Student Handbook


Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs22:6)

Mission Statement

Our mission is to glorify God through the training and nurturing of children spiritually, academically, physically, emotionally, and socially. We areconstantly striving tobuild Christ-like relationships based on Biblical truth, and inspiring children to share God’s love through their words, actions, and talents.

We believe that by working together, the family, the church, and the school can give each child the foundation needed to be successful in all that God calls them to do.

Educating the whole child; mind, body, and spirit.

Belief Statements

We believe:

  • The whole Bible to be completely and equally inspired, and that it is the written Word of God.
  • In one God eternally existing in three persons; namely, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
  • That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Father, conceived of the Holy Ghost, and born of the Virgin Mary.
  • ThatJesus wascrucified, buried, and raised from the dead. That He ascended to heaven and is today at the right hand of theFather as the Intercessor.
  • That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that repentance to God is necessaryfor forgiveness of sins.

Ohio Christian Academy is registered with the Ohio Department of Education as a Non-Chartered, Non-Tax Supported school.

Rule 3301-35-08 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) requires that a school, which is not chartered or seeking a charter from the State Board of Education because of truly held religious beliefs, shall annually certify in a report to the parents of its pupils that the school meets Ohio minimum standards for non-chartered, non-tax supported schools cited in paragraphs (A) to (H) of this rule. A copy of said report shall be filed with the Ohio Department of Education on or before the thirtieth of September of each year.

Racial Non-Discriminatory Policy

OhioChristianAcademy students, staff, and volunteers will follow this racial non-discrimination policy: Students and employees of all race, color, gender, and ethnic origin are entitled to all rights, privileges, programs, and activities provided by the school. In addition, OhioChristianAcademy will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational or athletic programs or extra-curricular activities. This school is not intended to be an alternative to court orders, administrative agencies, or public school district initiated desegregation.

Safety Procedures

Evacuation drills, severe weather drills, and lock downs are practiced periodically throughout the school year. All outside doors are locked during the school day.

School Procedures


It is the responsibility of the parent to assure the regular daily school attendance of their child. All absences, tardies, or early dismissals need to be called in to the school office by 8:30 am. If a student is absent four or more consecutive days, seven or more school days in a month, or eleven or more school days in a semester, parents and student are required to meet with the directors of OhioChristianAcademy.

Please keep your child at home if the student has any of the following symptoms:

  1. A temperature of 100 degrees in the last 24 hours.
  2. Vomiting or diarrhea in the past 24 hours.
  3. Head lice-students must be checked in the office and be nit free before returning to class.
  4. Rash of any contagious nature.
  5. Any illness of a contagious nature.

Medication of any form needs to be given to one of the directors along with a doctor's note with directions for use.

Make-Up Work:

Scheduling of make-up work, along with tests, is at the discretion of the teacher. Failure to make up missed work will result in a zero.

Inclement Weather Conditions:

Parents will be notified via phone calls, text messages, and e-mails if school needs to close due to weather conditions.

School Hours:

Students need to arrive at 8:00 am. Morning worship will begin at 8:15 am. Dismissal is 3:00 pm. Please make arrangements to have your child picked up and dropped off on time. All students leaving early must be signed out at the office.

Dress Code:

All students are required to wear the following:

Girls: light blue polo, plaid skirt (grades 4-12), jumper (grades K-3), plaid cross tie, navy knee socks, black dress shoes

Boys: light blue polo, navy blue pants, belt, navy blue tie, black dress shoes

Gym clothes: school t-shirt, navy shorts or athletic pants, tennis shoes

Uniforms can be ordered through Educational Outfitters. Their address is 2656 E. Sharon Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio. Their phone number is 513-771-1234.

Enrollment Requirements:

  • New students will be interviewed prior to enrollment.
  • The directors have the right to recommend grade level placement and/or adjust curriculum based on the needs of the child.
  • Students entering kindergarten must be 5 by August 30 of that school year.
  • All registration forms, immunization records, and a copy of the child's birth certificate must be on file in the school office prior to the start of school.

Mandated Reporting of Child Abuse or Suspected Abuse

In accordance with state law, school staff is obligated under penalty of fine and jail term to report the reasonable suspicion of physical abuse, sexual abuse, or child neglect. The school may or may not contact parents in advance of making a report to authorities. The clear intent of the law, based on the seriousness of the crimes listed above, is to mandate that a report of "reasonable suspicion" of abuse be made. School staff will make such reports in the best interest of the child and do not, once reasonable suspicion is established, have any legal alternative except to make the report to the proper authorities for their investigation and review.

Student Conduct

Students will be expected to:

  • Demonstrate Christ-like behaviors such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)
  • Demonstrate respect towards students, staff, and parents. (Romans 12:10)
  • Demonstrate personal responsibility for their behaviors, school work, and belongings. (Galatians 6:5)
  • Demonstrate a strong work ethic; working to the best of their ability in all that they do. (Colossians 3:23)
  • Demonstrate Christ-like purity in personal relationships while in school.
  • Only use electronic devices for school purposes.


Students'lunch period will be from 12:15-12:45 PM, and they will need to bring a packed lunch daily. Occasionally, we will offer a pizza day; however, parents will be notified of these special days in advance.

Care of School Property

Our school is located inside of the church building, so our classroom space will be used by other groups in the evenings throughout the week. In order to keep our school in the best possible condition, it is important that each student do the following:

  1. Keep classrooms, bathrooms, and gym floor free from litter and clutter.
  2. Keep feet off furnishings and not to sit on top of desks, tables, or backs of chairs.
  3. Keep textbooks, folders, and school supplies in assigned areas.
  4. Keep valuables and unnecessary electronics at home.

High School Graduation Requirements

In order for students to receive a diploma from OhioChristianAcademy they will have to meet the minimum standards put forth by the Ohio Department of Education for required courses and credits, currently at 22 credits. Ohio also requires that all juniors take the ACT. In addition to the state's requirements, students will be required to complete Bible courses and a minimum of 25 hours of community service each year.

Credit Requirements for graduation:

Bible4 credits

English language arts4 credits

Mathematics 4 credits

Science3 credits

Social Studies3 credits

Health½ credit

Physical Education½ credit

Electives*5 credits

*Must include Economics, Financial Literacy, and Fine Arts

Credits Preferred by colleges:

Englishlanguage arts4 credits

Mathematics4 credits

Science 3 credits

Social Studies3 credits

Foreign Language2 credits

Fine Arts 1 credit

Grade Scale

Grades will be reported to parents at the end of each quarter. For grades 3-12, the following grade scale will be used.

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

60-69 D

59 or below F*

*Any student scoring a 59 or below as a final course grade, in a required course, will need to repeat the class successfully during the summer before being registered for the following school year.

For grades K-2, the following grade scale will be used.

Outstanding progress - O

Satisfactory progress - S

Improving - I

Needs improvement - N


Any student caught cheating or plagiarizing will have one or more of the following consequences, depending upon the severity of the offence:

-Conference with teacher/administrator.

-A grade of a zero on that assignment.

-Parent notification.

Additional offences will be dealt with more harshly, with escalating penalties including possible suspension or expulsion.

Tuition and Fees

OhioChristianAcademy is a private Christian school financially operating on funds provided by tuition, fees, donations, and fundraising. Due to this, it is important that tuition be paid on time.

Tuitionis $400 per month if paid monthly or $4,000 for the year.Tuition payments are due by the 15th of each month starting in August through May.

Registration/book Fees are $300 per child in grades K4-8, and $400 per child in grades 9-12. These book fees are due by July 15th.

Volunteer Hours

Each family is required to be involved in three volunteer activities throughout the year. These could include, but are not limited to: making phone calls, helping in the classroom, being on the PTA board, helping with family days, plays, special occasion dinners, preparing for the mission trip, etc.


Knowing that cooperation with the school is necessary for a successful educational experience at OhioChristianAcademy, we have reviewed this handbook and agree to the philosophy and policies outlined in this handbook. We pledge to support these policies with our actions and attitudes.


Student Name (Printed) Signature Grade Date


Student Name (Printed) Signature Grade Date


Parent Name (Printed) Signature Date


Parent Name (Printed) Signature Date