Evolutionary Game Level Synthesis
Antonio Cisternino, Diego Colombo, Member, IEEE
Abstract—In this paper we propose a model for computer games to describe how to synthesize new levels starting from the existing ones. New levels will be generated by composition of code fragments in binary form. The generation algorithm will ensure a homogeneous transformational model to make the program definition evolve.
omputergames are becoming very complicated software where players are required to perform achieve well defined goals in order to proceed in the game play. The structure of this process is often modeled using finite state machines, where a state transition happens whenever one or more goals are satisfied. Each state of this machine is generally named levelor mission.
Level definitions are hard coded into the definition of the game program. Since level definitions are bound by the human input and design; therefore games featuring large numbers of levels tend to be repetitive,whereas games with articulated stories tend to have a shorter lifetime because the story gets quickly exhausted.
An alternative approach to achieve games with non-trivial structures, nevertheless showing a longer lifetime, can be based on the evolution of the game program by synthesizing new levels by mixing the existing one, perhaps on an appropriate player modeling. This problem has been addressed by relying on dynamic loading to integrate new levels as plug-ins or program upgrades. In RPG games when the player perform a transition between levels (quests) the game world is generally not affected and so the state is not consumed, that happens in World of Warcraft[???] where the quests are continuously respawned and the world is someway static. A different approach is adopted by Ultima On line[???], where game masters (a kind of player) can interact with the underlying engine in order to produce new quests while inside the game itself. Another approach is the one used by Elder Scroll[???] where player can build new level and deploy them to the community though the web.
The ideal solution should be to provide a technique for building game engine so that levels are consumed after the transition and so the world become affected by the player actions, the spawn process should be able to generate an “equivalent” new level according to some generation rules.
In this paper we first briefly introduce CodeBricks [???] a code generation system designed for runtime code generation, and the tool we will use to synthesize the new portions of the game. A formal model for game level descriptions is provided and then we investigate how we can express the level generation process as a program that evolves over time depending on usage pattern basis.
II.Code Bricks Generation System
CodeBricks is a code generation system designed for virtual machines such as Microsoft .NET and Java, allowing runtime code generation without requiring any form of interpretation of language. The code composition is done with a high level metaphor so that the programmer can avoid all the details of intermediate language generation. A formal model has been developed to ensure that the operations, though expressed with very expressive operators, can be performed directly on the binary code efficiently.
We briefly introduce a model describing the code manipulation operations of the library. More details about the actual code generation process can be found [???].
The central idea behind CodeBricks is the exploitation of the partial application metaphor for expressing code composition. Binary formats of programs compiled for virtual machines retain enough information about types and methods to allow code manipulation according to the desired semantics. Type interfaces are preserved so that interoperability across different language is possible, thus methods are the same used by the programmer in the source program, creating the illusion that code manipulation is performed at source level rather than on the compiled program.
Virtual machines such Common Language Runtime and Java Virtual Machine support reflection, that is the ability of inspect and interact with a symbolic representation of the program itself (representation of the compiled program, though the type structure tend to be preserved during compilation providing symbolic information also about the source program).
Let us consider the set of reflection objects , which contains all the objects available to a running program through the reflection API. Since objects in the set cannot be manipulated directly we introduce a new set B of values associated with methods descriptors in and the functionβ : → B that represents the association. We also introduce the inverse function β-1 : B → that allows to invert the process and make executable a value in the set B.
Values of set B represent methods, therefore are described by a name, and a signature with types. A single function bind is used to manipulate these values and generate new values. The bind function allows binding any of the arguments of a brick value with:
-a value from a domain compatible with the actual type of the argument
-a value from the set B having as a return type a type compatible with that of the bound argument
-a value from the set B with a signature compatible with the type of the bound argument, which represents a function (i.e. a delegate type or an interface with a single method)
-the special value that indicates that the argument remains unbound
The result of binding a value to an argument is to obtain the value of the method represented by the brick as if it is partial applied with the given value.
For instance let us suppose that we have the add method defined as follows in a small C# program:
class Example {
public static int add(int i, int j) {
return i + j;
Let m the value from representing the method add. We can derive the three way add operation using the CodeBricks system as follows:
β-1(bind(β(m), β(m), )
The code generated by this expression, when executed, behaves like the statement:
Example.add(Example.Add(x, y), z);
The CodeBricks generator generates a new method whose definition is compatible with the intended semantics of partial application. Unbound arguments are lifted into the signature of the new brick in a left-to-right fashion. In our case we have bound the first argument of β(m) with β(m), which has two arguments that are lifted into the signature of the resulting brick that has three arguments of type int. This could have been stated more explicitly using an idempotent call to bind:
β-1(bind(β(m), bind(β(m), , ), )
There are several subtleties in code generation with the CodeBricks model, and there are also important properties (for instance that the code generated is always type safe and well formed). However, we have introduced all the fundamental elements of the generation system that we will use in the rest of this paper, and that will be used to synthesize levels by combining existing ones.
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E.Other Recommendations
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VI.Some Common Mistakes
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