Mrs. Vellas
CP English 4
British and World Literature
2016/2017 Syllabus
Contact Info:(email)
(760) 348-2254 x.4014(school phone)
Please sign acknowledging you have read, understand, and will follow the classroom rules, procedures, and routines of this classroom. Return the form tomorrow for a grade. Any parent or student can find further information about this class or our school on our CHS website:
Classroom Rules:
- Listen and follow directions the first time given.
- Be in the classroom preparing for the class before the tardy bell rings.
- No electronic devices allowed in the classroom (unless given permission by teacher).
- Respect others.
- Follow the dress code at all times.
- Follow all classroom procedures.
- Warning
- Teacher/Student conference
- Parent contact, teacher/student conference
- Buddy room, parent contact
- Referral to administration
The teacher reserves the right to give a referral for severe disciplinary offenses which are listed on page 23 of the CHS agenda without prior parent contact.
- Individual student praise and/or positive phone call home
Grade Sheets: It is the responsibility of the student to look up his/her grade using the student portal to know the current grade in this class. No grade sheet will be printed and given to student(s). A link to the student portal can be found by clicking below or using the CHS website:
Missing/Late Assignments: NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED BEYOND THE DATE GIVEN FOR THE ASSIGNMENT. If a student is absent, it is expected that the student turns in the assignment(s) within two (2) days of return. If a student is absent for a long period of time (5 days or longer), arrangements will be made to have more time to complete assignments for full credit. The entire curriculum and assignments can be found online at: There will be no excuses accepted for late work.
Grading will be allocated as follows:
Selection Assessment20%
Unit Assessment/Mid-term/Final30%
Performance Task15%
Performance Based Assessment25%
Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students will learn how to avoid plagiarism at the beginning of the school year. It is the responsibility of each student to avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism is the stealing of another person’s ideas or words and claiming those words as your own. Look on page 27 of the student agenda for consequences of plagiarism.
If any student needs Internet time to complete assignments or is in need of help completing assignments, tutoring is offered for all seniors after school in Mrs. Vellas’ classroom (room 14). Tutoring will be available Monday through Friday, from 3:15 to 4:30. A senior may receive “Lockdown” after school if he/she has jeopardizing grades (2 D’s or 1 F in any class). Parents will be contacted by the counseling office if you are placed in lockdown.
Online Work:
It is necessary for every student to have a gmail account. If you do not currently have one, you can obtain a free account at The use of the Internet will be used frequently in this class.
Students: I have read the Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures and I understand them. I will also honor them outside the classroom during the period.
Signature:______Date: ______
Parents/Guardian: Your student and I have discussed the Classroom Rules and Discipline Procedures. I understand the plan and will support both the student and the instructor.
Signature:______Date: ______