Answer the following questions:
1)What should people eat to lead a healthy life?
2)What happens if people eat too much fast food?
3)What are the dangers of fast food?
4)Are you against eating fast food?
5)What is wrong with McDonalds?
6)Can you defend McDonalds?
7)Should people eat meat?
8)Who is Morgan Spurlock?
9)What happens in the movie “Supersize Me”?
/ Each day, 1 in 4 Americans visits a fast food restaurant/ In 1972, we spent 3 billion a year on fast food - today we spend more than 110 billion
/ McDonald's feeds more than 46 million people a day - more than the entire population of Spain
/ French fries are the most eaten vegetable in America
/ You would have to walk for seven hours straight to burn off a Super Sized Coke, fry and Big Mac
/ In the U.S., we eat more than 1,000,000 animals an hour
/ 60 % of all Americans are either overweight or obese
/ One in every three children born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes in their lifetime
/ Left unabated, obesity will surpass smoking as the leading cause of preventable death in America
/ Obesity has been linked to: Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, Adult Onset Diabetes, Stroke, Gall Bladder Disease, Osteoarthritis, Sleep Apnea, Respiratory Problems, Endometrial, Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers, Dyslipidemia, steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, breathlessness, Asthma, Hyperuricaemia, reproductive hormone abnormalities, polycystic ovarian syndrome, impaired fertility and lower back pain
/ The average child sees 10,000 TV advertisements per year
/ Only seven items on McDonald's entire menu contain no sugar
/ Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald - he was fired for being too fat
/ McDonald's distributes more toys per year than Toys-R-Us
/ Diabetes will cut 17-27 years off your life
/ The World Health Organization has declared obesity a global epidemic
/ McDonald's operates more than 30,000 restaurants in more then 100 countries on 6 continents
/ Before most children can speak they can recognize McDonald's
/ Most nutritionists recommend not eating fast food more than once a month
/ 40% of American meals are eaten outside the home
/ McDonald's represents 43% of total U.S. fast food market
What’s Wrong with McDonald’s? – Vocabulary
caring / fürsorglich, liebevollto lure somebody in / jemanden hereinlocken
to drag / jemanden ziehen, schleppen, im Schlepptau haben
uniformity / Eintönigkeit, Gleichartigkeit
to undermine / untergraben, unterminieren
nutritious / nahrhaft
processed / be-/verarbeitet
fibre / Ballaststoff
linked with / verbunden mit
disease / Krankheit
additives / Zusatzstoffe
geared to / ausgerichtet auf
to affect / einen Einfluss haben auf
wages / Einkommen
overtime rates / Überstunden
understaffing / Unterbesetzung (Personal)
to exploit / jemanden ausnehmen, ausnützen
to be compelled to / gezwungen sein zu…
sweatshop / Ausbeuterbetrieb
grain / Getreide
livestock / Vieh
self-sufficient / selbsterhalterisch
appalling / schockierend
to rear / aufziehen, züchten
to litter / verschmutzen (mit Müll)
to slaughter / schlachten
sophisticated / ausgeklügelt, hochentwickelt
to despise / verachten
despite / trotz
reputation / Ruf
to be aware of / sich bewusst sein
struggle / Kampf
Vocabulary Supersize Me
to blame somebody / jemanden beschuldigen, etwas vorwerfento sue somebody / jemanden verklagen
lawsuit / Gerichtsverfahren
iconic / symbolisch für, steht für
to target / auf jemanden abzielen (z.B. McD targets kids with Happy Meals)
obese / fettleibig
obesity / Fettleibigkeit
argument / Argument, Streiterei (to have an argument)
exaggerated / übertrieben
odd / eigenartig, =strange
guinea pig / Versuchskaninchen
incrementally / Schritt für Schritt, =gradually
to transform / sich verändern
pasty / bleich
available / erhältlich, verfügbar
item / Gegenstand, Ding, =thing
to monitor / überwachen
degradation / körperlicher Verfall
initial / anfänglich, ursprünglich
to black out / zensurieren
attempt / Versuch
brand loyalty / Markentreue
to counter / etwas entgegenarbeiten
fond / angenehm, lieb (zB. memories)
to punch / schlagen
heart palpitations / Herzrhythmusstörungen
chest pains / Schmerzen in der Brust
susceptible to / anfällig für
denial / Abstreiten, Leugnung
genuinely (adv.) / echt, unverfälscht
nutritionist / Ernährungswissenschafter
to recommend / empfehlen
detox / Entgiftungskur
to recuperate / sich erholen
according to / laut… (laut Experten…)
to process / (chemisch) be/verarbeiten
to surpass / überholen (nicht auf Autos bezogen)