A taxonomy of SQL queries – Learning Plan

a.  Simple queries: selection, projection, sorting on a simple table

i.  Small-large number of attributes

ii.  Distinct output values

iii.  Renaming attributes

iv.  Computed attributes

v.  Simple-complex conditions (AND, OR, NOT)

vi.  Partial Matching (LIKE % _ * ?)

vii.  ASC-DESC ordering combinations

viii.  Checking for NULLs

ix.  DECODE, CASE … , WHEN operators

b.  Multi-table queries

i.  Simple joins (no INNER JOIN)

ii.  Aliasing tables – Full/Partial name qualification

iii.  Inner-joins (two and more (different) tables)

iv.  Inner-recursive-joins (joining to itself)

v.  Outer-joins (restrictions as part of the WHERE and ON clauses)

c.  Nested queries

i.  In, Not In

ii.  Exists, Not Exists

iii.  Dynamic relations (as part of SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses)

d.  Set Oriented Operations

i.  Union

ii.  Difference

iii.  Intersection

iv.  Division

e.  Summary queries

i.  On a simple table

ii.  On more than one table

iii.  Using nested/dynamic expressions

iv.  Using where & having clauses

f.  Maintenance Operations

i.  Simple insertion (insert into table … values (…) )

ii.  Inserting rows from existing tables (create/append to table … as select …)

iii.  Delete rows

iv.  Update rows

v.  Complex conditions given in the WHERE clause as select stmt.

vi.  Drop table command

g.  Administration

i.  Creating objects: tables, views, users, sequences, triggers, etc.

ii.  Privilege management through the Grant/Revoke commands

iii.  Transaction processing using Commit/Rollback

iv.  Backups, Legacy data, migration


a.  Simple Queries

Small-large number of attributes

select * from employee;

select fname, lname from employee;

Distinct output values

select distinct salary from employee;

Renaming attributes

select distinct salary as "Monthly Payment" from employee;

Computed attributes

select salary as "USD", (salary*0.78) as "Euros" from employee

Simple-complex conditions (AND, OR, NOT)

select Fname, Lname, superssn from employee

where dno = 4

and sex = 'F'

and not (superssn= 123456789)

Partial Matching (LIKE % _ * ?)

select Fname, Lname from employee where Lname like 'W%'

select Fname, Lname, address from employee

where address like '%TX%' and Fname like '_a%'

ASC-DESC ordering combinations

select fname, salary, dno from employee order by salary

select fname, salary, dno from employee order by salary DESC

select fname, salary, dno from employee order by dno ASC, salary DESC

Checking for NULLs

select fname, superssn from employee where (superssn is null)

select fname, superssn from employee where NOT (superssn is null)

DECODE, CASE … , WHEN operators

select Fname, Lname, DECODE(superssn, null, 'N.A.', superssn)

from employee


CASE sex

WHEN 'F' THEN 'Ms. '

WHEN 'M' THEN 'Mr. '

ELSE ' '

END, fname, lname, salary

FROM employee

b.  Multi-table queries

Simple joins (no INNER JOIN)

select Fname, Lname, Dname

from employee, department

where dno = dnumber

Aliasing tables – Full/Partial name qualification

select e.Fname, e.Lname, d.Dname

from employee e, department d

where e.dno = d.dnumber

Inner-joins (two and more (different) tables)

select e.Fname, e.Lname, d.Dname

from employee e INNER JOIN department d ON (e.dno = d.dnumber)

where e.sex = 'F';

Inner-recursive-joins (joining to itself)

select e.Fname as "Employee", b.fname as "Boss"

from employee e, employee b

where e.superssn = b.ssn

Outer-joins (restrictions as part of the WHERE and ON clauses)


select e.Fname, e.Lname, d.dependent_Name as "Spouse"

from employee e LEFT JOIN dependent d ON (e.ssn = d.essn)

where d.relationship = 'Spouse'


select e.Fname, e.Lname, d.dependent_Name as "Spouse"

from employee e LEFT JOIN dependent d

ON (e.ssn = d.essn) AND d.relationship = 'Spouse'

c. Nested queries

In, Not In

select fname from employee where dno IN (1,4,5);

select Fname, Lname from employee

where ssn IN (select essn from dependent where relationship='Spouse')

select Fname, Lname from employee

where ssn NOT IN (select essn from dependent where relationship='Spouse')

Exists, Not Exists

select e.Fname, e.Lname from employee e

where exists (select * from dependent d

where d.relationship='Spouse' and e.ssn = d.essn)

Dynamic relations (as part of SELECT, FROM, and WHERE clauses)

select e.Fname as "The Employee", d.Dependent_Name as "Spouse"

from employee e, (select * from dependent where relationship = 'Spouse') d

where e.ssn = d.essn

d. Set Oriented Operations


select Fname, dno from employee where sex = 'M'


select Fname, dno from employee where sex = 'F'


select ssn from employee


select essn from dependent where relationship = 'Spouse'


select essn from dependent where relationship = 'Spouse'


select mgrssn from department


select e.SSN from employee e
where not exists
(select * from project p
where not exists
(select * from works_on w
where w.essn = e.ssn and w.pno=p.pnumber))

e. Summary queries

On a simple table

select dno, avg(salary) as "AVG SALARY"

from employee

group by dno

On more than one table

select d.dname, avg(e.salary) as "AVG SALARY"

from employee e, department d

group by d.dname

Using nested/dynamic expressions

Using where & having clauses

select dno, avg(salary) as "AVG SALARY"

from employee

group by dno

having count(*) >= 2

f. Maintenance Operations

Simple insertion (insert into table … values (…) )

Insert into WORKS_ON values (123456789, ‘P77’, 40)

Insert into PROJECT values (‘P77’, ‘Automation’, null, ‘Cleveland’)

Inserting rows from existing tables (create/append to table … as select …)


Select * INTO Ladies from employee where sex =’F’


Create table Ladies as select * from employee where sex =’F’

Delete rows

Delete employee where ssn = 123456789

Delete works_on where pno = ‘P77’

Update rows

Update employee set superssn=55555555, dno=4 where ssn=123456789

Update employee set salary = 1000000 where ssn = 123456789

Update employee set salary = salary + 1000 where dno =7

Complex conditions given in the WHERE clause as select stmt.

Update employee set salary=salary*1.15

where ssn IN

(select essn from works_on group by essn where count(pno) > 7)

Drop table command

Drop table employee

compare with

Delete from employee

g. Administration

Creating objects: tables, views, users, sequences, triggers, etc.

Create table customer (custName Text, custBalance Number)

Create user Maria identified as Macarena

Create Index, Cluster, Tablespace, Sequence, Segment, Profile, Trigger, …

Privilege management through the Grant/Revoke commands

Grant select, insert, update, delete on employee to maria

Revoke update on Employee from maria

Transaction processing using Commit/Rollback



Company Database


Elmasri / Navathe. "Fundamentals of Database Systems". Ed. Addison/Wesley Pub Co. 7th Edition, (2016). ISBN-13:978-0133970777

Guide-Learning-SQL-Examples. V. Matos. 8