Developmental Activity Packets

© 2010, Every Child Succeeds®

Language Arts

·  Our book to read this week is: ______Look for books that have a simple order of events and talk about what happens first, next and last. Make it a habit to have the child retell the story from beginning to end. (Reading Process)

·  Sing the alphabet song with your child several times a day. Write the alphabet on a sheet of paper or use the one printed in the box below and point to each letter as you sing its name. (letter recognition)

·  Glue pictures of family members on sheets of paper to make a family album. Print each person’s name under the picture (use upper and lower case letters, not all capitals). Have your child go through the album and say each family member’s name. (reading process)

Large/Small Muscle Skills

·  Make a pretend “balance” beam on the floor. Use 2 three-foot lengths of string, rope, or yarn. Place the strings in a straight line 6 to 8 inches apart on the floor. The pretend “beam” is the space between the strings. Have your child play a game to see if he/she can walk to the end, pick up an object without stepping on the strings, and bring it back along the “balance beam”. (large muscle)

·  Give your child several sizes of plastic lids, both round and rectangular. Help your child trace each lid and then color each lid shape a different color. (small muscle)

Mathematics/Science/Social Skills

·  Take a nature walk with your child. Look for animal “houses” such as bird nests, cocoons, or shells. Ask what he/she thinks will happen when the animal comes out of the house. “Where will the bird go? Will the bird come back?” (science)

·  Compare how things are alike or different. “The leaves on this tree are big and the leaves on the other tree are small” (science)

Age 2 Month 8

Language Arts

·  Our book to read this week is: ______Find a book on community “helpers” such as policemen, firemen and mail carriers. Talk about what these people do. Go to the post office or grocery store and talk about what work the people do at that place. Ask questions such as, “What will the mail carrier bring us today, letters or magazines?” (Reading process)

·  Cut out pictures from old magazines or ads to use in making a collage. While helping your child glue the pictures to the page, use words to talk about position (over, under, next to, etc.). “Place the boy next to the picture of the house, and put the dog under the tree.” Continue using position words in everyday activities such as, “Put your books on the shelves, and your toys next to the books.” (vocabulary)

·  Help your child make invitations to the rest of the family for a family reading time. Let the child tell you what to say on the invitation while you write it down. Have your child use stickers or crayons to decorate the invitations. (writing skills)

Large/Small Muscle Skills

·  Draw a large triangle on a piece of paper. Help your child copy the triangle on a separate piece of paper. Help guide his/her hand if needed. Have your child color the triangle any color they want. (small muscle)

·  Play catch with your child, rolling the ball back and forth to each other. As the skill improves, make the distance longer. (large muscle)

Mathematics/Science/Social Skills

·  Use the sorting box (month 5, week 3) to count. Group all the items by color or size and count the number of items in each group. Next count all the items in all the groups. (number sense)

·  Talk about the weather with your child. Use words like hot, cold, windy and rainy. When you start your day talk about the weather and what kind of clothes will be needed. (vocabulary, science)

Language Arts

·  Our book to read this week is: ______Before reading the book with your child, look for words that are new to his/her vocabulary. Talk about the words before you read the story. “This book talks about alligators. Alligators live in water and have big mouths. Let’s read about the alligator.” (reading process, vocabulary)

·  Play a rhyming game with your child. Say a word and have your child say another word that rhymes with it. “Cat.” “Bat.” If your child has difficulty coming up with a word, read a book with rhymes and try again another time. (reading process)

·  Use pictures as you read to help your child learn the meanings of words. As you read point to the pictures and then to the word, ask: “What is this?” “Yes, that is a duck, and this word says duck.” (vocabulary)

·  Ask your child about his/her favorite character in the story. Make a paper bag puppet of the character with your child. Have your child use the puppet character to act as it would in the story. (reading applications)

Large/Small Muscle Skills

·  Draw a big square on a piece of paper. Have your child copy the square on a separate piece of paper. Help guide his/her hand if help is needed. Have your child color the square any color he/she wants. (small muscle)

·  Schedule a time each day for outdoor play for you and your child. Send a message that active play is important. If your child has a riding toy, walk or run alongside him/her as you go around the neighborhood. (large muscle)

Mathematics/Science/Social Skills

·  Praise your child today for making a good choice such as sharing with others or using words to let others know his/her feelings. “I like the way you chose to share your toys today.” “You are getting to be very good at using your words.” (social skills)

·  Play a game of steps. Tell your child we are going to play a game to see how many steps it will take to go outside, but all the steps are going to be baby steps. Count the baby steps as you move toward the door. When you are outside tell your child to take giant steps back to door and count the giant steps out loud. (number sense)

ã 2006 Every Cs Age 2 Month 8

Language Arts

·  Our book to read this week is: ______When reading a book with rhyming words invite your child to join in on the rhyming words. Point to the words as he/she says the word. (reading process)

·  Use brown grocery bags to make costumes. Cut the bag from bottom to top and cut a hole in the bottom for the child’s neck. Next cut arm holes on each side (the bag will look like a vest). Laying the bag flat, color and decorate the bag to make a costume (yellow for duck, shirt and tie for man, different colors for the “Hungry Caterpillar”). Have your child act out stories with you using the costumes. (reading application)

·  If your child shows an interest in something, go to the library and find books on that topic (cooking, trucks, doctors, animals, princesses). Read the book with your child and encourage him/her to ask questions. Look through the books to find answers. “Why do trucks have big wheels? Why do doctors listen to your chest?” (reading application)

Large/Small Muscle Skills

·  Our outdoor play for today is ______Walking is good exercise. Begin a life long exercise program for your child. Walk to as many places as you can during the week. (large muscle)

·  Take time to help your child clean up. “We need to clean up before we can go to grandma’s house. Let’s see if we can do it in two minutes.” Set the timer and help your child pick up the toys. Praise him/her for helping. “I like the way you did that, you worked hard.” (large muscle)

Mathematics/Science/Social Skills

·  As you walk around the neighborhood or through a mall, identify landmarks with your child. Point to each place and talk about why it is important. “This is the store where we buy clothes.” “This store can fix our TV” “This is where the fire trucks stay”. (social skills)

·  Use a calendar to count the days in the month. Point to each number as it is said. Have your child repeat each number and point to it as he/she repeats the name. Put a star or special sticker on special days such as your child’s birthday. (number sense)