1000 Sermon Outlines

Volume Three

Christ, the Living One

1. Foundation. As "the Son of the Living God," He is the Basis of the Church—Matt. 16:16.

2. Supply. As "the Living Water," He supplies and satisfies—John 4:10, 11.

3. Food. "As the Living Bread," He feeds and nourishes—John 6:51.

4. Power. As the Fountain of Life, "floods of living water" flow from Christ—John 7:38.

5. Access. We have access to the Lord through Him who is "the New and Living Way"—Heb. 10:20.

6. Union. As the "Living Stone," He makes us living stones in His life—1 Peter 2:4.

7. Glory. As "the Living Hope," He gives to His own a living and lasting inheritance—1 Peter 1:3.

202. Christ, the Great One

"He Shall Be Great" Luke 1:32

This is one of the positive statements Gabriel gave to Mary regarding the Infant Christ. There are seven "shalt's" and "shall's." The "shalt" of incarnation: "Thou shalt conceive;" the "shalt" of designation: "shalt call His Name Jesus;" the "shall" of exaltation: "He shall be great;" the "shall" of determination: "shall be called the Son of the Highest;" the "shall" of identification: "The Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His Father David;" the "shall" of dominion: "He shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever;" and the "shall" of continuation: "Of His Kingdom there shall be no end." Christ is great in many ways.

1. "Great God" in Being. "Our Great God and Savior" (Titus 2:13, R.V., margin). He is great in many ways. Great in Nature, for He is "Love;" great in Character, for He is holy; great in Name, for He is Jehovah; great in Creation, for His works declare His skill; great in Revelation, for He expresses the Father; great in Promise, for He is "yea and amen;" and He is great in Purpose, for He is the Sum of all things.

2. "Great Love" in Action. "Great love wherewith He loved us" (Eph. 2:4), To take only the setting of this statement, we see seven things love does among the many, namely, quickens in His life, saves by His grace, raises by His power, fashions us by His skill, makes us nigh by His Blood, reconciles by His Cross, and gives us access by His Spirit—2:4-18.

3. "Great Salvation" in Blessing—Heb. 2:3. Salvation is at least a sevenfold blessing. God is its Author, Christ is its Embodiment, man is its object, the Holy Spirit is its Power, deliverance is its meaning, holiness is its fruit, and glory is its consummation.

4. "Great Mercy" in Grace. "Great is His mercy towards them that fear Him" (Psa. 103:11). Mercy is lovingkindness in action. Joseph's lovingkindness to his brethren, David's to Mephibosheth, Ahasuerus' to Esther, Boaz's to Ruth, the Good Samaritan to the robbed, and Christ in His many acts of mercy.

5. "Great Power" in Operation. "Great is our Lord and of great power" (Psa. 147:5). See how His power is stated in Psalm 147. Ponder the setting of the words, "healeth," "bindeth," "telleth," "lifteth," "casteth," "covereth," "pre-pareth," "giveth," "maketh," "filleth," "sendeth," "sheweth," etc.

6. "Great Light" in Revelation. "People that sat in darkness saw great light" (Isa. 9:2). In all the religions of the world they only lead man in on himself to fruitless effort to be good, and into the bogs of despair and the darkness of uncertainty; but not so with Christ, in Him is light to illuminate, life to quicken, love to inspire, liberty to free, bread to satisfy, joy to gladden, and power to be.

7. "Great Rock" in Protection. "Shadow of a great rock in a weary land" (Isa. 32:2). Weariness and woe in all around us. Sorrow and pain oft distress us. Trials and temptations often haunt and harass us. Things often seem to go wrong, and we know not what to do. Then the Savior is found to be all we need as we shelter beneath His protecting presence; and as we nestle under Him we realize the warmth of His heart, the power of His hand, and the sufficiency of His grace.

8. "Great Shepherd" in Power. "Great Shepherd of the sheep" (Heb. 13:20). Sin, Hell, death, disease, and the grave all stood in His way when He was on earth, but He banished disease, put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, conquered the powers of Hell, vanquished death, and was victorious over the grave. Now He can overcome our enemies, keep us by His power, and lovingly tend us by His sufficient grace.

9. "Great King" in Splendor. "The city of the Great King" (Psa. 48:2). None so great as He. He is glorious in holiness, munificent in grace, beautiful in character, unsurpassed in love, exceptional in giving, constant in care, faithful in promise, almighty in power, victorious in battle, altogether lovely in appearance, and righteous in rule.

203. Christ, the Object of Wonder

There were many things in Christ which excited admiration and wonder.

1. His words of grace. "Wondered at His gracious words" (Luke 4:22).

2. His works of power. "The multitude wondered when they saw," etc. (Matt. 15:31).

3. His way of silence. "The governor marveled" (Matt. 27:14).

4. His will of might. The disciples "marveled" when they saw Him still the tempest—Matt. 8:27.

5. His word of pardon. "The multitude" "marveled" when they "saw" what He did for the palsied man—Matt. 9:8.

6. His word of authority. "Amazed at the mighty power of God and wondered" (Luke 9:43).

7. His wondrous Person. The disciples "wondered" when the saw Christ—Luke 24:41.

204. Christ, the Ladder

Genesis 28:12

"Behold a ladder" (12). From John 1:51 we know that this ladder was a type of Christ as the means of communication between God and man, and man and God—John 14:6.

1. Christ is a safe ladder. He is the only means of escape from the wrath to come, from the grasp of Satan, from the dominion of sin, and the whirlpool of iniquity. A company of shipwrecked sailors, cast on the coast of Scotland at the bottom of a great precipice, where the incoming tide would have broken up their vessel and drowned them, found a ladder hanging down the precipice, which they reached from the ship's mast, and thus escaped. In like manner Christ is the way of escape from the waves of eternal death, and the righteous wrath of God.

2. Christ is a strong ladder. A friend of mine in going down into the hold of a vessel of which he was captain, did not know that one of the rungs of the ladder was loose or weak, and when he put his foot upon it, it gave way, and down he fell into the hold. There is no fear of Christ's giving way beneath a soul that rests on Him, for He is the Eternal Rock of ages—Isaiah 26:4, margin, the sure foundation—Isa. 28:16, and the strong arms of omnipotence—Deut. 33:27.

3. Christ is a expansive ladder. The top of the ladder that Jacob saw reached to Heaven. It did not go part of the way. The men of Babel built a tower to reach to Heaven—Gen. 11:4, but it ended in confusion, as all man's efforts do. Not so with Christ: He goes all the way, and brings us into communication and connection with God.

205. Christ, the Light

Christ reveals Himself as the great "I Am," as "the light of the World." Think of the beautiful metaphor of Light as applied to Christ; as the Light

1. Christ scatters the darkness—Exod. 10:23

2. Christ eradiates—Job 36:30.

3. Christ illuminates—Exod. 25:37.

4. Christ stimulates—Psalm 112:4.

5. Christ emancipates—Isaiah 58:8-10.

6. Christ dominates—Isaiah 60:1-3.

7. Christ compensates—Psalm 97:11.

206. Christ, the Objective of Life

"For Me to Live—Christ" Phil. 1:21

If Christ lives out His life in ours, we shall find ourselves in the objective of the life He lived, and we shall live—

1. In the manger of His humility—Luke 2:7.

2. In the workshop of His business—Matt. 13:55.

3. In the Jordan of His submission—Matt. 3:15, 16.

4. In the wilderness of His temptation—Matt. 4:1.

5. In the synagogue of His Church—Luke 4:16.

6. In the home of His love—Luke 2:51.

7. In the mountain of His prayer—Luke 6:12.

8. In the world of His compassion—Matt 9:36.

9. In the friendship of His help—John 15:14.

10. In the boat of His testimony—Luke 5:3.

11. In the sphere of His work—John 9:4.

12. In the will of His Father—Luke 22:42.

13. In the place of His triumph—Col. 2:15.

14. In the purpose of His determination—Heb. 10:7.

15. In the Gethsemane of His sorrow—Mark 14:32-34.

16. In the Gabbatha of His persecution—Mark 15:16-20.

17. In the power of His Spirit—Acts 1:8; 10:38.

18. In the Cross of His death—John 19:18.

19. In the might of His resurrection—Rom. 8:11.

20. In the glory of His ascension—Col. 3:1, 2.

21. On the Mount of His Transfiguration—Luke 9:28-36.

207. Christ, the Refuge

1. Christ is a Great Refuge, like the city of refuge. "The Eternal God is thy refuge" (Deut. 33:27).

2. Christ is a Goodly Refuge, like a harbor. "Jehovah will be the Harbor of His people" (Joel 3:16, margin).

3. Christ is a Guarding Refuge, like a fortress. "God is our Refuge" (Psa. 46:1).

4. Christ is a Glorious Refuge, like a palace. "He shall hide me in His pavilion" (Psa. 27:5).

5. Christ is a Good Refuge, like the ark. "An ark to the saving of his soul" (Heb. 11:7).

6. Christ is a Gracious Refuge, like the home. "Be Thou my strong habitation" (Psa. 71:3).

7. Christ is a Gentle Refuge, like the mother bird with her young. "He shall cover thee with His feathers" (Psa. 91:4).

208. Christ, the Overcomer

"The Lamb Shall Overcome" Rev. 17:14

Before the days of rapid communication as we have it today, there was a way of transferring news by flare. When Wellington was leading our forces against France, the issue of the battle of Waterloo was to be communicated by the above means from a tower at Winchester. The message seemed to read: "Wellington defeated." The message cast gloom all over England. But it turned out that the fog and mists had obscured the message, and when it was repeated and more clearly seen, it read: "Wellington defeated the enemy." What an illustration of Christ overcoming the enemy of our lives. Christ has gotten a sevenfold victory.

1. He has been victorious over the strong enemy, and taken away his goods—Luke 11:22.

2. He has "overcome the world" (John 16:33).

3. He has destroyed the works of the Devil—1 John 3:8.

4. He has spoiled principalities and powers—Col. 2:15.

5. He has taken away the power of death—Heb. 2:14.

6. He has bruised the serpent's head—Gen. 3:15.

7. He holds the keys of Hades and of death—Rev. 1:18.

209. Christ the Secret of Spiritual Life

1. Life from Christ—John 5:25.

2. Life in Christ—Rom. 8:2.

3. Life with Christ—1 Cor. 1:9.

4. Life by Christ—John 6:57.

5. Life to Christ—2 Cor. 5:15.

6. Life for Christ—Phil. 2:16.

7. Christ living in the believer is the secret of all—Gal. 2:20.

210. Christ, the Sight Giver

The opening of the eyes of the blind is typical of the opening of the eyes of our understanding—Acts 26:18. The Lord causes us—

1. To see the evil in ourselves—Rom. 7:23.

2. To see His worth and work—Heb. 2:9.

3. To see the need of preparing for the future—Heb. 11:7.

4. To see the meaning of spiritual things—1 Cor. 2:9

5. To see the fulfillment of God's promises—Heb. 11:13.

6. To see the end of the Lord in discipline—James 5:11.

7. To see the beauty of Christ—1 Peter 1:8.

211. Christ, the Son of God

1. He commended Peter for confessing that He was more than the Son of Man—Matt. 16:13-17.

2. He taught that only God could forgive sins, and as He forgave them, therefore He must be God—Mark 2:6-10.

3. He affirmed He was God when He was put upon His oath by Caiaphas to declare if He were such—Matt. 26:63, 64.

4. He was crucified as a felon because He said He was God—Matt. 26:64-66.

5. He demonstrated He was Deity by His resurrection from the dead—Rom. 1:4.

212. Christ, the Stone

In Acts 4:11

1. Peculiar in Substance."This Stone" (Matt. 21:44). "Chief... elect, precious" (1 Peter 2:6).

2. Laid in Place. "Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner stone" (1 Peter 2:6).

3. Living in Bestowment."Living Stone... ye also," etc. (1 Peter 2:4, 5).

4. Rejected in Work. "Builders disallowed" (1 Peter 2:7).

5. Exalted in Position. "Is become the Head of the corner" (Acts 4:11).

6. Mighty in Conquest. "The Stone smote the image filled the whole earth" (Daniel 2:35).

7. Stumbling in Opposition. "Stone of stumbling" (1 Peter 2:8; Rom. 9:33).

213. Christ, the Teacher

As the gardener trains the rose tree to climb in the direction, so Christ teaches the mind to think the things of God. Some of the great things that Christ taught were—

1. The evil of sin—John 3:19.

2. The necessity of the new birth—John 3:3.

3. The requirement of His death to answer for sin—John 3:14.

4. The love of God in the gift of Himself—John 3:16.

5. The possession of eternal life through faith in Himself—John 3:36.

6. The proof of discipleship—John 8:31.

7. The secret of fruit-bearing—John 15:5.

214. Christ, Son of God and God the Son

The first chapter of Hebrews gives a fourfold Sonship of Christ.

1. His Eternal Sonship—1, 2, as Creator and Heir.

2. His Expressed Sonship—2-4, as the "Express Image" of the Godhead.

3. His Exalted Sonship—5, as raised from the dead.

4. His Exhibited Sonship—6-9, as the One who will come again.

215. Christ, the Substitute

Luke 23:25

Barabbas was released because Christ took his place, and that by the wicked choice of the people, although behind the act of man we see the hand of God's purpose. We all by our sin were parties to Christ's crucifixion. His death was no accident, it was an accomplishment of Divine intent; therefore we find in the Holy Writ that He was the—

1. God-provided Substitute—Rom. 5:8.

2. Sin-made Substitute—2 Cor. 5:21.

3. Curse-bearing Substitute—Gal. 3:13.

4. Life-sacrificed Substitute—1 Cor. 5:7.

5. Grace-imparting Substitute—Rom. 8:31-34.

6. Holy-inspiring Substitute—Titus 2:14; 1 John 3:16.

7. Glory-securing Substitute—1 Thess. 4:14.

216. Christ, the Superior One

As Revealed in Colossians 1

1. He is superior to all, for He is "the Image of the invisible God" (v. 15).

2. He is superior in order, for "He is before all things" (v. 17).

3. He is superior in creation, for "By Him were all things created" (v. 16).

4. He is superior in power, for "By Him all things consist" (v. 17).

5. He is superior in position, for "He is the Head of the Body, the Church" (v. 18).

6. He is superior in resurrection, for "He is the Firstborn from the dead" (v. 18).

7. He is superior in content, for "all fullness" dwells in Him (v. 19).

217. Christ, the Worthy One

1. As Lord, He is worthy of all homage and praise—Rev. 4:11.

2. As Overcomer, He is worthy to open the Book of Earth's Government—Rev. 5:1-9.

3. As the Lamb, He is worthy to be exalted by, and above, angelic hosts—Rev. 5:12.

4. As the "Good" Shepherd, He is worthy of our faith and love, because He gave His life for us—John 10:11.

5. As the One who bears the "worthy" Name, He is greatest of all—James 2:7.

6. Christ is counted worthy of more honor than Moses—Heb. 3:3.

The adjective "good" in No. 4 is the same as rendered "worthy" in James 2. 7.

218. Christ Was "Made"

Think of the seven things He was made.

1. As to His humanity, he was "made of a woman" (Gal. 4:4).

2. As to His genealogy, He was "made of the seed of David" (Rom. 1:3).

3. As to His identity, He was "made like unto His brethren" (Heb. 2:17).

4 As to His humility, He "made Himself of no reputation" (Phil. 2:7).

5. As to His ignominy, He was "made a curse" (Gal. 3:13).

6. As to His responsibility, He was "made under the law" (Gal. 4:4).

7. As to His substitutionary work, He was "made... sin for us" (2 Cor. 5:21).

219. Commands of the Lord

For Warfare in Ephesians 6

1. The "Be Strong" of enduement—v. 10.

2. The "Put On" of equipment—v. 11.

3. The "Take" of achievement—v. 13.

4. The "Stand" of environment—v. 14-17.

5. The "Sword" of armament—v. 17.

6. The "Praying" of endowment—v. 18.

7. The "Watching" of endurement—v. 18.

220. "Coats" of the Bible

1. A Son's Coat. "Joseph's coat"—Gen. 37:3-33.

2. A Priest's Coat. "A broidered coat"—Exod. 28:4, 39.

3. A Child's Coat. "His mother made him a little coat" (1 Sam. 2:19).

4. A Giant's Coat. "Armed with a coat of mail" (1 Sam. 17:5).

5. A Rent Coat. "Came to meet him with a rent coat" (2 Sam. 15:32).

6. A Backslider's Coat. "I have put off my coat" (Cant. 5:3).

7. The Redeemer's Coat. "His coat" (John 19:23).

8. A Fisherman's Coat. "His fisher's coat" (John 21:7).

221. "Cold" and Its Effects

1. A Faithful God. "Cold and heat, and summer and winter shall not cease" (Gen. 8:22). The seasons are a faithful witness to His unceasing attention.

2. A Faithless Sluggard. "Who will not plow by reason of the cold" (Prov. 20:4). Conditions are meant to harden us and not to be excuses for laziness.

3. A Faithful Saying. "As cold water is to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country" (Prov. 25:25). The good news that comes to us from the far country of God's grace is, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

4. A Fearful Disciple. Peter warmed himself at the world's fire, because "it was cold" (John 18:18).

5. A Fearless Apostle. Among the many things that Paul enumerates were "fastings often and in cold" (2 Cor. 11:27).

6. A Faulty Condition. "The love of many shall wax cold" (Matt. 24:12).

7. A Timely Gift. "A cup of cold water" (Matt. 10:42).

222. Cold Things

1. A Cold Day. "Camp in the hedges in a cold day" (Nahum 3:17).

2. A Cold Disciple. "It was cold" (John 18:18).

3. A Cold Heart. "Love of many shall wax cold" (Matt. 24:12).

4. A Cold Drink. "Cup of cold water" (Matt. 10:42).

5. A Cold Worker. "Will not plow because of the cold" (Prov. 20:4).

6. A Cold Apostle. "In fastings often and in cold" (2 Cor. 11:27).

7. A Cold Harvest. "As the cold of snow in the time of harvest," etc. (Prov. 25:13).

223. Comfort

The Hebrew word "Nachatn" means to sigh with another, and thus to have fellow-feeling. There are seven strands in this cord of love.

1. Sympathy. The sons and daughters of Jacob "rose up to comfort him," when it was thought Joseph was slain—Gen. 37:35.

2. Help. Ruth said to Boaz: "Thou hast comforted me" (Ruth 2:13).

3. Rest. Job said, "My bed shall comfort me" (Job. 7:13).

4. Assurance. "The Lord hath comforted His people" (Isa. 49:13).

5. Affection. "As one whom his mother comforteth" (Isa. 66:13).

6. Supply. "Thou shalt comfort me on every side" (Psa. 71:21).

7. Courage. "I, even I, am He that comforteth you" (Isa. 51:12).

224. Comforters

1. The Divine Comforter. "Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, saith your God" (Isa. 40:1).

2. The Tender Comforter. "As one whom his mother comforteth" (Isa. 66:13).

3. The Merciful Comforter. "Thy merciful kindness to comfort me" (Psa. 119:76, margin).