Examination December 2011
M.A. - Final
Master of Arts in Sociology
Third Paper
Elective – I: Ramanuja
Time : 3 Hrs.M.M. : 70
veesš–Fme ØeMve he$e ceW Ûeej Keb[ nQ~ Gòej osves kesâ henues efveoxMeeWkeâes meeJeOeeveerhetJe&keâ heÌ{W~
(This Question Paper consists of 4 Sections. Read Instructions carefully before attempting the Questions.)
KeC[–De (Section–A)
Deefle ueIeg GòejerÙe SJeced Jemlegefve‰ Øekeâej kesâ ØeMve
(Very Short Answer and Objective Type Question)
meYeer ØeMve DeefveJeeÙe& nQ~10 1 = 10
(All Questions are Compulsory)
1.‘Jesoevle meej’ kesâ jÛeefÙelee keâewve Les?
(De) GoÙeve (ye) Mebkeâj (me) jeceevegpe (o) ÙeeoJe ØekeâeMe
Who was the author of ‘Vedantasar’?
(A) Udayan (B) Shankar (C) Ramanuja (D) Yadav Prakash
2.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej cegefòeâ keâe meeOeve nw-
(De) Yeefòeâ (ye) %eeve (me) efve<keâece keâce& (o) kesâJeue keâce&
According to Ramanuja the means of Liberation is:
(A) Devotion (B) Knowledge (C) Setected action (D) Only action
3.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Oece&Yetle %eeve’ nw-
(De) Yeeweflekeâ (ye) peÌ[ (me) Ûesleve (o) De-peÌ[
Dharamabhuta Gyana according to Ramanuja is
(A) Material (B) Unconscious (C) Conscious (D) Immaterial
4.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej yeÇÿe ceW heeÙee peelee nw-
(De) mepeeleerÙe Yeso (ye) efJepeeleerÙe Yeso (me) mJeeiele Yeso (o) keâesF& veneR
According to Ramanuja Brahma processes
(A) Sajatiya Bheda (B) Vijatiya Bheda (C) Svagata Bheda (D) None of above
5.jeceevegpe kesâ ßece efJe<eÙekeâ efmeæevle keâer JÙeeKÙee efvecveefueefKele ceW mes keâewve mee efmeæevle keâjlee nw?
(De) yeÇÿe heefjCeeceJeeo (ye) ceeÙee (me) hebÛeerkeâjCe (o) F&MJej
Which are o the following accounts or Ramanuja’s theory of Brror?
(A) Brahmaparinamavada (B) Maya (C) Panchikarana (D) God
6.efJeefMe°eÉwle keâe DeLe& keäÙee nw?
What is he meaning of Visistadvaita?
7.jeceevegpe efkeâleves ØeceeCe mJeerkeâej keâjles nQ~
How many Pramaan are accepted by Ramanuja
8.jeceevegpe kesâ mecØeoeÙe keâe keäÙee veece nw?
What is the name of Ramanuja’s system?
9.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej F&MJej kesâ heeBÛe ™he keâewve nQ?
What are the five mood of God according to Ramanuja?
10.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej cegefòeâ keâer heefjYee<ee keäÙee nw?
Define salvation according to Ramanuja?
KeC[–ye (Section-B)
ueIeg GòejerÙe ØeMve (Short Answer Type Questions)
efkeâvneR ome ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej oerefpeÙes~10 2 = 20
(Attempt any Ten Questions)
11.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ‘lelJeceefme’ keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Explain ‘Tattvamasi’ according to Ramanuja.
12.jeceevegpe kesâ F&MJej efJe<eÙe hej Skeâ mebef#ehle efšhheCeer efueefKeS~
Write a short note on Ramanuja’s view of god.
13.efJeefMe°eÉwle kesâ mebØelÙeÙe mes Deehe keäÙee mecePeles nw? efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
What do you understand by the concept of Visistadvaita?
14.%eeve kesâ œeesle keäÙee nQ? jeceevegpe kesâ efJeÛeejeW keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
What is the source of knowledge? Describe thoughts of Ramanuja?
15.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ‘levleg mecevJeÙeeled keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Explain ‘Tattusmanavaat’ according to Ramanuja.
16.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ‘peerJe’ keäÙee nw? efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
What is Jiva according to Ramanuja? Discuss
17.jeceevegpe kesâ oMe&ve ceW ‘cegefòeâ’ keâer DeJeOeejCee keâe JeCe&ve keâerefpeS~
Describe the concept of liberation in Ramanuja’s Philosophy
18.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej me=ef° keâe efJeJesÛeve keâerefpeS~
Discuss the concept of creation according to Ramanuja.
19.Mebkeâj Deewj jeceevegpe kesâ yeÇÿe-efJeÛeej kesâ yeerÛe Yeso yeleeFÙes~
Distinguish between the Brahman of Shankara and tat of Ramanuja.
20.jeceevegpe kesâ oMe&ve keâer he=‰Yetefce keâer efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
Discuss background of Ramanuja’s Philosophy.
21.jeceevegpe Deewj Mebkeâj kesâ peieled efJeÛeej keâer leguevee keâerefpeS~
Compare Ramanuja’s and Shankara’s conception of the world.
22.jeceevegpe kesâ ßece efJeÛeej keâer JÙeeKÙee keâjW~
Explain lamanuya’s theory of Illusion.
23.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ceeÙeeJeeo kesâ KeC[ve keâe DeeOeej keäÙee nw? meb#eshe ceW yeleeFÙes~
What is the ground of refution of the doctrine of Maya according to Ramanuja? Explain briefly.
24.‘lelJe’ kesâ yeejs ceW jeceevegpe kesâ efJeÛeejeW keâe cetuÙeebkeâve keâerefpeS~
Evaluate Ramanuja, Theory of Reality.
25.jeceevegpe yeÇÿe ceW leerve Øekeâej kesâ YesoeW ceW efkeâme Yeso keâes ceeveles nw Deewj keäÙeeW?
Out of three kinds of difference in Brahman which our is accepted by Ramanuja and why?
KeC[–me (Section-C)
efJeMues<eelcekeâ/mecemÙeelcekeâ ØeMve (Analytical/Problematic Questions)
efkeâvneR oes ØeMveeW kesâ Gòej 350 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~2 10 = 20
(Attempt any Two Questions in 350 words.)
26.jeceevegpe kesâ F&Õej efJeÛeej keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Explain Ramanuja’s conception of God.
27.jeceevegpe kesâ cees#e-efJeÛeej keâer mebef#ehle JÙeeKÙee keâjs~ Ùen Mebkeâj kesâ cees#e-efJeÛeej mes efkeâme Øekeâej efYeVe nw?
Explain briefly Ramanuja’s conception of Moksha. How does it differ form that of Shankara?
28.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej peerJeelcee keâer JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS~
Explain individual self according to Ramanuja.
29.jeceevegpe kesâ Devegmeej ‘Yeefòeâ keâe mJe™he keäÙee nw? efJeJesÛevee keâerefpeS~
What is the nature of devotion according to Ramanuja?
30.jeceevegpe kesâ ßece-efJeÛeej keâer JÙeeKÙee keâjW~ Ùen Mebkeâj kesâ Yeüce-efJeÛeej mes efkeâme Øekeâej efYeVe nw?
Explain Ramanuja’s theory of Illusion. How does it differ form that of Sankara?
KeC[–o (Section-D)
oerIe& GòejerÙe ØeMve (Long Answer Type Questions)
efkeâmeer Skeâ ØeMve keâe Gòej 700 MeyoeW ceW oerefpeS~1 20 = 20
(Attempt any One Question in 700 words.)
31.yeÇÿe kesâ yeejs ceW Mebkeâj Deewj jeceevegpe kesâ keäÙee efJeÛeej nQ? oesveeW celeeW keâer meceer#ee keâerefpeS~
How does Shankara conceive Brahman? What is the position of Ramanuja in His regard? Examine critically the two conceptions.
32.jeceevegpe kesâ ‘lelJeceerceebmee keâer efJemleej mes JÙeeKÙee keâerefpeS Fmekeâer leguevee Mebkeâj kesâ lelJeceerceebmee kesâ meeLe keâerefpeS~
Explain at length the metaphysics of Ramanuja compare it with that of Sankara.