DraftMinutes, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove (HWBH) Community Interest Company (CIC) Board of Directors Meeting. Wednesday 11th March 2015, 10:00am – 11:30am. Stanmer Room, Brighthelm

Present:Board: Frances McCabe (Chair), Clare Tikly, John Davies, Sophie Reilly, Bob Deschene, Doris Ndebele, Mick Lister.
Staff: Claire Jones (HWBH Manager, notes), Kat Pearce (Interim manager), Nicky Cambridge (CEO maternity cover of HWBH from 16th March 2015)
Members of the public: Michael Creedy, Richard Scott, John Kapp
Apologies: Karin Janzon

  1. Welcome, Apologies and Introductions
Introductions were made and members of the public were welcomed. It was explained that Nicky Cambridge will start on 16th March as CEO (maternity cover) for Claire Jones, she currently works as a senior policy officer at Brighton and Hove City Council.
  1. Declarations of Interest
2.1) Fran is a trustee of Age UK Brighton and Hove, and Clare is the outgoing Chair of Charter Patient Participation group (PPG) ending 23rd March 2015. Kat’s partner works for CUPP at the University. Doris is the CEO of Black and Minority Ethnic Community Partnership (BMECP). Fran is a Board member of Age UK Brighton and Hove and her partner is a trustee of the Marlets. Sophie is a Board member of Speak Out and Chair of the Federation Centre for Independent Living.
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
3.1) Agreed as accurate.
3.2) Outstanding actions: “ACTION: Steve to confirm that he records training completed by HWBH volunteers. ACTION: Steve to pass on details of Brighton and Hove City Council training on safeguarding to the Board as some might be interested in completing this. ACTION: Steve to discuss with Sophie and Clare how training on safeguarding can be further embedded into the role of volunteers using for instance a case studies/ scenario approach and how policies can be better interlinked.”
Matters Arising
3.3 PLACE (environmental audits) in the minutes under Item 9.1 in which some volunteers from HWBH participate in. It was AGREED it would be useful to check what progress has been made since the last visits, particularly in the Eye Hospital (Steve)
  1. Update from the Intelligence and Engagement Committee (I&E)
3.1 Sophie noted that in her meetings with staff they had commented on the usefulness of the newly merged HWBH group Intelligence and Engagement Committee.
3.2 The committee has met twice and those attending include the Chair, Manager, Engagement Co-ordinator and Research and Projects Co-ordinator, Karin, John and Clare from the Board. It was agreed it might be useful to have the volunteer co-ordinator at some meetings due to the impact on volunteers particularly around enter and view. The committee is looking at developing a diary of visits to health and adult social care services. Some GP practices will be visited (3 are taking place in March). The Chair explained that the rationale for visiting GP practices was that 75% of concerns from the HWBH helpline relate to GP practices however, we also look at other data e.g. from the Care Quality Commission (CQC), NHS Choices to make decisions about services that we will visit. HWBH are also hoping to establish a baseline this year to determine whether the clusters etc. of GP practice will have an impact on patients next year.
3.3 HWBH aims to undertake a minimum of 36 enter and view visits in its third year 2015/2016, including 12 to care homes as we recognise some the residents will be more isolated and unlikely to contact our helpline etc. In addition the enter and view visits HWBH aims to undertake other forms of visits as we recognise that using a variety of methodologies will help obtain a truer picture of users’ experiences. For instance, HWBH aims to use Sit and See (an observation tool previously used by the LINk and developed by a staff member at Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust). Mick also suggested investigating whether HWBH could use the 15 Step Challenge as another form of visit (ACTION: Claire will add to agenda of next I&E committee for their consideration, completed 12.03.15).
5. Update from the Capacity Building Group
5.1 This group has had its first meeting: Manager, Chair and Karin. The group have produced its Terms of Reference and some sources of potential funding identified. Claire and Fran have also been working on some capacity building proposals. The group was clear that it would not be trying to secure funding for core statutory work. The group has also renamed itself the Capacity Building Group rather than the Income Generation Group as it is considered that it is useful to look at schemes that enable HWBH to boost its staff/volunteer capacity not just generate income. HWBH also recognizes its widen social responsibilities and by utilizing the skills of students etc. we can help give them work experience and references etc. ACTION: Claire to email Board members copies of the Group’s Terms of Reference, processes and Fran’s paper, completed 12.03.15). Other Board members were encouraged to join the group. (ACTION: Nicky to organise the next meeting).
6 Updates from any other meetings
6.1 Spokes – in the original bid for HWBH it was envisaged that there would be a hub and spokes model working in partnerships with community organisations to find out issues for communities and sharing information. This work was delayed and only recently the first meeting has taken place. 20 invitations were sent out and 15 people attended. The original list of Spokes was expanded as it was felt it did not cover all the seldom heard from groups. The meeting received positive feedback and there was a general willingness to engage with HWBH and groups were keen for HWBH to provide funding via small grants to help them engage. It was noted that the money needs to be out by the end of September.
6.2 It was agreed that HWBH will convene quarterly meetings with Spokes on health and social care issues. The first meeting will be in May and focus on Better Care. It was suggested that HWBH works with Community Works on this. ACTION: Draft a letter to spokes about the small grants fund (Kat/Nicky)
6.3 Eaton Place GP Practice – The Chair explained that notice had been given to patients in November 2014 of the closure of this practice. During the past 3 months there has been an enormous amount of activity from patients, the Clinical Commissioning Group, the Health and Wellbeing Board, politicians and HWBH. 5,600 were registered as patients and there were higher levels of more vulnerable patients at this practice including those with drug and alcohol problems, mental health problems etc. The closure had not been handled well and there were still some patients that have not registered with new GOP practices. Bob explained that at the Primary Care Transformation Group meeting on the 10th that 60 of the most vulnerable patients had been registered with other practices. It was noted that there is anecdotal feedback that at the surrounding practices it is now more difficult to get appointments because of the increased numbers of patients at these practices.
6.4 The Chair explained that she, Bob and Claire had attended a meeting with the Commissioner of HWBH and that targets were discussed. Some Board members voiced concern about who is controlling the work load of HWBH if BHCC is insisting the targets are met. Claire and the Chair explained that the contract was awarded on the basis of meeting these outcomes so although there was room for some negotiation as the targets had been originally produced before it was known what HWBH would look like the targets stand. It was agreed that it is important to ensure that HWBH keep their integrity and their Patient public involvement ethos.
6.5 The Commissioner had also suggested a peer review with another Healthwatch for the purpose of benchmarking and learning. At the meeting it was suggested to the Commissioner it would be useful to peer review a Healthwatch similar to Brighton and Hove in terms of demographics so we are comparing like or like and the learning is more useful. ACTION: Claire to email the Board the list she produced on other similar Healthwatch for their consideration. (completed 12.03.15)
6.6 It is hoped that Brighton and Hove City Council would not go out to tender after year 3 and that HWBH recognises this would create considerable work to complete a bid. It was AGREED that it would be useful to produce a business plan in the summer. ACTION: Nicky).
7. Any other Business
8. Questions from the Public
8.1 John Kapp passed some copies of his paper on talking therapies (TT) and asked HWBH to investigate why the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has not increased its contact provision of TT. He explained that he had lobbied HWBH but had not received a response. Bob normally attends CCG Board meetings and said he thought that the CCG had increased their spending on mental health. John also said that waiting times were high for TT. Richard noted that the CCG and the Health and Wellbeing Board had commissioned TT from three providers and they had stated that there are no waiting times. He also commented that perhaps GPs are not always aware of those who might benefit from TT as they might not see their GP.
8.2 Richard Scott commented that the meeting had been a fascinating one and that he hoped that HWBH would continue their god standard magazine. He suggested that it is good practice to have a summary of items to be discussed in private in the public domain. This was AGREED as a good suggestion and an action (ACTION: Nicky to ensure this is done for the next meeting in public).
8.3 Richard Scott also stated that he considered that NHS England had acted in an “diabolical manner” over the closure of Eaton Place GP practice and suggested HWBH ask for the records relating to this practice from NHS England. The Chair explained that HWBH shared Richard’s concerns and has done substantive work on this issue.
8.4 Richard Scott also raised the issue of primary care commissioning moving back to the CCG and how this was a clear conflict of interest. He suggested HWBH should be investigating this. The Chair explained that she meets regularly with the CCG and attends the primary care transformation meeting and is constantly raising issues around conflicts of interest.
8.5 Richard asked whether HWBH is planning a follow-up report into hospital discharge since they had produced a report in October. The Chair explained that another report was not in the pipeline but that HWBH is looking at discharge as part of their visits to the Royal Sussex County Hospital. Richard asked that information on this was available in the public domain.
8.5 Michael Creedy asked how HWBH would ensure the Community Interest Company would engage the public. The Chair commented that HWBH are currently recruiting members, are holding an AGM soon and will look at other ways to engage at their next meeting (ACTION: Nicky). Claire passed Michael the HWBH document on membership.
8.6 It was also asked whether there was documentation on the HWBH on the CIC. Claire said she was confident that it was on the website but would double check (ACTION: Claire, completed 12.03.15, it is on our website).
The Minutes were approved for signature by the Chair:

The meeting ended at 11.35

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