumbent of the post.

Name: / Dated:
Signed: / Revision date: