Official Minutes of Fall Cabinet Meeting, Lawrencetown, NS

1 October 2016

1.  DG Claire Brunelle called the meeting to order at 9:00 with approximately 190 Lions representing 44 clubs in attendance.

2.  O’Canada was led by DG Claire along with the Lions Invocation and the Lions Pledge.

A moment of silence was observed for deceased members of our Lions Family and World Peace.

3.  Welcome and Opening Remarks

DG Claire welcomed everyone to Lawrencetown. She hoped that everyone had a great time last night at the meet and greet as Lion Jane and her committee did a great job. Good to see so many Lions here today and I hope everyone has a good day. PID Jim, PCC’s Peter, Bob, Scott and Mike, PDG’s, ZC’s, District Chairs, KL’s, Secretaries, Lions all. Protocol has been established.

4.  Housekeeping

Lion Jane Gregory welcomed everyone to Lawrencetown and thanked everyone for coming. Fire exits were pointed out as well as washrooms. Luncheon will be at the Fire Hall. Back here after lunch. Coffee break was pointed out as well as where to go to have a smoke.

5.  Voting Procedures

Lion David Manning, Chair of the Constitution Bylaws and Policy review, outlined the voting procedures. Voting on any matter at this Cabinet meeting shall be by duly certified voting delegates. Those eligible to vote are DG, VDG’s, CST, ZC & Committee Chairs, President’s and Secretaries of all chartered clubs and all PDG’s who are in good standing in a club in District N2.

They shall be entitled to one vote on any matter at the Cabinet meeting. We will follow Robert’s Rules of Order and the voting delegate cards will be yellow.

DG Clarie introduced her District team, CST PCC Peter Reid, 1st VDG Rhonda Trickett & 2nd VDG Perry Oliver.

6.  Additions & Approval of the Agenda

No additions, so PDG John Stoddart - Bedford moved the approval of the agenda and Lion David Baugil - Mahone Bay seconded Motion Carried

Any clubs having a Scrapbook are to bring them up to the front. PDG Frank, PDG Mark and PCC Scott will pick them up.

7. Approval of the minutes of the NS Convention

The minutes of the DGO Summer Cabinet held in Truro July 16, 2015 were distributed by e-mail and on the Hantsport Lions Club website.

It was moved by ZC Steve Munroe – Lake Echo and seconded by Lion Brenda Billard - Milford that we accept the minutes of the DGO Summer Cabinet as distributed by e-mail and on the Hantsport website. Motion Carried

8. Correspondance

a.  Lion Derwin’s resignation from LFC due to personal reasons. District team has only received 1 letter for replacement of Lion Derwin. District will recommend Lion Dave Manning from Milford to LFC.

b.  MD Chair positions – Budget and Audit, Long Range Planning and Youth Services

c.  ELLI in Chicago – see CST for more information

d.  Voting delegates for MD in Corner Brook in to CST by 20 October

9. Old Business

a.  District Golf Report – Lion Linda Baltzer from Middleton gave the report for Lion Dave Diggins. There were 50 golfers with a profit of $ 180.29 turned in to the District.

10. CST Report – Interim Financial Report

CST Interim Financial Report - 01 July – 30 September 2016

Deposits $ 2,000.00 Start up

$ 17,619.61 Close out last year

$ 12,880.00 Dues from 46 of 68 Clubs

$ 1,320.00 NS Lion Ads

$ 1,600.00 Hearing for All

$ 35.00 ID Fund

$ 15.00 Visitation Pins

Total $ 35,469.61

Cheques written $ 11,255.67

Bank Charges $ 150.89 Cheques, Deposit Books

Bank Balance $ 24,063.05

CST Peter Reid PCC

11. Zone Chair Reports

The following Zone Chairs handed in or gave a verbal report. Zone 2 – ZC Earl Einarson, Zone 4 – ZC Jerry Billard, Zone 5 – ZC Marlene Vandertoorn, Zone 6 – ZC Raymond LeBlanc, Zone 7 – ZC Diane Dempsey, Zone 8 – ZC Sandra Blake, Zone 9 – ZC Peter Wagner, Zone 10 – ZC Curt Wentzell and Zone 11 – ZC Steve Munroe.

All Zone reports are on file.

12. District Chairperson Reports

a.  GMT – PDG Frank Hartman




OCTOBER 1, 2016

DG Claire, 1st VDG Rhonda, 2nd VDG Perry, PCC/CST Peter, Fellow Lions

Over the past 3 months the GMT working with, Guiding Lions PCC/CST Lion Peter, ZC Lion Debbie McGinley, Lion Jamie Harper, PDG Lion John Stoddart, 1st VDG Rhonda, Campus Club Specialist Lion Jeanetta, Lion Sarah, Past Parrsboro Leo President Jessica Johnson, Bedford Lions Club and St Margaret’s Bay Lions Club under the leadership of Lion Rennie have had tremendous success in developing a campus club at SMU; meetings have been held and officers elected. Dalhousie is close to having a campus branch club with a possibility of a full campus club within the next few weeks. And with the assistance of PDG Earl and 2nd VDG Perry GMT will be looking to start a campus club at STFX and Acadia.

DG Lion Claire, Lion Sarah and I along with the Sydney Lions Club under the leadership of Lion Bob Jardine have been rebuilding Glace Bay Lions Club. Several meetings have been held with two or three new members added and more on the way.Council CST Lion Brenda, Lion Sarah I will be holding a second meeting in Kennetcook October 19thto start a branch club there. At our first meeting with 5 or 6 present it was indicated that there is nothing in this area for seniors so I believe this will be the driving force to start at least a branch club there. Also in October I will be meeting with some folks in Advocate to discuss starting a branch club or a standard club.

These accomplishments involved determination, time, dedication, perseverance and team work and I want to personally thank everyone who made these possible.

One of GMT’s goals for this year and years to come is to encourage clubs to hold a membership growth event twice a year, once in the Spring and another in the Fall. At the multiple district convention in St. Johns and again at USA/Canada Leadership Forum in Nebraska it was recommended that instead of inviting a potential Lion to a meeting it is more important and successful to invite them to help with a project. So rather than calling it a membership drive, call it a membership growth event; this should not be a club fundraiser. Folks are more inclined to offer to help with a meaningful project than to go to a meeting. So twice a year choose a community project. Since we will be celebrating 100 years of Lionism this is a great opportunity for all clubs to find a Legacy project in your communities. Make a difference and grow your clubs at the same time.

If you have a child, grandchild or know kids attending the above mentioned campus clubs invite them to check them out. And if you have friends who live outside your own club’s area but within some of our other club’s communities suggest they think about joining them.

Our motto is “We Serve” and our slogan leading into 2017 is “Where there is a Need There is a Lion.” Therefore, “Service” should come first everything else is secondary.

Finally, we are looking for quality Lions. When you find them, respect them, listen to them and get them involved. Don’t let them just be a name on your roster; you will lose them. If we all do our part the numbers will follow.

Respectfully submitted,

PDG Frank

GMT Co-ordinator

b.  GLT – PCC Bob Lyle

FALL CABINET LAWRENCETOWN 30 September October 1 2016

DG Lion Claire, 1st VDG Lion Rhonda, 2nd VDG Lion Perry CST Lion Peter

Lions all …


Orientation sessions will take place on the following dates and locations:

8th October Pictou – Facilitator DG Lion Claire Brunelle.

22nd October EPCB – Facilitators 1st VDG Lion Rhonda & CST Lion Peter PCC

22nd October Digby – Facilitator Lion Bob Lyle PCC

29th October Enfield/Elmsdale – Lion Peter Jeffrey PCST


Dates & locations for Officer schools for President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership are listed in your directory and will take place in May and the first Saturday in June. We are asking the Zone chairs as well as club officers to promote attendance.


We completed a seminar this morning on You& your club Officers as requested by DG Lion Claire.


DG Lion Claire wants our District to have three (3) certified Guiding Lions courses completed this Lions year. We need trained Lions who are willing to help clubs who want assistance and guidance.

We are anticipating at least two (2) Lions from each Zone to participate but we will train as many Lions who want the training.

A letter requesting the Zone chairs to put it on their Agenda for their next meeting has been sent out. We are asking Zone chairs to promote the course as they do their individual club visits.

Once we have determined the numbers who wish to attend, we will select three locations that will take into consideration travel.

We already have eight ( 8 ) Lions signed up for the Guiding Lion training. Ten Lions were trained as Guiding Lions last year.


We have applied for GLT funding from LCI and received $325.00 Canadian (US $250.)

Yours in Lionism ... Lion Bob Lyle PCC GLT District N2 Coordinator

c.  LRP – PID Len Giffen


The Mission of Lions District N2 is to be recognized in Nova Scotia as the Leader in Humanitarian Service through Voluntary Activity.



·  Expand the accessibility and development of Leadership Opportunities and Training for Lions in District N2. Expand use of currently trained Lions.

Communication & Public Recognition

·  Develop and implement strategies to increase Public Recognition of Lions Service in Nova Scotia

Innovation & Change

·  Achieve District wide acceptance by N2 Lions to the effective use of technology and social media

Humanitarian Service Goals

·  Review our Process for establishing District Humanitarian Service goals and projects to enhance Lions Public Recognition


·  To achieve a District N2 membership of 2020 members by the Lions Year 2020/2021

Major recommendations the committee will be bringing forward to the District for consideration at Feb Cabinet meeting:

  1. Eliminate paper copies of NS Lion effective July 1, 2017

·  Eliminate advertising from electronic NS Lion and suggest the funds saved by clubs for advertising be used to print hard copies for the small number of members who do not have electronic copies available to them

·  Repurpose the funds saved ($5000.00/year) to important public service and recognition objectives & membership development objectives

  1. Eliminate the Best Club Contest entirely and its reporting form and create a reporting form and process in conjunction with the LCI activities report designed solely for the purpose of enhancing public recognition.
  1. Establish a DG emergency humanitarian fund annually to enable the DG in consultation with the VDG’s and other appropriate Lions to rapidly respond (preferably with 24 hours) to needs made public by the news media having a high profile public awareness factor. Report to next scheduled Cabinet meeting or Convention and next DG Newsletter

i.e. Issue - someone suffers a loss or requires assistance on emergency basis.

Action – DG consults with VDG’s and Presidents of affected club or clubs to reach decision to act with 12 hours. Contact affected individual and media to provide solution – Maybe use the motto - Where there’s a need there’s a Lion.

Fund supported by activity allocation and not member dues.

  1. Change billing process for annual dues to clubs to a two tier system.

·  Bill for member dues listing all items relating to member services paid by Club Administration Fund

·  Bill for Activities Assessment, listing all items relating to humanitarian service. i.e. speakout, peace poster etc. to be paid from Club Activity Funds

13. Seminar – PCC Bob Lyle gave a presentation titled “ You and your Club Officers “ with DG Claire, PDG Frank Hartman and 1st VDG Rhonda Trickett to answer question

Lunch 12:00 till 1:30 Resumed meeting at 1:45

Lion Jan Hicks from Lake Echo won the Q bear

14. District Chairperson Reports Continued

d.  Hearing for All

Lake Echo $ 200, St Margarets Bay $ 700, Yarmouth $ 300, Sackville $ 1500 ( no cheque )

e.  Constitution and Bylaws


September 26, 2016

DG Claire, Fellow Lions:

I, Lion David Manning, on behalf of the Constitution, By-Laws and Policy Review Committee, at the fall cabinet Meeting, October 1,2016, will move, or cause to be moved, the following motions as covered on the attachment to this letter.

Lion David Manning;

Chair, C,BL&PR



Whereas Section “M” (Club Boundaries) of Article II of the N2 Policy Manual, page 15, is located in the Article on Cabinet Meetings/Conventions.

Be it resolved that Section “M” of Article II of the N2 Policy Manual, page 15, be deleted in its entirety and all other sections of Article II be re-lettered accordingly.

Be it also resolved that the section “Club Boundaries” be added, in its entirety, to the N2 Policy Manual as Appendix “K”.

*Motion made by Lion Dave Manning – Milford and District, seconded by PDG Charlie Uhlman – Mahone Bay Motion Carried.


Whereas Section “M”, Article I on page 8 of the N2 Policy Manual does not include that proposals for District Project Participation can be distributed by E-mail.

Be it resolved that in Section “M’, Article I that in the sentence beginning “The proposal shall be provided to all clubs” replace the word “or” with a coma and following the words “Nova Scotia Lion” insert “or E-mail”.

The proposal shall be provided to all clubs in District N2 by way of the DG Newsletter, the Nova Scotia Lion or E-mail 30 days prior to the Cabinet Meeting or Nova Scotia Convention at which the motion in Principle will be presented.