April 2015 meeting chaired by Chairman Frik was held by lamp and candle light. Load shedding was to blame – not the Smith’s not paying their electricity bill !!

Absent was Ray Viva Africa, Elsie & Vivian (in China).

Main topic was the rally on 8/9/10 May 2015, there will be 2 routes, one will be the long way, the other on the highway. Frik will confirm place and time to meet for both routes. Whats Up will be used to communicate to all. Need to register.

The AGM for NATCOM will take place on Friday 8th May at 2.00pm at Klein Kariba, various topicswill be discussed, eg, operating manual, future rallys, increase in membership fees& amendments to Ulysses constitution. 2 members per chapter may contribute. There will also be an open general feed back, re finance etc.

The kossies for the rally was discussed, we will be having a braai on Friday night, Santa to orgainise meat for 21 members, and Nicky, the salad. Not too sure what the breakfast arrangements are. Whether we will cart bacon/ eggs etc to the rally or have brekkie at a food stall/restaurant. Saturday night dinner is included in the entry fee. Members to bring their own tea/coffee/sugar & milk.

At our next meeting on 14th May, we will have the bi-annual elections for President,

Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. All interested members in the above

positions, please put your names forward as nominees. As Frik said, “new blood is

good” (no we won’t be having a bleeding competition)!

We are currently 23 members in Jo.burg South chapter.

Mark distributed our new rally shirts, very cool and eye catching. The club contributed 70% of the cost of the shirts. Thanks to Mark & the club.

The winter jackets, organized by Mark last year, well new members can purchase jackets from Mark.

New scrolls were issued to 2 members at the meeting.

Finances – at end of March 2015, stood at R, 2,787.00. Thanks Mr Gupta

Catering for April meeting -- Eddy & Carol, soup for a chilly evening

Catering for May meeting -- Jeff & Nicky

Next meeting -- 14th May


Raffle, well the knife won at March meeting by Eddy, was re raffled and Jeff is now the proud owner.

Birthdays celebrated in April were - Meghan 3rd

- Nikki 26th

Birthday boy for June - Brian 10th

Jeff & Nicky - Rode 4,440 km in 10 days on their BMW, covering KZN and the Cape

Jeff says his bum is sore !

BREAKFAST RUN on Sunday April 19th. Thanks to Tony for his report back xxxxxx

There were 7 bikes on the ride. 6 BMWs and another bike. Riders were Frik, Tok, Brian, Sharm, Stui, Mike & Tony

The breakfast was sub-standard, Stui sent his sausages, sorry, the sausages back as being inedible.

At the museum, Des Pistorius’ Gold Wing is in the museum, and pictures of the young almost-famous racer Stui are also displayed.

Otherwise, an enjoyable ride there and back was had by all.

See you all at Klein Kariba on the 8th May

Ride safely


Ms Titbits