June 23, 2013

6:30 p.m.

  1. Randy called the meeting to order at 6:48 p.m. Present were Randy, Gail, Doug, Chad and Hope.
  2. Treasurer’s Report:
  1. Gail reported that two homes have not paid for 2013. One who has paid had NSF. There are four homes not fully paid.
  2. Finance Reports were reviewed
  3. Chad asked about having the annual insurance rates to be reviewed. Gail said she will look at it at the end of the year, first part of next year.
  4. Chad motion to approve, Hope seconded. Approved by vote.
  1. Old Business:
  1. April Meeting Minutes need to be updated as total signatures we have was 48 as there was a couple of duplicates.
  2. Minutes approved with amendment verification of 3bi. Chad motioned to approve, Gail seconded. Approved by vote.
  3. Dry Pond: Driveway needs to be taken care of. We need a group of people to pull weeds. Gail will get a quote from Andy to see about maintaining this strip. Gail will do this ASAP as we need to have the city inspector come in. The gravel area will need to be sprayed once a month.
  1. New Business:
  1. Irrigation and sprinkler systems: Randy knows they are up and running but not sure about the cul-de-sac. The sprinklers appear to be running in each area. Andy reprogrammed the system box so that the sprinklers go off in order. We will need to update the map. Doug asked about the meter to make sure it is running and testing properly. The city line does get turned off for the winter.
  2. Gail will also be getting a quote to see about having Andy take care of the grass that is growing in the street.
  3. The planter strip trees need to be trimmed that are over the sidewalks. Chad will be talking with one homeowner that has a tree hanging over the sidewalk and the street.
  4. The roots are causing problems too. We will need to look at doing Mirasett first. We will need to get a quote to bring the trees down and look at taking the roots out. Randy thought we should do a one-time assessment for the entire neighborhood then we could look at doing it one section at a time. We will then need to have the homeowner’s approve it. Doug also brought up getting an estimate for all the sprinkler systems. Gail suggested that we get a quote to see how much it will be to get cut the trees down and plant approved trees. Then we can come back to discuss it. Doug will make some calls. This will need to be discussed in the annual meeting.
  5. Gail will also be attending the Homeowner’s Association Workshop on Friday, June 28.
  6. Community Events:
  1. Fall Clean Up in October will be discussed more in August.
  2. Decorative top piece on the fences along 70th was discussed. Gail will call Fence Specialist to see if they can make this part.
  3. One homeowner has stated that he has received letters from the Board regarding violations. After discussion the Board determined that the letters to this particular homeowners where not sent by the board. The homeowner was encouraged to contact one of the board members if violation letter are dropped off at his home for verification.
  1. Next meeting is August 25th at Gail’s, 6:30 p.m.
  2. Meeting adjourned at 8: 38 p.m.