2016-2017 Delaware Teacher Leader Pilot

LEA Letter of Support

Thank you for completing anLEA Letter of Support[1]for the 2016-2017 Teacher Leader Pilot. For pilot schools to be successful, their LEAswill need to be active partners that engage in opportunities to learn about what pilot schools will need and proactively find ways to help them be successful. Please review the “Pilot Overview” before completing this letter of support. Among other information, the overview explains what will be expected of pilot schools and their LEAs. Schools will only be considered for the pilot if they have the full support of their LEA and the LEA agrees to the responsibilities outlined in the overview.

Please answer the questions below, and send this form to school administrator who will be submitting his or her school’s pilot application. Applications are due on Friday, April 22 at 6pm, and this LEA Letter of Support must be included. LEAs/ should complete a separate letter for each of their schools applying to the pilot.

  1. For which school are you submitting a letter of support?
  1. What is your name, and what is your position at your LEA?
  1. Does your LEA agree to meet the LEA responsibilities described in the “Pilot Overview”?[2]
  1. Why do you believe this school should be selected for the pilot?
  1. Please explain any experience this school has distributing leadership or providing educators with leadership opportunities.
  1. What questions or potential challenges do you anticipate needing to work through to ensure a pilot school is successful?
  1. Are there any systems or supports that make your LEA a strong candidate to host a pilot school? What LEA systems or supports do you think may need to be adapted to help a pilot school be successful? Is there a specific staff member at the LEA that would be responsible for supporting the pilot school in implementation?
  1. What other comments would you like to add regarding this school’s application for the Teacher Leader Pilot?

LEA Responsibilities

LEAsplay a critical role in the success of the pilot as well, and their leaders need to be committed to the success of their pilot schools. Participating LEAs will need to:

  • Express commitment to supporting the pilot school during the application process.
  • Observe the pilot parameters communicated by DOE.
  • Participate in summer and quarterly cohort meetings.
  • Support schools during the teacher leader selection process by assessing eligibility of teachers and ensuring schools follow the model selection process.
  • Where implementation depends on LEA systems, ensure smooth operations. This includes but is not limited to ensuring timely payment of teacher leader compensation and providing schools with the resources DOE has set aside for school support.


[1]LEA Letters of Support should be completed by designated district leaders or CMO heads of school.

[2] LEA responsibilities are provided at the end of this document.