DSPD, Things to know about applying for support

AGENCY TITLE: The Division of Services for People with Disabilities

PHONE: 264-7620

FAX: 264-7672

ADDRESS: 655 East 4500 South

Murray, Utah84107

HOURS: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00PM

WHAT THEY DO: Provide supports to people with disabilities and to their families.


  • Determine eligibility for services and if eligible, add your name to the waiting list to fund services. Those people with the most critical needs are served first.
  • Evaluate your support needs and create a person centered plan to help you.
  • Offer support coordination.
  • Fund respite, recreations and social opportunities, living and employment supports and personal attendant services.
  • Provide information and referral to other community agencies and resources.

The process of applying for support through the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) is known as intake and eligibility. Family income is not an issue for eligibility; it is based on the disability of the person.

Dealing with government agencies requires individuals to become their own advocates. Keeping good records such as your own copies of filled out, signed forms and a contact log of who, when and wheat information is exchanged may save you time and effort. Depending on where you live there may be a waiting list for services. If at any time your family is in a crisis situation it is important that you let the local Division office know as soon as possible.

When you call the office to begin the intake process ask about you local and or regional Family Support Council. Councils are made up of parent volunteers. They can discuss you questions regarding services and other community resources for your family.

Funding for services has not kept pace with the needs for services; therefore waiting lists in SaltLakeCounty are common. Parents who get involved in legislative efforts can influence the appropriation for funding waiting lists. Parents and their communities are urged to become involved in the legislative efforts of Family Support Councils and with the Legislative Coalition.

As a DSPD contract provider, Foundations for Independence can help design a support plan based on your needs. When you’re ready to choose a provider please call us at 266-1805 and we will make every effort to meet your needs. For more information check us out on the web at