Online Resource 4: Talairach coordinates of significant cerebral cortical hypoperfusions (p < 0.001 for the voxel, uncorrected) in fv-FTD patients in comparison to healthy subjects. Results from SPM8 are listed in decreasing order of peak T-score value, k values represent the number of significant voxels in the particular cluster.

p (cor) / cluster
k / voxel
T-score / Coordinates {mm} / Brain region
x / y / z
<0.001 / 46961 / 7.52 / -6 / 64 / 20 / Left frontal lobe, middle gyrus (BA 10)
7.35 / -10 / 66 / 16 / Left frontal lobe, inferior gyrus (BA 47)
7.14 / -16 / 4 / -18 / Left limbic lobe, parahippocampal gyrus (BA 34)
7.13 / -10 / 6 / 12 / Left caudate nucleus body
7.11 / -2 / 50 / 44 / Left frontal lobe, middle gyrus (BA 8)
7.04 / -8 / 8 / -16 / Left frontal lobe, middle gyrus (BA 25)
7.04 / -12 / 6 / -14 / Left frontal lobe, subcallosum gyrus (BA 34)
7.00 / -4 / 10 / -16 / Left frontal lobe,subcallosum gyrus (BA 25)
6.96 / -4 / 4 / 36 / Left limbic lobe, cingulate gyrus (BA 24)
6.93 / -8 / 34 / 22 / Left limbic lobe, anterior cingulum (BA 23)
6.92 / -6 / 64 / 0 / Left frontal lobe, superior gyrus (BA 10)
6.76 / 2 / 12 / -18 / Right frontal lobe, middle gyrus (BA 25)
6.69 / 10 / 2 / 16 / Right caudate nucleus body
6.66 / 2 / 4 / 8 / Right caudate nucleus head
6.62 / 0 / 56 / 36 / Left frontal lobe, superior gyrus (BA 9)
6.54 / -36 / -14 / -34 / Left limbic lobe, uncus (BA 20)
BA: Broadmann Area, cor: corrected