6thFebruary 2018
Dear Parents/Carers,
Year 11 Summer Ball, Farewell Assembly and Expectations during Exams
It is difficult to see much beyond the Year 11’s GCSE exams at the moment, but we are making plans for their final day, for their provision during the exam period, and for their celebratory Summer Ball. We are very keen to ensure that their time with us ends memorably and positively.
The last regular day of school for all Year 11 students will be Friday 11th May. Students should arrive at 8:30am as normal on this day in school uniform. On this day, students may bring a leaver’s book to sign and a spare shirt if they wish to collect signatures from peers or staff. They will have a special leavers’ Communion service, a final assembly and a celebratory lunch. Students will not be admitted into this assembly (or future events with school) if the shirt that they are wearing is drawn on or signed.
The GCSE exam period starts of 14th May and runs until 22nd June. During this time the majority of students will be in school most of the time as when students don’t have exams, they will be attending compulsory revision sessions and exam briefings. We will be communicating with you individually on plans for your child during this period and students can expect to be in school less as the exam period nears its end as they will have fewer exams to sit. Some students may be given leave to study at home depending on individual circumstances.
The Year 11 Summer Ball is on Wednesday 20th June. We have hired a beautiful function room at the Hilton Metropole Hotel (Kings Rd, Brighton BN1 2FU) and we are all looking forward to sending off our founding cohort in style! We have a Leavers’ Committee in place who are supporting Mrs Orford-Kemmish to plan the evening. The event will start at 6pm. Students will be given a ‘mocktail’ welcome drink on arrival. Students will then enjoy a two-course, sit-down, meal which will run from approximately 7pm until 9pm. After that, the tables will be cleared and there will be a professional DJ set. The event will finish at 11pm. Students will not be permitted to drink alcohol at all during the event but will be able to purchase soft drinks from the bar. The cost of a ticket to the event (including dinner, mocktail drink on arrival, DJ, venue hire and decorations) is £50.00. Should you wish for your child to attend this event, please complete and return the attached consent form along with a cheque (made payable to King’s School) to the school reception as soon as possible to secure a place, and no later than Friday 16th March. Online payments will be available, should this be a more suitable method, from the morning after the date of this letter. Financial assistance may be available to those in need; please contact the school office in confidence for further details.
Please note that some students have had their invitation to the Ball retracted already due to behaviour that is contrary to our ethos and values. You will have been contacted individually if this is the case for your child. Students engaging in poor behaviour, which is contrary to our ethos and values may have their invitation retracted between now and June 20th. Should this happen they will not be permitted entry to the ball and monies already paid will be non-refundable. Any student found to be drinking alcohol, or under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances will be asked to leave the event immediately.
We are looking forward to celebrating the success of our special founding cohort on 11th May and 20th June.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs S Price
Return by 16th March 2018 / Year 11 Summer Ball at the Hilton Metropole Hotel, starting at 6pm and ending at 11pm on Wednesday 20th June 2018Child’s name:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Second emergency contact name and telephone number:
Medical information (including dietary requirements)
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
- I have read and completed this form and to the best of my knowledge the details given are true and accurate.
- I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
- I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the date of this event.
- I understand that my child’s invitation to this event may be retracted in the event of my child engaging in poor behaviour between the date of this letter and June 20th. I understand that any monies paid will be non-refundable should this occur.
Parental Signature: