Session-2011 -2012





Submitted in fulfillment for requirement of

B.E. in Electronics & communication engg.






RUCHI MAHOR (0126EC083D09)




This is to certify that the work embodies in this major project entitled “INTELLIGENT SPEED ADAPTATION” being submitted by Jitendra Singh Sisodia (0126EC083D06) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of “BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (Electronics Communication & Engineering)” to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal( M.P) during the academic year 2011is a record of bonafide piece of work, carried out by him under our/my supervision and guidance in the “Department of Electronics Communication & Engineering”, Thakral Collage Of Technology, Bhopal(M.P.).

Guided & Approved by:


HOD, Department of
Electronics Communications and Engineering

Forwarded by:

HOD Director

DEPTT OF ECE TCT, Bhopal TCT, Bhopal


It is our profound privilege and pleasure to express overwhelming sense of gratitude devotion and regard to out esteemed and learned teacher

Mr. VISHAL THAKUR. Whose initiation and timely guidance and valuable suggestions helped us to carry out this project.

We do not have words to express our heartily gratitude to

Mr. VISHAL THAKURHOD of electronics & communication for unhearing continuous and expert guidance and valuable work which has to be undertaken during the forth year of bachelor of engineering in Electronics and communication Engineering as required by the academic curriculum.

This project INTELLIGENT SPEED ADAPTATION has bee submitted as report work which has to be undertaken during the forth year of bachelor of engineering in Electronics and communication Engineering as required by the academic curriculum.

Table of contents

1. / Introduction / 01
2. / Block Daigram
2.1Block diagram of working model transmitter
2.2Block diagram of working model reiever
2.3Block diagram of practical system implementation / 02
3. / Circuit Diagram
3.1Circuit diagram of transmitter card
3.2Circuit diagram of receiver card / 05
4. / Construction and working
4.1Description of working model / 07
4.2Construction of working model / 10
4.3Operating principle and working of model transmiter / 10
4.4Parameters of transmission / 11
4.5Frame format of transmitting frame / 12
4.6Construction of working model receiver / 13
4.7Operating principle and working of working model receiver / 14
4.8Present design of practical vehicle system / 15
4.9Required design of practical vehicle system / 17
4.10Overall design of Practical system / 18
5. / Flow Chart
5.1Flow Chart of transmitter / 20
5.2Flow chart of receiver / 21
6. / PCB Layout
6.1PCB Layout of transmitter
6.2PCB Layout of receiver / 22
7. / List of Components / 24
8. / Specifications of Components / 27
8.1Specification of resistor
8.2Specification of switch
8.3Specification of rectifiers
8.4Specification of didoe / 31
9. / PCB Manufacturing Process / 38
10. / Advantages / 42
11. / Future Enhancement / 45
12. / Software Coding of Microcontroller / 46
13. / Precautions / 130
14. / Bibliography / 131
15. / Data Sheet
15.1Data sheet of Microcontroller
15.2Data sheet of LCD
15.3Data sheet of RF module
15.4Data Sheet of DC Motor
15.5Data sheet of optocoupler
15.6Data sheet of uln 2003


Excessive or inappropriate speed is a significant factor in serious road accidents. Road safety authorities around the world devote considerable resources to addressing the speeding problem particularly compliance with speed limits. One countermeasure that is gaining increasing attention is the use in vehicle technology to assist drivers keep to speed limits or even prevent the vehicle from exceeding speed limits on all roads at all times. This is known as Intelligent speed Adaptation.

Intelligent speed Adaptation (ISA) is the generic name for advanced system in which the vehicle knows the speed limit for the road currently being travelled on. That Information can be used to display the current speed limit inside the vehicle and warn the driver when he or she is speeding. The technology is of interest because of the known relationship between speed and risk of an accident and also because of the relationship between speed and injury severity in an accident.

2.Block Diagram

2.1Block Diagram of Working model transmitter

2.2Block Diagram of Working model Receiver

2.2Block Diagram of overall system design of practical system

3.1 Circuit Diagram

3.1 Circuit Diagram of Transmitter Card

3.2 Circuit Diagram of Receiver Card
4.Construction And Working

4.1Description of Working Model

For showing the implementation of our concept of project, we construct of working model in which we use one transmitter card, a receiver card and a toy car. The transmitter and receiver card is same as for practical system implementation. The only difference lies between the practical vehicle system and our used toy car the toy car we use here is a gear car which uses dc motor for its movement. For transferring of signals of information between transmitter and receiver, we use RF communication through RF module. So the whole system is designed around two parts –



4.2Construction of working model Transmitter

Major Component of the Transmitter is

1.LCD display

2.4 x 4 keyboards

3.RF Module


5.Power Supply Section

  1. Lcd. Display: - It has 16x2 LCD display to see the status of the transmitter.
  2. 4x4 keyboard: - it has 16 switch key board to set the varios parameter. Such as:-

Switch1:- To set the speed limit of speed zone. When this switch is press Speed setting screen is shown. As followsSpeed=10%.

Switch2:- To increase the speed limit, for e.g. If this pressSpeed=12%.

Switch3:- To decrease the speed limit, for e.g. If this pressSpeed=10%.

Switch4:- To save the speed limit and exit the screen, for e.g.If this press. Return to home screen. RKDFCE BHOPAL

Switch5:- When this switch is press system then you set the sending message. Shows you a previous message.Message=Rtn(Right turn)

Switch6 and 7:- by using this u can change the message.

  • Message=Rtn(Right turn)
  • Message=Ltn(left turn)
  • Message=Brd(Bridge)
  • Message=nhn(no horn)
  • Message=wip (work in progress)

Switch8 :-by using this u can save the message for transmission and exit you home screen.

Switch9:-by using this u can select the mode of system.By default it will shows the previous save mode. And remain in this.

Switch10:-by using this U are in transmiiter mode.

Switch11:-by using this U are in Remote mode.

Switch12:-by using this U are in save the state if power is off.

Switch13:-Only work in remote mode By using this increase the speed of car remotely.

Switch14:-Only work in remote mode By using this decrease the speed of car remotely.

Switch15:-Only work in remote mode By using stop the car.

Switch16:-Exit without saving in any mode.

3).Rf module:-This module is used to transfer data in rf. Form.

This module is working on a 433 mhz. and Ask modulation is used.And support the data below the 1200 bps.

4.Microcontroler. :-In this system we are using mc of microchip company which is PIC16f877a. which is RISC based controller. Only has 35 set of commands set. Has various paripherel inbuilt such as USART,TIMER,ADC,SPI,I2C,EEPROM and has 8k of program memory and also has various features.

5). Power Supply: - In the whole system we are using +5v regulated power supply. It is obtained by the 230v ac.

This section is covered by these parts:-

  • 12 v step down transformer (500m amp)
  • Full wave rectifier.
  • Filter.
  • linear regulator.
  1. 12 v step down transformer(500m amp):- Step down transformer is used to convert 230v ac to 12v ac. With current rating of 500 mump.
  2. Full wave rectifier: - The full wave Bridge rectifier is used to convert 12 ac to the pulsating dc which is equal to average value.

c. Filter: -Filter is a used to convert pulsating dc to constant dc. It may me capacitor, RC network, inductance. depends upon the current following in the circuit or impedance of circuit. But in this system we use capacitor.

d.Linear regulator:- regulator are used the system is used to convert high voltage to +5v constant dc.

4.3Operating Principle and working of working model transmitter

Basic function of a transmitter is to control the speed of the moving vehicle also send a message to the drive if any for road. For e.g. on a road there is left turn, right turn, work in progressed. When the system is in the transmitter mode it controls the speed of car. It continuously transmit the Transmitting frame and the contains following informations's Message.


{ ?} First byte is opening bracket and last is closing is used to synchronies the reciver and this 3 also check for errors .If message is in not this format then reciver discard it.

Tsecond byte is use to tell the receiver come in Transmiter is in control mode.

--Third byte is use to tell the reciver for speed if speed is greater than permited then decrease speed to the set value which has been recived

-- fourth byte is to give the message.

When the system is in Remote mode it controls the speed of car.Its sends first and last byte as usual.Second byte is R which tells the reciver it also contol by remoteThird forth and fifth are if its

UP. then receiver increase the speed

DW. then receiver decrease the speed

St. Then receiver decrease to zero the speed.

4.4Parameters of transmission:-

Transmission is done on 1200 baud rate , 8 data bits ,no parity.

4.5Frame Format of Transmitting Frame

4.5Construction of Working Model Receiver

  1. Lcd. Display: - It has 16x2 LCD display to see the status of the speed and message send by the transmitter.
  2. Swithes:- first switch is use to increase the speed of car Second switch is use todecrease the speed of car.
  3. Microcontroler. :-In this system we are using mc of microchip company which is PIC16f877a. which is RISC based controller. Only has 35 set of commands set. Has various paripherel inbuilt such as USART,TIMER,ADC,SPI,I2C,EEPROM and has 8k of program memory and also has various features.
  4. RF Module :- This module is used to receive the data in RF form. This module is working on a 433 MHz frequency. ASK demodulation is used in this module. it support the data below the 1200 bps.
  5. Power Supply :- The receiver section has a two power supplies. One for microcontroller and other for motor driving section. Micro-controller power supply section is same as in transmitter. For dc motor supply we use a 12v regulator which is used to give 12v power supply to the motor.
  6. DC Motor :- For the movement of toy car in our working model and also fopr movement of carburetor plate in practical system, we use a DC motor. Motor driving section has following more circuitry as –

1. Leds :- change the bridge ness as the duty cycle change.

2. Optocoupler: - isolate the high voltage to the micocontroler.Has four optocupler used to increase the current for motor

3. ULN2003:- It has seven transistor which are in parallel. Also for increasing the current.

4.6Operating Principle and working of Working model Receiver

The receiver program works in two section.

  • The motor driving section.
  • The control section driving section.
  1. The motor driving section:-Speed of the motor of the car is increase and decrease by the pulse width modulation whose frequency is 1khz.when we want to increase the speed of car we increase the duty cycle and it is shown on screen in a form of percentage. When we decrease the speed of the car we decrease the duty cycle.
  2. The control section driving section.:-This system is active any valid frame is received. For eg Its receive a transmitting frame it extract speed and message and first shows the message check the current speed with received speed. If it is greater the it decrease the amout of duty cycle. If it is lesser or equal it takes no decision.


In our system our carburetor is designed in such a way that a new slide is introduced below the older slide of the carburetor which was fully controlled by the driver section and ECU. Our new slide is now controlled by the receiver circuitry of the receiver of speed adaptation system. The movement of this new slide is done by the high resolution DC or stepper motor whose speed is controlled according to the received signal, which is transmitted by transmitter section.

A digital Speedometer is also used in this system. This digital speedometer measures the running speed of the vehicle for PID LOOP. At first receiver section takes the transmitted data and check the running speed of the vehicle through PID LOOP. if the running speed is greater then received speed limit then an optimal target opening degree of the throttle valve is calculated by the ECU and PID LOOP of the driving section of vehicle and hence calculated opening degree of the throttle valve is done by the new introduced slide below the older slide by the dc motor. As the speed of the vehicle increases beyond the speed limit then our receiver system decreases the opening of the new slide and adjust the amount of intake air fuel supplied to the engine and hence the speed is maintained at safe optimal speed level.

If driver want to move above the speed limit of a particular zone then he/she can not increases the speed above the safe limit .the reason is that when he/she want to increases the speed of the vehicle system then he/she increases the opening of slide of throttle through accelerator .now even he/she fully open the throttle slide to increases the speed, our new introduced slide which is located below the older slide maintained the safe speed of the vehicle according to the received signal. Hence our vehicle is within the safe limit.


In our practical system implementation, remote mode of working is excluded from the transmitter card. Error detection system is also excluded. The transmission link in the practical implementation will be GSM or satellite link.

4.9Present Designing of Practical Vehicle Systems

4.10Required Design of Practical Vehicle System

4.11Overall Design of practical system

5.Flow Chart

5.1Flow Chart of Transmitter

6.PCB Layout

6.1PCB Layout of Transmitter Receiver

7. List of Components

Semiconductors :

  • IC (7805 5V regulator) =1
  • IC (PIC16f876amicrocontroller) =1
  • D ( 1N4148 ) =4
  • D (4007 rectifier diode) =4
  • LED1 (3mm LED) =2
  • IC Base (14 pin ) =2

Resistors (all ¼ watt +% carbon):

  • R (1-kilo-ohm) = 1
  • R (10-kilo-ohm) =5
  • R (4.7- kilo-ohm) =1
  • R (50 E ohm) =1

Capacitor :

  • C (1000uf ,25V electrolytic) =1
  • C2,C3,(100/25) =2

Miscellaneous :

  • X( 230VAC primary to 12V/500mA ) =1
  • S (Puch-to on switch) =17
  • XTal (16 MHZ ) =1
  • 16*2LCD =1
  • Mains Cable =1
  • Barg strip (16 pin ) =1
  • Ferric Cloride -100gms.
  • Soldering Wire - 20gms.
  • Connecting wires - 2mtrs.
  • Soldering Paste -10gms.
  • PCB 4”x6” =1
  • RF module (433 MHz)Tx =1

Receiver Components

Semiconductors :

IC (7805 5V regulator) =1

IC (78012 12V regulator) =1

IC (PIC16f876amicrocontroller) =1

D (4007 rectifier diode) =8

LED1 (3mm LED ) =7

Optocupler (pc817) =4

IC Base (14 pin )3

IC Base (16 pin )1

Resistors (all ¼ watt +% carbon):

R (1-kilo-ohm) = 7

R (10-kilo-ohm) =5

R (50 E ohm) =1

R (4.7-kilo-ohm) =4

Capacitor :

C (1000uf ,25V electrolytic) =1

C2,C3,(100/25) =2

C3 104 Ceramic =2

Miscellaneous :

X( 230VAC primary to 12V/1A ) =1

S (Push-to on switch) =5

XTal (16 MHZ ) =1

16*2LCD =1

Mains Cable =1

Barg strip (16 pin ) =1

DC motor = 2

Wire (5 m ) =1

Connector ( 2pin )=4

Ferric Cloride -100gms.

Soldering Wire - 20gms.

Connecting wires - 2mtrs.

Soldering Paste -10gms.

PCB 4”x6” =1

RF module (433 MHz)reciver =1

8.Specification of Components


A resistor is an electrical component, which has been manufacture with a specified amount of resistance. The resistors can conduct current in both the directions. The resistors may be connected in an electric circuit without concern for lead polarization. The resistors are used mainly for two purposes, namely controlling the flow of electric current and providing desired amounts of voltage in electric in electric or electronic circuits.

Resistor specifications

The resistors are specified in terms of their resistance values, tolerance power rating and thermal stability. By tolerance, we mean the allowed variation permitted in the normal or marred value or the resistor. It means that the actual value of the resistor may be either greater or smaller than that of the indicated value, by a factor given by the specified tolerance. Thus resistors are manufactured with a specified tolerance. For example, a 5000  resistor with a tolerance of + 10% will have an actual resistance value anywhere between 4500  and 5500  or in other words 500  greater or smaller them the rated value.

The power rating of a resistor is given by the maximum wattage it can dissipate, without excessive heating. Since the power rating is proportional to the square of a current, there fore current must not be higher than its safe value. If the current exceeds the safe value, the resistance will burn out. Usually, carbon composition resistors will fail, if operated at near the rated power values. In this case, the resistor will not burn out. But the failure is gradual, which takes many months. It changes gradually to a much lower amount of resistance. This causes an improper operation of an electronic of an electronic circuit particularly in amplifier. Thus in order to increase the life of use a power dissipation of about half of the rating of the resistor.

The thermal stability of a resistor is indicated by the temperature coefficient specification, which is usually expressed in parts per million per degree centigrade (+ ppm/C). The smaller value of temperature coefficient will have less variation in the resistance value. Therefore, smaller value of temperature coefficient means a higher thermal stability of a resistor.

Classification OF RESISTORS

Shows the classification of resistors in the from of a family tree. The resistors are basically of two types, namely linear resistors and non- linear resistors. Each type is further subdivided into many types as shown in the figure.

Linear resistors. The resistors through which the current is directly proportional to the applied voltage, are called linear resistors. Such resistors have a property that their resistance value do not change with the variation in applied voltage, temperature or light intensity. The linear resistors are of two types namely fixed resistors and variable resistors. Non-linear. The resistors through which the current is not directly proportional to the applied voltage, are called non-linear resistors. Such resistors have a property that their resistance values change with variation in applied voltage, temperature of light intensity. The non-linear resistors are of three namely thermostat, photo resistor and varistor.

Fixed Resistors

The fixed resistors are those whose do not change with the variation in applied voltage, temperature and light intensity. Such resistors are available in various shapes and sizes, with both axial and radial leads as shown in Fig.7.2. In addition to this, the fixed resistors are available with sugs for installation by soldering or mounting with screws and rivets.

8.1 Resistor Colour Code Calculator

The Resistor
Colour Code
Colour / Number
Black / 0
Brown / 1
Red / 2
Orange / 3
Yellow / 4
Green / 5
Blue / 6
Violet / 7
Grey / 8
White / 9

The Resistor Colour Code Calculator can be used to identify resistors. It consists of three card discs showing the colours and values, these are fastened together so you can simply turn the discs to select the value or colour code required. Simple but effective!