An energetic understanding of Allergy
Energetic medicine sees allergy as being symptomatic of series of disturbances, it may be the most obvious symptom (particularly to sufferers) but, for an allergy to develop, the following four processes must be contributing
- The immune system has recognised benign substances as a threat and is attacking them
- Toxins are accumulating in the body and overwhelming its natural detoxification capacities
- Individuals have deficiencies of vital nutrients
- Their system is overwhelmed by infective agents or other environmental assaults.
Immune system sensitisation
The core element that is failing when individuals develop allergic reactions to benign substances is over-activation of their immune system. Orthodox medicine explains this response in terms of human digestion, whereby food is broken down into nutrients that can be absorbed and used by the body. Medicine accepts that, when digestion is impaired or when the walls of the gut are damaged and become permeable, proteins and peptides are released from the gut to the blood stream in a partially digested form. These molecules can be large enough for the immune system to class them as foreign agents and potential threat (or ‘antigen’). Having detected their presence, lymphocytes (white blood cells) produce special proteins known as antibodies to destroy them.
This process is, of course, vital to protect the body from harmful foreign substances and to prevent the proliferation of damaged or cancerous cells. However when the immune system becomes sensitised to and begins attacking benign substances, individuals become symptomatic when exposed to these. An inflammation response will occur via the production of histamine at the site. Its role is to dilate the blood vessels so that more lymphocytes can congregate there, and to speed up the metabolism of the cells. However, too much histamine results in excessive inflammation that is symptomatic of allergy
Impaired detoxification
Alongside the core problem of immune system sensitisation, the other main contributor to allergies is impaired detoxification capacity. These can be compromised
- Genetically
- As a result of early or excessive exposure to exogenous toxins
- When a leaky gut allows partially digested food into the bloodstream. (see above)
Allergic reactions are a sure sign that individuals’ total body load exceeds their current tolerance level. As they become progressively overloaded, individuals’ tolerance continues to decline, while their load of toxins continues to increase, until the immune system is exhausted. This process can take many years, during which time suffers are caught up in a progressive downward spiral of escalating and chronic ill health
Nutrient deficiency
The third contributor to allergies is a deficiency of nutrients, arising either from inadequate intake or from compromised ability to metabolise nutrients. Particular allergens (such as milk) cause direct damage to the villi in the intestinal wall with results that the body absorbs fewer vitamins and minerals, even if their intake is adequate. Nutrient deficiencies create imbalances in metabolism which give rise to unbalanced behaviour by the cell. Meanwhile certain deficiencies make individuals’ immune system more likely to react inappropriate to foods. Deficiencies can also lead to the accumulation of toxins such as heavy metals.
Heavy exposure to infective agents or to environmental hazards such as metals or chemicals will add to the load on the body. When the body’s coping capacity is exceeded, toxins will accumulate, allergies will emerge and immune system and metabolic exhaustion can ensue
How can we help?
BICOM 2000
Allergy testing identifies substances (allergens and intolerances) that are negatively affecting your total body load – which is the total load of environmental stressors in your body. With move environmental stressors on your body, your total body load increases and you become unhealthy.
Every substance has a “signature” frequency pattern, ie. a unique frequency pattern that is specific to that particular substance. Testing with the BICOM machine uses these signature frequency patterns to determine which substances are placing a “strain” on your body.
Allergens are tested by using an electro-puncture stylus which is non-invasive and pain free. Our allergy treatments using Bio-resonance Therapy (BRT) reduce your total body load, stabilizing your energetic system and assisting in your body’s own detoxification process.
The naturopathic approach to allergies is to identify why the individual has the allergy, and then treat the root cause of the problem.
If you are suffering from allergies that were present since birth or came back all of a sudden, or suspect that you may be suffering from allergies to the environment or certain foods,we can help you identify what caused the allergy to come about in the first placeand help you treat the cause, we can alsohelp you to decrease allergenic reactions to the environment and foods using natural supplements, along with other naturopathic modalities.
Alternative therapies help to reduce inflammation, minimize hypersensitivity reactions, modulate the immune system and heal the digestive tract.
An elimination / challenge trial may help uncover sensitivities. Remove suspected foods from the diet for two weeks. Reintroduce one at a time and watch for reactions. Do not perform a challenge with peanuts if there is history of anaphylactic shock.
A rotation diet, in which the same food is not eaten more than once every four days, may be helpful in minimizing allergic reactions.
Reduce pro-inflammatory foods in the dietincluding saturated fats (meats, especially poultry, and dairy), refined foods, and sugar. If you are sensitive to antibiotics, eat only organic meats. Increase intake of vegetables, whole grains, and essential fatty acids (cold-water fish, nuts [unless allergic to them], and seeds).
Omega 3 and certain Omega 6 essential fatty acids, such as flaxseed, borage, or evening primrose oil can be anti-inflammatory. Children should be supplemented with cod liver oil (1/2 to 1 tsp. per day).
Colon Cleans
The colon (large intestine/bowel) is approximately 5-6 ft in length and 1 inch in diameter. The bowel has a two-way wall and completes the digestive process, absorbing nutrients and water from the digested foods and receiving dead cells, tissues and waste toxins from around the body. It acts as the body's sewage system.
Our bodies are bombarded from every direction with substances we were not designed to process or eliminate such as air pollution, chemicals founds in our food, and industrial, beauty and household products. When married with our Western lifestyle- stress, alcohol, cigarettes, infrequent exercise and improper diet, the body is overloaded and cannot eliminate the toxins properly.
If the toxins are not eliminated the result is auto-intoxication, which is the putrefaction within the intestinal tract. The waste materials intended for a healthy exit become reabsorbed into the bloodstream and redistributed around the body.
As years pass a person's body, who continues to eat poorly and live under emotional stress, will gradually become overwhelmed by the built-up toxicity. This is when diseases such as allergies, arthritis, migraines, skin disorders, heart disease, gout, metabolic/hormone imbalances, Crohn's Disease, constipation, parasites, Candida and others can manifest themselves.