Job Description
Job Title:ReliefProject worker –Day Centre
Reporting to: Centre Manager
Date of Issue:January 2018
Vision and Mission
COPE Galway’s vision is Improved Quality of Life in a Home of your own for people affected by homelessness and its ambition is to see everybody living in a home that meets their needs.
The mission of COPE Galway Homeless Services is to contribute to people finding and keeping their own homes and to improved quality of life.
COPE Galway recognises that people need to live and sustain themselves safely in the community. All COPE Galway homeless services ranging from prevention, emergency response, resettlement and tenancy support are focused on helping people to achieve these outcomes.
Community Model
COPE Galway’s community model approach is to assist with buildings strong connections between the individual and the community to sustain an independent and satisfying living environment, and the ultimate aim of all of the organisations homeless services is that people can maintain their own homes within their chosen communities.
COPE Galway homeless services
COPE Galway operates a range of services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including;
Day Centre and Family Support Services at Teach Corrib targeted on people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including the provision of information and referral to accommodation and mainstream services and assistance is securing long term accommodation. Food and access to washing and laundry facilities are available. The service works with both single person households and families through the Family Support Services. The service operates from Monday to Saturday during day time hours.
Emergency accommodation services – 24/7 services at Fairgreen Hostel (26 spaces for single men), Osterley Lodge (12 spaces for women and women with children) and Winter Initiative (additional beds for men in Fairgreen Hostel for winter months) focused on responding to the accommodation and other support needs of people who are in crises and in need of emergency accommodation and supporting them to move out of homelessness and secure suitable longer term accommodation. An Out of Hours Freephone Service operates each evening from 7pm to 11pm and facilitates referrals and placements for people in need of emergency accommodation.
Resettlement and Tenancy Sustainment Services – focused on supporting people through their transition to independent living when moving out of homelessness and for the period of time required to help establish and sustain their tenancy. Referrals from COPE Galway emergency accommodation services are prioritised and the service is delivered in a range of ways including regular home visits, appointments in the offices and public meeting places and on-going telephone contact.
Transitional accommodation at the Towards Independence Project (Bridge House) for six men which prioritises referrals from the Fairgreen Hostel and allocates a space conditional on participation in a programme focused on preparation for independent living and the active pursuit of independent accommodation. This forms part of the Resettlement and Tenancy Sustainment service.
Overall Purpose of the job
The post of Relief Project Worker will involve providing staffing cover for when Project Workers are on leave as and when required. It will involve working directly with all clients as part of the day centre staff team responding appropriately to their needs including working with users of the Family Support Services aspect of the service.
Priority clients will be people who are rough sleeping and who are marginalised and entrenched in homelessness; an approach based on an acceptance of where they are at in their lives and interventions focused on harm minimisation will be adapted in responding to their needs. Other clients will include people and families who are who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; an approach based on an expectation that individuals and families will want to make changes in their lives and on encouraging and facilitating them to do so will be adopted in responding to their needs.
The Family Support Service is a community model of service provision to families who are homeless and at risk of homelessness. The work of this service is encapsulated under the four headings of prevention, Emergency Accommodation and Support, Resettlement and Tenancy Sustainment.
This job description will be subject to review to take account of any changes necessary as the project develops over time.
The duties of the post are based on the range of services required to be provided at the Day Centre. These involve a combination of direct service provision in the areas of housing information, refreshments and snacks, personal care, laundry, clothing exchange, homeless referral service for people requiring emergency accommodation and Family Support Services. It also involves facilitating and supporting other services which will be available in the Day Centre including a Substance Misuse Worker, a Public Health Nurse, a Community Mental Health Nurse, Clinical services, Tenancy Sustainment and Resettlement, Family Support Services and the use of the centre as a venue for conferencing, meetings and assessment which staff of the day centre will be involved in as necessary.
Duties will include;
- Interview, assess and respond to clientsin a professional, sensitive and appropriate manner, including adopting a proactive response to addressing their needs leading to referral to appropriate services
- Ensure that all clients are treated respectfully in a welcoming and friendly environment; that they are listened to and are kept at the centre of service provision and are kept informed at all stages of the process as far as possible
- Be flexible in the delivery of the range of services provided in the day centre
- Actively engage with and facilitate clients in accessing the broad range of services they require both from within the services available on site in the day centre and elsewhere
- Encourage and support clients in taking responsibility and contributing to their own welfare needs
- Provide personal assistance in a sensitive and appropriate manner to those clients who require help in relation to personal hygiene; assistance with showering and washing and assistance with use of laundry services
- Provide information to enable clients to make appropriate links to health services relevant to their needs
- Work in partnership with clients, promoting self advocacy and when necessary advocate on clients behalf
- Work with all clients and endeavour to win their trust and respect, be proactive in addressing difficult or problematic situations as they arise in a sensitive and direct manner within the frame work of the organisational policies and procedures
- Provide cover on a rota and on call basis as required
- Operate the administrative and recording systems in place in accordance with best practice standards and the procedures of COPE Galway
- In conjunction with the Manager of the Day centre develop, foster and maintain positive professional relationships with other relevant services and agencies.
- Attend and actively participate at project, organisational and interagency meetings including case discussions, reviews and team meetings
- Attend meetings, briefings, information and training sessions as required
- Communicate effectively with colleagues by keeping up to date and accurate records, by inputting data on relevant recording systems and by ensuring that all incidents, emergencies, events and handovers are recorded
- Be involved in the preparation of reports, statistics and other information that may be required
- Ensure that confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the COPE Galway Confidentiality Policy and Procedure and agreed information sharing protocols
- Liaise with the Housing Department of Galway City Council with regard to the accommodation and housing needs of those presenting in need of emergency accommodation
- Liaise with the designated emergency accommodation services and other accommodation providers on an ongoing basis in respect of referrals and placement of those presenting in need of emergency accommodation
- Liaise with mainstream services in respect of referrals of clients in accessing support and assistance in the areas of housing, welfare benefits, physical and mental health needs, health promotion, education, training and employment etc
Facilitate and Support services hosted in the day centre
- In conjunction with the other day centre staff operate a system for the scheduling of appointments and clinic times for the services hosted in the day centre;
- Ensure that the necessary meeting rooms and other facilities are prepared and available for these disciplines to attend the day centre
- In conjunction with the professionals providing these specialist services ensure that Health and Safety systems are adhered to so as to safeguard the safety and welfare of all
Health and Safety
24.Implement and adhere to Health and Safety policy and procedures
- Familiarise yourself with the safety features of the premises including the fire alarm system, fire safety equipment and the panic alarm system
- Contribute to the development and updating of Health and Safety practices
- Make every effort at all times to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of other staff and clients
- Highlight issues or concerns pertaining to Health and Safety in a timely and appropriate manner
- Ensure that details of all incidents and accidents are recorded and reported appropriately
- Participate in Health and Safety training
- Work effectively as both a team member and lone worker
- Undertake specific roles within the project as required and within the wider organisation
- Participate in regular supervision and appraisals with line manager and actively assist in identifying your own job related training needs
- Ensure compliance with organisational and project policies and procedures to ensure consistent professional delivery of services and the maintenance of quality standards
- Ensure that clients are consulted and involved in the operation of the project to the greatest extent that is compatible with clients wishes keeping in mind the nature of the project
- Contribute actively to the development of the service, its review and evaluation and keep updated on best practice in the areas of family support work, homelessness and tenancy support
- Undertake any other duties commensurate with the role
This Job Description is not an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities that may be required and is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the Project.
Key terms and conditions of employment;
Hours of work:Relief hours including days, evenings, nights and weekends. There will be on call hours for the purposes of operating the Out of Hours Free Phone Service. Must be available for a minimum of 30% of shifts, on all shift patterns
Salary:€16.13per hour
Method of pay:Fortnightly, by Direct Debit
Annual Leave:8% of hours worked
Nature of
Contract:Fixed Term Contract
Place of work:Westside House, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway and Bohermore Family Support Service.
The ideal candidate will have a proven interest in working with people who are homeless and a third level qualification in social care or equivalent. Flexibility regarding rosters and unsocial hours working is also required.
Essential Requirements
- A third level qualification inSocial Care, Community Development or related field.
- A working knowledge of Housing Legislation in Ireland, current homelessness policy and an up to date knowledge of best practice in the area of homeless services
- Experience of working in the area of homelessness preferably with a mix of household types including single men, single women and families
- Experience of working with other marginalised groups including people with mental health and addiction problems
- Experience of advocating for clients with a range of local services and supports
- Experience of interagency working with a range of housing, welfare, health and social work services including case conferencing
- Understanding of why people become homeless and the related health, welfare and support needs they have
- Understanding of a broad range of issues including mental health, addictions, relationship and family breakdown, poverty and social exclusion
- An up to date working knowledge of the social welfare system and the housing assessments and application process
- Advanced Computer skills including word processing, excel anddatabase
Core competencies:
- Written and oral communication skills - ability to communicate effectively and to develop, foster and maintain positive relations with clients, colleagues and other agencies.
- Interviewing and assessment skills
- Interpersonal and team work skills
- Conflict resolution skills
- Ability to work well under pressure
- Ability to respond in a professional manner to challenging and stressful situations
- Planning and organisational skills - ability to be organised in approach to work, to follow through with tasks, and maintain records
- Ability to take initiative and be creative
- Ability to cope with pressure
- Negotiation skills
- A commitment to principles of diversity and inclusion
Desirable Requirements
- Experience in clients participation
Signed: ______Date: ______