ACTU Member Connect Endorsement

(ACTU Member Connect Pty. Ltd. (ABN 66 939 725 477) as Trustee for the ACTU Member Connect)

Expression of Interest

General Information
Organisation Name
Contact Name/s
Contact Number
Contact Email
Postal Address
Company Details
Organisation Structure (please provide organisational chart)
Please provide details of any plans for future expansion
If applicable, please provide shareholder details (shareholder names and shares held).
If applicable, please provide ownership details of other companies relevant to this application.
Please provide details as to the financial position of the organisation (provide copies of audited accounts for the last 3 years including Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet).
Union Relationships
If known, please provide profile of union member customer base.
Details of established union contacts.
Please indicate your organisation’s attitude toward your staff belonging to a union.
Please supply the names and details of personnel who will be involved in marketing, designing and servicing this offer.
Please describe your organisation’s current marketing strategies.
Please outline your proposed strategies for marketing your service/product to unions.
Please explain why your organisation wishes to market your service/product to union members
Offer to Members
What other ongoing and/or intermittent discounts/specials do you offer? If directly linked to affinity group/s, please provide details including the name/s of the affinity group/s, the time you have been associated with them and the level of business generated.
Please provide full details of the union discount offer including prices and product range, limitations and or exemptions (if any).
Please provide a price comparison of your products and services with that of your primary competitors (including any pre and post union discount prices of your products)
Will there be any other intermittent specials available to union members? If so, what?
What process will union members go though to access the union discount or any specials made exclusively available to union members?
Privacy Compliance
Please provide details of your company’s privacy legislation compliance.
Please provide details of the database system you company will use to register purchases by union members; including how the information will be collected for each individual union branch and how that information will be collated, by whom, and how often.
Further Information
Please provide any other relevant information you feel is necessary.
Upon completion, please forward your responses to: / Mr Stuart Bell
Manager Membership Services
ACTU Member Connect
Level 5, 365 Queen Street,
Melbourne, VIC 3000.
Phone: 1300 362 223