Joey Scout Program – by Leonie Plummer (1st Carlingford)
Date: / Leader:Theme: Remembrance Day / Sub Theme:
Time /
Activity Description
/ Leader / EquipmentRequired:
CIA: Make a Red Poppy to Add to the Wreath / Poppy printed onto card or paper, crayons, textas, scissors, glue/stapler, pre-prepared wreath base, ribbon/string (optional).
0.00 / Opening Ceremony / Flag.
0.05 / Talk: Safety talk about the walk. Talk about the memorial.
0.10 / Walk: K13 Memorial
0.55 / Closing Ceremony / Flag.
ATTENDANCE: / No in Attendance: / No Total Membership:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: / About Next Meeting:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: / About Activities:
Coming In Activity:
Make a red poppy to add to the wreath (see below form poppy template).
1. Joeys colour in a couple of poppies.
2. Cut out poppy that has been coloured in.
3. Glue or staple the poppies to the wreath base. To make the base cut the centre out of a paper plate. This could be painted prior to the meeting if you want to have a wreath base that is not white.
4. Attach a piece of string, wool, or ribbon to the wreath (optional).
There is an attractive memorial to K13 in the Sydney (Aust) suburb of Carlingford. It was constructed in 1961 by the widow of Charles Freestone, a survivor of K13, who settled in the Carlingford area becoming a prominent local citizen. It reads:
"This memorial has been created in memory of those officers and men of the Commonwealth who gave their lives in submarines while serving the cause of freedom. It is called the "K13" memorial in particular memory of those lost in HM Submarine K13."
It’s a long way from the Gareloch.
Joeys and Leaders walk to K13 to lay wreath and have a short prayer for the people who have fought in wars.
Return via Park on Pennant Hills Rd.
Remembrance Day Poem:
We wear a poppy
On Remembrance Day,
And at eleven
We stand and pray.