
Class: Date:

Saint of the Day:

(Pray for me!)

Instructions: Read through the 25 ways to help end abortion below, then highlight each one based on the color-coded labels below. At the very end, think of at least one more thing that you can do to help bring an end to abortion in America and write it in the space provided (the more ideas the better, of course!). When you are finished, follow the saving and dropping instructions at the top of this page (failure to do so may result in a loss of points).

Green = I really like this idea and plan on using it in my own life someday

Yellow = I think this idea is okay and might use it in my own life someday

Red = I don’t really like this idea and don’t plan on using it in my own life someday

25 Ways You Can Help End Abortion in America

1. Pray daily for an end to abortion, for women tempted to have abortions, for doctors and nurses, for legislators, for clergy, for those who work in the pro-life movement, and for those who do not realize how wrong abortion is.

2. Gather friends and family in your home and pray the Rosary to help end abortion.

3. Form pro-life prayer teams or prayer groups in schools, homes, or parishes.

4. “Spiritually adopt” an unborn child and pray for that child on a daily basis for 9 months... say this prayer everyday: “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger of abortion.”

5. Become more informed about abortion through books, websites, discussions, etc.

6. Wear the "Precious Feet" pin that shows the baby’s feet at 10 weeks after conception.

7. Wear pro-life t-shirts and use pro-life pins, bumper stickers, posters, etc.

8. Take part in First Amendment activities such as Life Chains, prayer vigils, literature distribution, pickets, and sidewalk counseling.

9. Send letters or articles to newspapers, to your elected officials, and other persons, institutions, and publications regarding respect for life.

10. Speak up with courage and charity in defense of pre-born babies whenever given the chance – whether it be in person (family member, friend, neighbor, classmate, teammate, stranger, etc.) or online (Facebook, YouTube, online news, etc.)

11. Encourage your priest, minister, or rabbi, to speak out against abortion.

12. Start or participate in a “Students for Life” club at your grade school, high school, or college

13. Take part in local projects and pro-life activities.

14. Leave pro-life literature wherever you can: in public places, at restaurants, as inserts in the mail you send, on cars, etc. Give literature to friends. Send it also in prepaid business reply envelopes that come in the mail.

15. Find out whether candidates running for public office support abortion, and tell others.

16. Promote adoption.

17. Keep informed of national legislative efforts.

18. Conduct fundraising efforts for pro-life groups: car-washes, bake-sales, raffles, dinners, penny drives, etc.

19. Run a pro-life booth at fairs, rallies, conventions.

20. Establish a memorial stone to the pre-born in a local cemetery or on Church grounds.

21. Do not use the terms, "going to be a mother (or father)", "expecting a child" or "a child on the way" when speaking of pregnancy. The child is already there in the womb!

22. Attend annual pro-life conventions, such as March for Life or National Right to Life. Sponsor a student to attend such conferences. Recommend speakers to other groups and invite them to your community organizations.

23. Get to know reporters and producers in the media. Inform them. Call in to radio and TV talk shows, and ask questions of the pro-life speakers so as to give them more chance to talk.

24. Do scholarly study and research so you can better respond to people who are in favor of abortion.

25. Visit and learn from pro-life websites. Start a pro-life website.

And last but not least…

What is at least one more thing (not already specifically mentioned) that you can do to help bring an end to abortion in America today or at some point in the future?