Regular Board Meeting of the Board of Directors

Osage County Interlocal Cooperative District 57K-001

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Osage County Interlocal Cooperative Office

207 E. Main—Hominy, OK

9:30 a.m.

Note: The board may discuss, vote to approve, vote to disapprove, vote to table, decide not to discuss, or amend any item on the agenda.

1.  Call to order and recording of members present and absent. Time:

2.  Establish Quorum.

3.  Introduction of guests:

4. Board to consider and take action concerning the minutes of the July 1, 2016 Regular Board of Director’s Meeting.

5. Executive Director’s Report:

a. Grant Update –

Grants submitted, in progress, awarded since last board meeting


·  AWARE (School Climate Transformation Grant)

·  AAIMS (Title VII Indian Youth Project)


·  IIA (allocations should be sent to districts in early August; IIA funds cannot be used for OKTLE or Netchemia software).

·  Erate vendor

·  Training stipends paid to teachers that go through payroll will be listed and presented in board packets the following month.

c. Professional Development-

·  IIA monthly reports

6. Board to consider and take action concerning the Financial Reports (Expenditure Summary):

a. General Fund-SY 16-17

b. Special Revenue Fund-SY 16-17

7. Board to consider and take action concerning the Treasurer’s Report on status of funds and investments (Estimated Revenue Summary):

a. General Fund SY 16-17

b. Special Revenue Fund SY 16-17

8. Board to consider and take action concerning Purchase Order-Encumbrances:

a. SY 16-17 General Fund #115 thru #150

b. SY 16-17 Special Revenue Fund None

9. Board to consider and take action concerning the approval of the REVISED OCIC School Calendar for SY 16/17 (changed Fall Break from Oct. 12-14 to Oct. 19-21).

10. Board to consider and take action concerning the approval of the University of Tulsa IRB for Project OTIP.

11. Board to consider and take action concerning the approval of the Resolution to Execute the Third Amended Agreement establishing the Oklahoma School Assurance Group.

12. Proposed Executive Session to discuss the resignation of support staff for SY 2016-2017 so that the board can return to open session and vote on the resignation of support for SY 2016-2017. [25 O.S. Section 307 (B) (1) and (7)].

13. Board to consider and take action concerning the acceptance of the resignation of Nelda Harmon, Title VII Para Professional at Shidler.

14. New Business

Any item that could not have been foreseen or known about at the time the agenda was distributed. If such an item is a topic for an executive session, it is permitted, (A.G. Opin. No. 82-114)

15. Vote to adjourn. Time:

POSTED: Monday-August 1, 2016-9:30 a.m.