Healthier Catering Resource Guide for

HN Units in Hospitality and Professional Cookery

Version 1

December 2005

This guide was produced by FSA Scotland and SQA


1  Sources of materials and information

2  Areas to explore and relevant sources of information

3  Units where there is an opportunity to provide examples of healthier catering practices

4  Unit outcome detail

1. Sources of materials and information

Food Standards Agency

The Food Standards Agency is a non-Ministerial Government Department which was set up by an Act of Parliament in 2000 to protect the public's health and consumer interests in relation to food. One of the Agency’s key aims (as set out in its strategic plan for 2005-10) is to make it easier for all consumers to choose a healthy diet, and thereby improve quality of life by reducing diet-related disease.

· This is the Agency’s main website

· The Agency has several other websites which deal with specific issues such as healthy eating, salt and food hygiene. This page provides an overview of all of these sites.

· The Agency produces a wide range of publications for the public and the food industry. Many of these are available free of charge from Food Standards Agency Publications and some can be downloaded directly from the website (such as the catering resource ‘Dine Out, Eat Well’).

The publication ‘Catering for Health’ is the most comprehensive Agency resource for caterers and the Agency would recommend that catering students obtain a copy. The book looks at everything from menu planning and healthier alternatives, to coping with allergies. The Scottish version of ‘Catering for Health’ is available free of charge by quoting the reference number: FSA/0572/0502

Healthyliving Campaign

The healthyliving campaign is a public health campaign aimed at improving the diet and physical fitness of the Scottish population. It is delivered by the Scottish Executive in partnership with NHS Health Scotland. The healthyliving website is designed to help you attain a healthier diet and a more active lifestyle by providing resources, advice and support on healthy eating and physical activity.


British Nutrition Foundation

The British Nutrition Foundation is a scientific and educational charity which promotes the well being of society through the impartial interpretation and effective dissemination of evidence-based nutritional knowledge and advice. The website contains a lot of general information on nutrition as well as some publications which may be useful. The BNF briefing papers in particular cover a range of nutritional issues in a concise format.


Caroline Walker Trust

The Caroline Walker Trust is dedicated to the improvement of public health through good food. A major part of its work is to produce expert reports which establish nutritional guidelines for vulnerable groups - including children and older people. The Trust has also developed computer programs to help carers and caterers develop to achieve a nutritionally balanced menus.


2. Areas to explore and relevant sources of information

1.  General nutritional information


·  Catering for Health

·  Dine out, Eat Well




2.  Healthier menu planning

·  Catering for Health

·  Dine out, Eat Well


3.  Healthier food preparation and cooking methods

·  Catering for Health

·  Dine out, Eat Well


4.  Reducing salt, fat and sugar


·  Catering for Health

·  Dine out, Eat Well



·  BNF briefing papers

5.  Fruit and vegetables


·  Catering for Health


6.  Alternative fillings/toppings for cakes, pastries, desserts etc.

·  Catering for Health


7.  Special dietary requirements


·  Catering for Health




8.  Examples of healthier recipes


·  Catering for Health


3. Units where there is an opportunity to provide examples of healthier catering practices

Fermented Patisserie Products

Food Preparation for the Licensed Trade

Food Production Processes

Integrated Production Cookery



Production Cookery: Cold Kitchen

Production Cookery: Hot Kitchen

Production Cookery: Sweets and Desserts

4. Unit outcome detail, where there is opportunity to provide examples of healthy catering practices

Fermented Patisserie Products – DL3F 34

All Outcomes

Food Preparation for the Licensed Trade – DL3J 34

Outcome 1

Outcome 3

Food Production Processes – DL3K 34

Outcome 2

Outcome 3

Integrated Production Cookery – DL3Y 34

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Pastry – DL44 34

All Outcomes

Patisserie – DL45 34

Outcome 1

Outcome 2

Production Cookery: Cold Kitchen – DL46 34

All Outcomes

*Guidance for this unit specifically requires students to provide evidence of healthy catering practices

Production Cookery: Hot Kitchen – DL47 34

All Outcomes

*Guidance for this unit specifically requires students to provide evidence of healthy catering practices

Production Cookery: Sweets and Desserts – DL 48 34

All Outcomes