Wave 3
Aims of the programme / To make double current rate of progress inreading and spelling
Description of programme / The programme follows the same format daily. The child reads a familiar book which has been chosen where the accuracy level is above 95%, this is to develop confidence with reading and allow for development of expression. A new book is then introduced and a running record undertaken. This book would be a level higher and the accuracy level should be 90-95% which is ideal for developing new strategies but not too hard to impact on comprehension. The child is always allowed to read to the end of a sentence before any mistakes are pointed out, this allows the child the opportunity to self correct. To draw attention to any mistakes the adult intervenes with one of three prompts. Does it look right? Does it sound right? Does it make sense? Pupils are very much encouraged to use strategies for themselves rather than the adult prompting.
Letter/word work is carried out with 2 phonic sessions and 1 tricky word session a week, each being taught in a multi-sensory way. Revisiting and reviewing, teaching of the new grapheme or tricky word for reading and spelling and then very importantly applying this for reading or spelling in a sentence.
Sound linkage work follows the programme as identified from initial assessment and then finally the child writes one or more sentences independently, being encouraged to practice it aloud 3 times first. This is marked immediately by ticking each of the correct sounds written.
Target Group / This is used from Years 2-6 can be adapted for YR1 (surfers)
Entry level / Based upon a child’s progress in literacy, particularly spelling and reading.
Length of intervention / 10 weeks + 2 weeks assessment
Frequency / 3 x 30 mins weekly
Delivered by / TAwho has attended three training sessions and has refresher training every 2 years.
Suggested start date / Beginning of a term
Groupings / Individual
Assessment /
- Specific phonic phase assessment
- Salford reading assessment
- Youngs’ spelling assessment
- Sound linkage assessment
- High frequency spell and read assessment
Monitoring arrangements / Ideally SENCO to observe TA once during the twelve-week programme and monitor weekly records. The results are collated and sent to Learning support services.