1.1JOB TITLE:Clay Works! Project Development Officer
1.2SALARY:£25,000 pro rata, per annum
1.3DATES:April 2016 – August 2017 (17 months)
1.4HOURS:30 hours per week
1.5LOCATION:Based at Wheal Martyn, Carthew, St Austell, Cornwall
1.6RESPONSIBLE TO:Heritage & Environment Director
2.1To develop our Clay Works! Project, to include public consultation, liaison with potential funders, partners, stakeholders, contractors and consultants in accordance with the agreed development plans. Complete successful funding applications for the project leading to thedelivery stage of the project.
3.1Develop and write an agreed Clay Works! Heritage Lottery Fund round two application to be submitted in August 2017.
3.2Seek and secure match funding as required to complete the funding package for the project and to assist in delivering Wheal Martyn’s Fundraising Strategy.
3.3Organise and host consultative events with the community, general public, relevant organisations and stakeholders. Present the project positively at meetings on and off site and maintain regular liaison with Historic England.
3.4Develop and write the project Business Plan and an Activity Plan in accordance with HLF requirements including volunteer recruitment and training.
3.5Develop communication, interpretation and evaluation plans
3.6Liaise with contractors undertaking an Access Audit and Museum Master Planning work
3.7In liaison with relevant managers commission the writing of a habitat management plan, bat survey and pre-work archaeological assessment
3.8Assist as required with planning and preparing for capital works including sourcing tenders, planning permission and consents
3.9Update project budgets
4.1Experience in securing grant funds for large projects.
4.2Project development and management experience, meeting time frames and quality within allocated costs
4.3Experience in writing business plans.
4.4Dealing with the general public
4.5Track record of taking schemes from planning, through funding, to implementation
4.6Good geographical knowledge of mid Cornwall
4.7A network of contacts within grant funding bodies and heritage, tourism and conservation organisations
4.8Knowledge of built heritage and an appreciation of conservation, wildlife and habitat management issues.
4.9Experience of working with Historic England and Heritage Lottery Fund
4.10Excellent command of written and spoken English.
4.11Excellent presentation skills and
4.12Ability to engage positively with a range of stakeholders
4.13Basic IT
4.14Good telephone manner
4.15Ability to follow instructions and work under own direction
4.16Adaptable and enthusiastic
4.17Good team worker, able to communicate will with colleagues
4.18Willing to undertake training and to train others.
4.19Smart personal appearance and professional image
4.20Current clean driving licence
4.21Educated to Degree level or equivalent
4.22Project Management Qualification
5. Additional Information
5.1 A project summary accompanies this job description and can be found on the Wheal Martyn website
Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum
Clay Works!
Project Summary January 2016
- Wheal Martyn
Wheal Martyn is the UK’s only China Clay museum.The museum was established in 1975 by the producers of china clay in Cornwall to preserve and record the history of the mid Cornwall area. It is situated alongside the St Austell River in a valley which contained several china clay works. The old clay works opened as part of the museum in 1975 and became a Scheduled Ancient Monument, under English Heritage’s scheme, in 1978. As well as the historic buildings the museums owns and looks after a large collection of items associated with the china clay industry. This incorporates machinery and vintage vehicles, social history objects, tools, minerals and framed art works. There is also a large archive of related material, including documentary, photographic and films. The majority of the archive is held off-site and managed by the China Clay History Society. Visitors to the site are guided by marked trails, either following the ‘historic’ trail, which explores the historic buildings at the core of the site, or the ‘nature’ trail, which covers the rest of the 26 acre site. The view into the working pit is one of the highlights for visitors.
The Wheal Martyn Trust was originally set up by English China Clays and was operated by a board of trustees, many of which worked in the industry. In April 2010 Wheal Martyn was merged with South West Lakes Trust. South West Lakes Trustis the region’s largest combined environmental and recreational charity.
- Clay Works! Project Outline
To consolidate and preserve the Mica Dry building, part of the Scheduled Ancient Monument at Wheal Martyn China Clay Museum; providing access to a new area of the museum. The redundant historic building will be re-used to create temporary exhibition space along with a multi-purpose room for learning and engagement, which will connect not only different levels of the museum but also provide access to outdoor learning space (former settling tanks) to complement the new internal space. The project will also carry out priority consolidation works to other aspects of the Scheduled Ancient Monument highlighted in the Conservation Management Plan researched and written in 2013.
Volunteers and visitors will be engaged in heritage skills training during the construction phase and workshops post construction with the aim to create a heritage skills volunteer team based at Wheal Martyn for the foreseeable future.
- Project Delivery
3.1 Development Phase
A HLF grant of £155,000 has been secured to develop the Clay Works Project. The Development period is 22 months, with the employment of a Project Development Officer for 19 months. During the development phase the Project Development Officer will be responsible for developing the funding package, this will include all aspects required by HLF for a round 2 submission in August 2017, this includes the project business plan, activity plan, match funding and stakeholder engagement.
During the development phase the following work will be commissioned to feed into the overall project plans
Museum master planning report to inform future plans for the museum
Access audit to feed into planning for final project designs
Archaeological assessment & full bat survey of associated buildings
Produce a site specific habitats and species conservation management plan
Instruct architect to develop planning permissions, consents and obtain building regulations working with QS & structural engineer and develop tender documents
3.2 Delivery Phase
If successful the Delivery Phase will recruit a ‘Heritage Skills Officer’ for 18 months to deliver the following
Interpretation development & installation
Volunteer archaeological work & construction skills training
Events and promotion
Stakeholder liaison
Establish a SAM/Historic buildings volunteer team
Activity Plan
Reporting, monitoring and evaluating
This phase will see the major construction and consolidation works to the Mica Dry Building, in brief the work will be as follows
Instruct professional team (architect, QS, engineer)
Confirm tender & award to contractor
Archaeological pre work
Construction phase (7 months)
Monitoring and evaluation
The delivery phase is currently valued at £976,000, this figure is expected to alter as estimates secured further and as the project develops.
- Project Outcomes
4.1 Heritage
- The Scheduled Ancient Monument will be in an improved condition with significant risks reduced
- Access to the Mica Dry building with temporary exhibition and learning spaces will enable more people to understand and engage with the History of China Clay
4.2 People
- The local community and visitors, of all abilities will have improved access to the museum and collections at Wheal Martyn thus improving engagement and understanding of the heritage
- The education space will enable more people learn about China Clay History
- Volunteers will learn new skills essential to the project’s success
4.3 Communities
- Endangered species (bats) will be protected and habitats improved
- New facilities will demonstrate efficient energy use and local contractors will be encouraged to bid for works where possible
- These essential works will set up the heritage for longer term smaller scale more readily achievable investments
- Additional skills learnt by volunteers may lead to paid future employment
- The increase in provision for all forms of learning will allow Wheal Martyn to engage a wider range of people with the attraction
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Post applied for: / Closing date:1. PERSONAL DETAILS
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2. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY - Present or most recent employment
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Details of any relevant learning and development. Please include dates.
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Professional / Technical membership
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Please read the job description and person specification. Using examples, show how your knowledge, skills and experience meet each of the essential requirements of the person specification and as many desirable
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Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Do you hold a current full driving licence? Yes No
Do you have access to a vehicle?YesNo
Do you have any endorsements? Yes No
If Yes, please state offence and date
Are you eligible to work in the UK and have any relevant work permits? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of an offence excluding those
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A Disclosure is only requested after a thorough risk assessment has indicated that one is both proportionate and relevant to the position concerned. For those positions where a Disclosure is required it will be requested in the event of the individual being offered the position.
Are you related to any South West Lakes Trust employees? Yes No
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Signature: / Date:Where did you see the advertisement for this post?
Equal opportunities monitoring form.
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PL15 7PF