- You got the ball, We want the ball, HEY! Defense, Defensehigh v
- Hey! Turn up the heat!
Push ‘em back big D! - D-D-D-Defense!
- Defense, Trojans, Defense!F-,dn, B-up
- Hands up XX Defense!
- Take it away, Defense!
Take it – Away! - Take that ball away, 1-2-3 ripple
Defense, take that ball away! - Do it again, Do it again!
Defense, Defense! - Defense x let’s stop ‘em x shock ‘em, and rock ‘em
- T to the A to the K to the E
Take that ball away! - Block that kick! X
- Put up the fence XX
Put up the Deeeeee-fense!
- Sack X That quarterback
Crush through that line! XF-low, B-high - A-T-T-A-C-K, Trojans, Attack!
A-T-T-A-C-K, We want the ball back! - Defense, go! Defense, go!
XX Go Defense! - D-E-F-ENSE (stomp),
Defense! Xx Defense! X - Defense X Push ‘em back X
Push ‘em back, push ‘em back
Hold that line! 1-2-3 ripple - Get that ball Trojans,
Defense Get that ball!
- Push ‘em back,
Take ‘em down,
Defense, Defense! Line switch
- First and Ten, Do it Again!
First and Ten!
- We, We,We want a touchdown
Score, score, score! - Who are we?
What do we want?
Trojans, Touchdown!
- Touchdown, Trojans, Touchdown!F-up, B-dn
- Come on, Come on, Let’s score
Trojans, 6 more! - 6 More, 6 More slap clap
Come on Trojans,
Let’s up that score! - O-F-F-E-N-S-E! Offense XX Offense! X
- T, O-U-C-H, D, O-W-N
Touchdown! X 6 points! - Move the ball, down the field
Score, score, score! X 1-2-3 ripple - Pump up that score
Let’s get 6 more - Offense, Trojans, We want a Touchdown!Circle up with both arms
- X Do it again, X score some more, Gooooo Trojans! X
- C’mon Trojans, Up that score!
Let’s Go! Let’s Win! - First down, First down, First & Ten
- Move it, Get to it,
Touchdown! Touchdown! Line switch - All the way, All the way
Score, score, score! X 1-2-3 ripple - Trojans xx Trojans xx
First and ten, let’s do it again! - Shoot for 2 x shoot for 2 x
Come on Trojans, let’s score! x
- G-O, G-O, Yell Go Trojans, Go
- If you want to win tonight, You gotta F-I-G-H-T, Fight, Fight, Fight!
- F-I-G-H-T, Trojans X1-2-3 ripple
Let’s fight
- Stand up XX
Clap your hands XX
Trojans XX Trojans XX - We are, We are,
We are the grove! XX - Go Big Red! (standing & sitting versions)
- Let’s go Trojans X-X-XXX
- Let’s get a little bit rowdy,
Trojans are XX rowdy! - Here we go, Trojans, Here we go!
- We are XX Trojans X
- Red XX White X North,
Let’s fight!F-up, B-down - Let’s Go, CG North, let’s go!
- Go Trojans, Go Trojans, GO!
Go, Trojans, Go! F-up, B-down - Fire up, up, fire UP!
And yell for the Trojans! - Let’s Get Fired Up! X, X, X-X-X
- Let’s hear it for the Best XX MSN!
- X-X-XXX-XXXX, Let’s Go!
- Ahhhh, Trojans!
North! Red & White! - Fire up X Up! X Everybody fire up!
- Go x Go, Go Trojans, Go Beat Central! Slow down
- G-O, G-O, Hey Trojans X Let’s Go!B-1st, F-2nd
- Hey, Hey, Hey, Trojans! Go big red! X
- M S N x We are the best, Oh Yes!
- You know who’s the best,
so yell, MSN! - Red, silver and white x
Win, tonight! x - Go Trojans Go, Give Me a G- G!, Give Me an O- O! B-1st, F-2nd, B-switch on “O”
Give Me a G, Give Me an O, Give me a Go Trojans, Go! - Yell it, Yell it
C’mon, let’s go!
M-S-N! 1-2-3 ripple
- The Trojan Beat
- Give me a “T”!
- Gooooooo, Trojans, Go! XXX
- G to the O, Yell it, Go—GO! X
- M S N Trojans!
North! X We wanna hear you shout!
M S N Trojans X M S N Trojans
North X One More Time!
M S N Trojans X M S N Trojans!
Long Cheers
MSN Red and White
North! Let’s hear it
Show your Trojan Spirit
Yell MSN x MSN
North! Let’s hear it
Show your Trojan Spirit
Yell Red and White x Red and White,
MSN Red and White!
Let’s Get Loud
Trojans, Trojans, Let’s get loud!
Yell the letters that make you proud!
Trojans, Trojans, Let’s get loud!
Yell the colors that make you proud!
Red and White, Red and White
1, 2, 3—Everybody yell red, red, red
Everybody yell white, white, white
Everybody yell red, red, red X
Now white, white, white
MSN X Who are, Who are, Who are We
Who are, Who are, Who are We
We’re Red XXX And XXX White XXX
Red and White
We’re M XXX S XXX N XXX Red and White!
Yelling for the Best! (stairs going up)
If you’re yelling for the best
Yell MSN, MSN!
If you want another win
Yell MSN, MSN!
If you’re proud to be a Trojan
Yell MSN! MSN!
Go North, Trojans win!
Trojan fans, we’ve got the beat
Clap your hands & stomp your feet X
Yell Go! XX North!
Go! XX North!
Trojan fans, let’s hear it again
Clap your hands with Trojans win X
Yell Trojans! XX Win!
Trojans! XX Win!
Go! XX North!
Trojans! XX Win!
NCA Camp Cheer
Twenty, fourteen
The year of the best x
M – S – N x Better than the rest x
Game Day Cheer #1
1, 2, 3, 4
M S N xxx, M S N xxx
M S N Yell with us, M S N xxx
Hey crowd what you say
Yell M S N, yell it M S N x
Hey fans show your pride
Yell go, fight, win
Yell it go, fight, win x
Put it, together
Yell M S N x go, fight, win x
M S N x go, fight, win x
Yell it M S N x go, fight, win!
We are the Trojans
The best you’ve ever seen
Second to none
We’re out for number one x
Striving for victory
Come on crowd yell for your team
Yell M S N, Yell it M S N!
Gooo Trojans X Beeeat Central X
Hey North, Over here, Over here! Yell
Gooo Trojans X Gooo Trojans!
Hey North, Over here, Over here! Yell
Beeeat Central XBeeeat Central
Hey North, Over here, Over here! Yell
Gooo Trojans X Beeeat Central X
Gooo Trojans X Beeeat Central X
MSN, spell it out
Trojan fansXX Let’s get loud XX
Come on crowd XX
Spell it out XX
M-S-N Spell it out 1-2-3 ripple
M-S-N 1-2-3 ripple
We are XX CG X
Fans on this side X Left hip, RT arm high V
Show your Trojan pride
Yell we are XX CG! X
We are XX CG! X
Fans on this side X RT hip, Left arm high V
Show your Trojan pride
Yell we are XX Trojans! X
We are XX Trojans!
We are XX CG! X We are XX Trojans!
Red Hot
Our team is R-E-D (red) H-O-T (hot)
You can’t stop that stuff we got
Red Hot X Woo! Red Hot X Ah!
Here We Go!
This side yell Red, Red
This side yell White, White
Red, White, Red, White
We’re MSN XX
We’re Red and White XX
We’re the M, We’re the S,
We’re the N XX 1-2-3 ripple
We’re MSN XX We’re MSN XX
We’re the home, of the red,
And the white XX 1-2-3 ripple
We’re red and white XX
We’re red and white XX
We’re MSN XX We’re Red and White!
Red, Silver and White x
The Trojans, that’s right x
Stand up, and Shout x
Let’s win x tonight