Flow of the Day: Day 1
Note- use the class camera to document student work and explorations prior to sending any items created home. Also, use the anecdotal sheet to record students work and thinking.
Give the children a 5 minute warning prior to meeting after Explorations and remind them to document their learning. While waiting for all the children to join sing the transition song for the week or “Apples and Bananas” and “The Gumball Song” with the weeks sound focus (see planning sheet).
8:25: Entry
Students come in, hand in their agendas. Jks (tadpoles) read independently or with “Buddy”. Frogs (SKs) gather a paper, clipboard and pencil and copy from the board the morning message making the 2 changes needed and answering the question. Before completing the new message students need to revise their work using a thinking pencil from the day before. As students get proficient at this task they will graduate and only complete once a week on Mondays, names are on the board).
8:45 Students will meet at the carpet in a circle. The children are called for new book selection during this time.
After O’ Canada there is a short mathematics input activity and students are directed to choose from Explorations. Students are required to do the daily 3- reading, writing and math during their own explorations through the day. Have students plan their play by placing a popsicle stick in the pocket before going to explorations and/or draw and write their play plan [especially Sk (frog) students]. During these explorations Tadpole (JK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 9:25 for students to share their mathematics problems and solutions from exploration time (see Explorations Planning Sheet).
Before recess we usually have time for our oral communication practice: see planning sheet for more details
Mystery Monday / Talking Tuesday / Wow Word Wednesday / Thinking Thursday / Funny FridayRecess: 8:40-8:55; After Recess there is a double preparation period and the children will be picked-up by Mr. Lautenschlauger and returned at the beginning of lunch
Lunch: 11:15 (in class to eat, DECE stays with the class); 11:35 (outdoor time)
12:10: Entry from lunch. Students meet at the carpet for a read aloud followed by a whole class reading/writing activity or a phonics/word work activity (see lessons sheet for the week). After which students are directed to choose from Explorations. During these explorations Frog (SK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 1:20 for students to share their learning and items which they made. (see sharing Success Criteria)
1:35- Recess- Duty in the Kindergarten Yard
1:50- Entry-While we are waiting for everyone one student will share either calendar or the oral activity (such as, “Mystery House”). Shared reading; see planning sheet; buddy reading. Students will read with a partner using referring to the “Buddy Reading” sheet. Monitor partners and note reading behaviours. Prior to going to explorations, remind students that they may need to complete one of their “daily 3” and call on specific students who need to complete this.
2:40- meet at the carpet and student will share their learning. Complete any further consolidation of learning i.e., mathematics from Explorations or specific science observations.
2:50- dismissal; hand out agendas if not already done; parents and bus helpers will begin arriving at 2:55 with the exit bell ringing at 3:00
Clean-up- at the end of the day all of the chairs need to be stacked. The dark blue and light blues don’t fit together. The chairs DO NOT go on the table as they are washed each evening. Wash any dishes left in the sink. Bring all food items to the healthy snack room for overnight storage. Change “Flow of the Day” sheet for the next one in the cycle.
Flow of the Day: Day 2
Note- use the class camera to document student work and explorations prior to sending any items created home. Also, use the anecdotal sheet to record students work and thinking.
Give the children a 5 minute warning prior to meeting after Explorations and remind them to document their learning. While waiting for all the children to join sing the transition song for the week or “Apples and Bananas” and “The Gumball Song” with the weeks sound focus (see planning sheet).
8:25: Entry
Students come in, hand in their agendas. Jks (tadpoles) read independently or with “Buddy”. Frogs (SKs) gather a paper, clipboard and pencil and copy from the board the morning message making the 2 changes needed and answering the question. Before completing the new message students need to revise their work using a thinking pencil from the day before. As students get proficient at this task they will graduate and only complete once a week on Mondays, names are on the board).
8:45 Students will meet at the carpet in a circle. The children are called for new book selection during this time.
After O’ Canada there is a short mathematics input activity and students are directed to choose from Explorations. Students are required to do the daily 3- reading, writing and math during their own explorations through the day. Have students plan their play by placing a popsicle stick in the pocket before going to explorations and/or draw and write their play plan [especially Sk (frog) students]. During these explorations Tadpole (JK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 9:25 for students to share their mathematics problems and solutions from exploration time (see Explorations Planning Sheet).
Before recess we usually have time for our oral communication practice: see planning sheet for more details
Mystery Monday / Talking Tuesday / Wow Word Wednesday / Thinking Thursday / Funny FridayRecess: 8:40-8:55; Duty in the Kindergarten Yard; After Recess students meet for “Wonder and Inquiry” time. Meet at the carpet and complete lesson (see planning sheet). Have computers and/or other materials available for students to explore after input lesson as well as calling attention to the Exploration Stations which support the inquiry students are on.
10:35- Preparation period; students have Library with Mrs. Laroque. She will return students back for lunch.
Lunch: 11:15 (in class to eat, DECE stays with the class); 11:35 (outdoor time)
12:10: Entry from lunch. Students will have 15 minutes to finish “wonders” from the morning then will share learning/discoveries at the carpet. After students will have a read aloud. Next, students are directed to choose from Explorations. During these explorations Frog (SK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 1:20 for students to share their learning and items which they made.
1:35- Recess- Duty in the Kindergarten Yard
1:50- Entry- While we are waiting for everyone one student will share either calendar or the oral activity (such as, “Mystery House”). Shared reading; see planning sheet; buddy reading. Students will read with a partner using referring to the “Buddy Reading” sheet. Monitor partners and note reading behaviours. Prior to going to explorations, remind students that they may need to complete one of their “daily 3” and call on specific students who need to complete this.
2:40- meet at the carpet and student will share their learning. Complete any further consolidation of learning i.e., mathematics from Explorations or specific science observations.
2:50- dismissal; hand out agendas if not already done; parents and bus helpers will begin arriving at 2:55 with the exit bell ringing at 3:00
Clean-up- at the end of the day all of the chairs need to be stacked. The dark blue and light blues don’t fit together. The chairs DO NOT go on the table as they are washed each evening. Wash any dishes left in the sink. Bring all food items to the healthy snack room for overnight storage. Change “Flow of the Day” sheet for the next one in the cycle.
Flow of the Day: Day 3
Note- use the class camera to document student work and explorations prior to sending any items created home. Also, use the anecdotal sheet to record students work and thinking.
Give the children a 5 minute warning prior to meeting after Explorations and remind them to document their learning. While waiting for all the children to join sing the transition song for the week or “Apples and Bananas” and “The Gumball Song” with the weeks sound focus (see planning sheet).
8:25: Entry
8:25: Entry
Students come in, hand in their agendas. Jks (tadpoles) read independently or with “Buddy”. Frogs (SKs) gather a paper, clipboard and pencil and copy from the board the morning message making the 2 changes needed and answering the question. Before completing the new message students need to revise their work using a thinking pencil from the day before. As students get proficient at this task they will graduate and only complete once a week on Mondays, names are on the board).
8:45 Students will meet at the carpet in a circle. The children are called for new book selection during this time.
After O’ Canada there is a short mathematics input activity and students are directed to choose from Explorations. Students are required to do the daily 3- reading, writing and math during their own explorations through the day. Have students plan their play by placing a popsicle stick in the pocket before going to explorations and/or draw and write their play plan [especially Sk (frog) students]. During these explorations Tadpole (JK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 9:25 for students to share their mathematics problems and solutions from exploration time (see Explorations Planning Sheet).
Before recess we usually have time for our oral communication practice: see planning sheet for more details
Mystery Monday / Talking Tuesday / Wow Word Wednesday / Thinking Thursday / Funny FridayStudents will meet back at the carpet at 9:25 for students to share their mathematics problems and solutions from problem solving time (consolidation).
Recess: 9:40-9:55; After recess the class is divided into 2 or 4 groups depending on if we have a parent helper (see planning sheet). During the next two blocks students work on a cooking activity and a guided activity (see planning sheet).
Lunch: 11:15 (in class to eat, DECE stays with the class); 11:35 (outdoor time)
12:10: Entry from lunch. Students meet at the carpet for a read aloud followed by a whole class reading/writing activity or a phonics/word work activity (see lessons sheet for the week). After which students are directed to choose from Explorations. During these explorations Frog (SK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 1:20 for students to share their learning and items which they made.
1:35- Recess- Duty in the Kindergarten Yard
1:50- Entry- While we are waiting for everyone one student will share either calendar or the oral activity (such as, “Mystery House”). Shared reading; see planning sheet; buddy reading. Students will read with a partner using referring to the “Buddy Reading” sheet. Monitor partners and note reading behaviours. Prior to going to explorations, remind students that they may need to complete one of their “daily 3” and call on specific students who need to complete this.
2:40- meet at the carpet and student will share their learning. Complete any further consolidation of learning i.e., mathematics from Explorations or specific science observations.
2:50- dismissal; hand out agendas if not already done; parents and bus helpers will begin arriving at 2:55 with the exit bell ringing at 3:00
Clean-up- at the end of the day all of the chairs need to be stacked. The dark blue and light blues don’t fit together. The chairs DO NOT go on the table as they are washed each evening. Wash any dishes left in the sink. Bring all food items to the healthy snack room for overnight storage. Change “Flow of the Day” sheet for the next one in the cycle.
Flow of the Day: Day 4
Note- use the class camera to document student work and explorations prior to sending any items created home. Also, use the anecdotal sheet to record students work and thinking.
Give the children a 5 minute warning prior to meeting after Explorations and remind them to document their learning. While waiting for all the children to join sing the transition song for the week or “Apples and Bananas” and “The Gumball Song” with the weeks sound focus (see planning sheet).
8:25: Entry
Students come in, hand in their agendas. Jks (tadpoles) read independently or with “Buddy”. Frogs (SKs) gather a paper, clipboard and pencil and copy from the board the morning message making the 2 changes needed and answering the question. Before completing the new message students need to revise their work using a thinking pencil from the day before. As students get proficient at this task they will graduate and only complete once a week on Mondays, names are on the board).
8:45 Students will meet at the carpet in a circle. The children are called for new book selection during this time.
After O’ Canada there is a short mathematics input activity and students are directed to choose from Explorations. Students are required to do the daily 3- reading, writing and math during their own explorations through the day. Have students plan their play by placing a popsicle stick in the pocket before going to explorations and/or draw and write their play plan [especially Sk (frog) students]. During these explorations Tadpole (JK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 9:25 for students to share their mathematics problems and solutions from exploration time (see Explorations Planning Sheet).
Before recess we usually have time for our oral communication practice: see planning sheet for more details
Mystery Monday / Talking Tuesday / Wow Word Wednesday / Thinking Thursday / Funny FridayRecess: 8:40-8:55; After Recess the class is divided into SK/JK groups and half go to the library with Mrs. Laroque for computer period. The other half will stay in the class for differentiated instruction. Generally, SKs will be given writing instruction (see planning sheet).
Lunch: 11:15 (in class to eat, DECE stays with the class); 11:35 (outdoor time)
12:10: Entry from lunch. Students meet at the carpet for a read aloud followed by a whole class reading/writing activity or a phonics/word work activity (see lessons sheet for the week). After which students are directed to choose from Explorations. During these explorations Frog (SK) students as called to do some small group work (see small group lessons sheet for the week). Students will meet back at the carpet at 1:20 for students to share their learning and items which they made.
1:35- Recess- Duty in the Kindergarten Yard
1:50- Entry- While we are waiting for everyone one student will share either calendar or the oral activity (such as, “Mystery House”). Prior to going to explorations, remind students that they may need to complete one of their “daily 3” and call on specific students who need to complete this.
2:20- meet at the carpet and student will share their learning. Complete any further consolidation of learning i.e., mathematics from Explorations or specific science observations.
2:40-Reading Buddies; students will read to their buddy and listen to a story read by their buddy
2:50- dismissal; hand out agendas if not already done; parents and bus helpers will begin arriving at 2:55 with the exit bell ringing at 3:00
Clean-up- at the end of the day all of the chairs need to be stacked. The dark blue and light blues don’t fit together. The chairs DO NOT go on the table as they are washed each evening. Wash any dishes left in the sink. Bring all food items to the healthy snack room for overnight storage. Change “Flow of the Day” sheet for the next one in the cycle.
Flow of the Day: Day 5
Note- use the class camera to document student work and explorations prior to sending any items created home. Also, use the anecdotal sheet to record students work and thinking.