Minutes ETC meeting, November 18th and 19th, 2009
Date: Wednesday and Thursday, November 18th and 19th, 2009
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Place: Moevenpick hotel Zurich Airport
Participants: Christian Odgaard, DK, Energinet.dk, (Thursday)
Christian Hoang Le, NO, Statnett, (Thursday)
Christoph Ruffing, CH, swissgrid, (Thursday)
Filip Drijkoningen, BE, UMIX,
Jan Owe, SE, SvK,
Ove Nesvik, NO, EdiSys,
Attachment: Questions from ebIX to TMG 20090930.doc, see item 3 and 4
Proposal for mapping to Edifact in ebIX UMM2 20091111.doc, see item 5
Role discussion one step further 20091030.doc, see item 5
Use of OCL constraints to tailor ABIE’s to Business Requirements 20091103.doc, see item 5
Prepare Harmonized Role Model for next phase European Energy Market 20091117.doc, see item 10
ebIX ETC workplan items 2010.doc, see item 10
ebIX Forum 20091120 Item 6 - Status ETC and EMG.ppt, see item 10
1 Approval of agenda
The agenda was approved. Preparations for the ebIX® Forum meeting and modelling items was postponed until day two, because of more participants.
2 Minutes from previous meetings
The minutes were approved.
3 Report from EMG (ebIX® Modelling Group)
· Main item has been
o Comparing and agreeing on the principles for modelling the UMM2 Business Choreography View between CuS and EMD.
o Verification of the CuS and EMD UMM2 Business Choreograph View and comparing and agreeing on the principles for modelling the UMM2 Business Information View, also for CuS and EMD.
o Development of an ebIX BIELibrary for the EMD documents. The BIEs defined, enough for creating a business document for metered data, have been forwarded to the HG (ETSO, EFET and ebIX® Harmonisation Group) for discussion, See Appendix C.
o Since the ebIX® principles for making the UMM2 Business Information View and Business Choreography View has been agreed, the CuS and EMD working groups should now be able to produce complete UMM2 models.
· A new profile with long stereotype names has been made. It is agreed using long names in the Business Requirements View and short in the Business Choreography View.
· The ebIX® profiles has been published at the UMM development site, http://umm-dev.org/, as “official” UMM2 MagicDraw profiles.
· A proposal for a common business document header has been made (To be discussed at the HG meeting)
· Questions have been prepared and discussed at the latest UN/CEFACT Forum meeting.
· It is suggested to skip the ebIX® Processability error report from the new UMM2 models. Instead other solutions should be implemented, such as usage of a two-way pattern (where the ebIX® Processability error report is implemented as a rejection) or creation of a new transaction when error reports are needed. The latter may include the need for a reference to a completed transaction within the new transaction documents (usage of the overall business process id).
4 Report from UN/CEFACT Forum
· The DMR for renaming of the code 260 (Code list responsible) to ebIX® instead of Ediel had been rejected, without sending a notice to ebIX. The reason for rejecting it was that ebIX couldn’t have two codes, 260 and 330. However, the DMR was reopened and approved after a long discussion where it was admitted that ATG1 had made an error back in 2007 (added a new code (330) instead of renaming the existing code 260).
· The ebIX questions to TMG were discussed, see attachment.
· During TMG meetings the following tasks was noted:
o BusinessTransactionAction> will be renamed to <BusinessTransactionCall
o A tentative joint meeting between TMG and ATG was set up in the last week of January 2010.
o A new draft UMM2 is expected in November, which among others will include ebIX requirements for reuse of roles.
o UPCC is expected for public review end October.
· CCTS 3.0
o Moved to ODP 7 (Publication), based on 4 positive verifications received (in ODP 6)
o Core Component Types are moved to a separate document.
o It is now possible to identify code lists as part of the data type, and thus skip it in the instance of a document.
o Addition of Usage rules, for instance created in OCL (or other languages)
o The CDT Date has been replaced by Time point and Time duration.
o Business data types may be restricted using Facets (Enumeration, Minimum length …). A fixed set of possible Facets is listed in the DT library.
o Possibility of using UML packages instead of qualifiers for specifying restrictions
o A new Time Zone Code List (M100C, M300C …)
· NDR 3.0
o Moved to ODP 7 (Publication)
o Moved from ODP 2 (Requirements Gathering) to ODP 3 (Internal Draft Development)
o Expected to be in ODP 3 for about 1 year.
o Extended for new communication platforms, such as Cloud computing (services)
o A first ODP 3 (Working Draft) document was made.
5 UMM2 BCV, BIV and XML schemas for CuS and EMD
Main item for the meeting:
· Explanation to BCV
· Explanation to BIV
· Web services and its consequences (CCMA and header information)
· Transformation tool for XML schema’s
· Mapping to EDIFACT
· Handling Harmonised Role Model in ebIX models
The document “Role discussion one step further” from Kees was reviewed. The ideas seem reasonable and could bring our modeling one step further. However, none of the participants feels competent to see the whole impact on the modeling work. It seems important to discuss the topic with TMG and get their response before deciding how to proceed.
The document “Proposal for mapping to EDIFACT in ebIX UMM-2 models” from Kees was reviewed. If automatic mapping between class diagrams and EDIFACT mapping tools is implemented in the software used in the industry, the proposal seems good. Opposite, if manual mapping is the preferred way, the proposal is probably harder to read for human beings. The conclusion from the meeting was to postpone further developments until we find software vendors willing to implement the solution.
The document “Use of OCL constraints to tailor ABIE’s to Business Requirements” from Kees was reviewed. According to a mail from Kees we should have the following priorities for the investigation of usage of stereotypes; focus on the cardinalities first, then on the data type values and then on the dependencies. And only thereafter focus on the facets, which are, at the moment, the least urgent. However there are no explanation of how to restrict cardinalities, data type values and dependencies in the document. The meeting participants agree continuing investigating the usage of OCL and the proposed priorities from Kees.
6 How do we intend to publish ebIX modelling results?
As a first answer we want to publish the ebIX® modelling results on the ebIX® web site. Getting the ebIX® web site on the air should be a highly prioritised task for the ebIX® Forum.
The following modelling results need to be published:
· Business Requirements Views from CuS and EMD:
o Published at www.ebix.org
· Business Choreography Views from CuS and EMD:
o Published as MagicDraw files, possibly in addition to HTML models (created by MagicDraw), including some explanation on how to read it.
· Business Information Views from CuS and EMD or possibly common for all ebIX® projects:
o Published as MagicDraw files
o A future idea to discuss might be to published it as an ebXML compliant registry/repository
· XML schemas
o ebIX standard document XML schemas
o ebIX code lists and subsets of external code lists
Important issues:
· The ebIX® web site must be maintained and available!
· All information needed for national implementations must be easily and open available in suitable format for the ebIX members in original formats, e.g. MS Word or MagicDraw.
· Open information, available also for non-ebIX members should be published in a restricted format, such as PDF, to protect copyright and authenticity.
To be further discussed and agreed:
· How to handle maintenance and versioning?
· Should we investigate the possibility for an ebXML registry/repository?
7 Proposal for updated and simplified ebIX® Methodology
Since Kees was unable to participate, the item was postponed until next meeting.
8 Status for the ebIX BIE/QDT Library
Ove reported that the ebIX BIE/QDT Library should be more or less finalised for the EMD part, but the CuS part has to be reviewed and agreed. This will be an item for next ETC modelling meeting.
9 Issues from the Harmonisation group with ENTSO-E and EFET
The following tasks relevant for ebIX® are on the agenda for the HG.
· At the latest CuS meeting the role Consumer was discussed, related to a contract model, which shows one Party connected to the grid with several contracts. And these contracts may be related to different Consumers. How to deal with this problem will be brought up at the next HG meeting.
· A discussion related to if we need to split the Metered Data Aggregator into Metered Data Aggregator, local and Metered Data Aggregator, central will also be brought up at the next HG meeting.
· A proposal for an ebIX® header (document header) has been sent to the HG, see Appendix C. The relation to SOAP is a discussion item.
Since there not has been any HG meeting this autumn the items are postponed until dealt with by the HG.
10 Preparations for the next ebIX® Forum meeting
· Modelling proposal
· Do we keep on mapping to EDIFACT?
· Tool for mapping to EDIFACT
· Transformation tool for XML
· Transformation tool for web services
· Proposal for how to publish modelling results
· …
Since Lucy not was able to participate she had asked Christoph to update the forum about the ETC work and Ove to inform about the budget.
Ove informed about two international initiatives for standardisation of the energy market business processes from IEC and OASIS, see Appendix D.
The action item from previous ebIX® Forum meeting, where Rudolf asked the ebIX® project groups to discuss if ebIX® in the future can focus on the e-business parts and other organisations, such as IEC or UN/CEFACT can do the technical parts was discussed.
· ebIX® is strong in processes
· Processes need an information model and rules for communication (XML schemas etc)
· Pure technical work should be delegated
o XML schemas, Communication standards, etc
· Information model part
o Has to meet requirements of our processes. How to achieve when delegating information model to IEC?
§ Involvement of ebIX® experts in IEC CIM WG
Can ebIX® afford this? If not, the CIM model might deviate from ebIX® needs on long term
§ Compromises, i.e. less compliance to UN/CEFACT
· ebIX® has to complete version 1 of its UMM2 information model before starting to merge it into the CIM market extension
· Open question
o Will joining IEC or UN/CEFACT influence the cooperation with ENTSO-E?
It was also proposed to close down EMG and continue the modelling work within ordinary ETC meetings. The main reasoning being that the main technical modelling issues have been solved and that the remaining work is mainly ETC tasks.
A document from Kees, “ebIX ETC: work plan items 2010”, was reviewed and most of the proposed items were added to the presentation at the ebIX® Forum meeting, i.e.:
ETC work plan, until next ebIX® Forum meeting
· Finalizing ebIX® Methodology based on UMM2
· How to model national extensions within ebIX® UMM2 model
· Proposal for how to model channel specific information UMM2 model, e.g. WEB-services
· Decide on usage of OCL constraints
· Version 1.0 of ebIX® generic model elements based on UMM2
· Version 1.0 of agreed Core Components between CuS and EMD
· Improve the XML transformation tool
ETC ongoing work
· Maintenance
o Code lists
o Core Components
o MagicDraw UMM profiles
o MagicDraw ebIX and CEFACT profiles
o MagicDraw role model profile
· Various
o ebIX® ETC proposal for website publication of ebIX® models (incl. XML schema’s for code lists, CC’s, …etc.)
o ebIX® participation in UN/CEFACT work groups
o Model BCV & BIV for the business requirements (BRV) handed over by the work groups
ETC work plan, long term basic tasks
· How to model business process context
· Review of Core Components (ABIE’s & BDT’s) for the European Energy Market (HG)
· ebIX® recommendations for implementing WEB services
· Recast acknowledgement and error handling to fit UMM2
ETC work plan, long term technical tasks
· Making a production version of the XML transformation tool
· Automatic mapping from UML to EDIFACT if used by anybody
ETC priorities for the Harmonised role model
· Physical components behind Metering Point by EMD and CuS
o Labeling of energy (green certificates)
o Congestion (within a grid or at interconnections)
o Publication of data for production transparency
o EMD: The metering part of “smart metering” brings nothing new, but the smart part will lead to new requirements
o Modeled physical components in IEC’s CIM
o EU regulations, e.g. production transparency
· Inclusion of gas roles
o Require participation from EASEEgas
· Application of role model in UMM2 together with TMG
A presentation for the ebIX® Forum was prepared, see attachment.
11 Status ebIX® web site
No information available from the participants.
12 If time items (candidates for items, but only if proposals for discussion are available)
There was no time to go through the “if-time items”.
13 Next meeting(s), including start and end time.
· December 7-8, Oslo,
o Cancelled at the ebIX® Forum meeting due to budget restrictions.
· January Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th, Brussels, Main item:
o Finalising first version of the CuS and EMD UMM2 models
· Last week of January: Tentative meeting with TMG, Vienna
· February Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th, place to be decided
· March Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th, place to be decided
· April Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th, Vienna (before next ebIX® Forum spring meeting)