Name of young person
Date of birth
Date of incident
Name of YOT / South Tyneside Youth Offending Service

Summary of incident

Include the actions of the young person; the names of other young people involved if known to YOT; details of other agency intervention (e.g. arrest/medical care); what is known about the victim (where there is one); level of media interest (where appropriate)

Chronology of young person’s time in the Criminal Justice System

Date / Offence / Sentence / Details

Current orders

Include the intervention plan; supervision licence/conditions; schedule1/MAPPA status for the offence for which the young person was being supervised when the serious incident occurred.

Family history

Include living arrangements; personal relationships (e.g. details of primary carer, relationship with siblings/peers). If the young person has had any experience of being a looked-after child or being subject to past or current child protection procedures, please provide details.


Health issues
Mental health issues
Substance misuse issues
Education, training and employment


Assessments to date
Include a list of all assessments made (with copies provided) including Social Services Initial Assessment and Core Assessment; provide reasons for assessments not completed/not completed within timescale. Identify areas of concern and positive practice.
Include identification of who has assessed the young person as vulnerable (YOT/secure establishment); whether the young person is subject to a suicide prevention strategy; justification of the YOTs vulnerability assessment; measures in place/recommendations made to protect the young person; history of any self-harm or suicide attempts. Identify areas of concern and positive practice.
Risk of serious harm
Include details on whether risk factors were identified; MAPPA, whether risk factors triggered ROSH Asset. Identify areas of concern and positive practice.

Contact and enforcement

Include surveillance details from the electronic monitoring company (with timetables). Identify areas of concern and positive practice.

Involvement with other agencies

Include details of referrals to other agencies (e.g. medical, educational, psychological), history of contact with family, YOT and/or social worker; details of family liaison from the YOT/police. Identify areas of concern and positive practice. Identify whether there are other reviews of this case taking place e.g. LSCB Serious Case Review.

Summary and recommendations

Include summary of the main issues identified in the report; particular areas of concern and positive practice; recommendations arising from this case. Was the young person supervised in line with National Standards and other relevant guidance? Using the attached ‘recommendations for action’ template, produce a detailed action plan with timescales and task owners.

Attached documentation

Asset – Core Profile / Other Asset
Previous offending history / Supervision diary
Supervision plan / ISSP timetables
Pre-sentence report / Enforcement letters
Breach report / Social Services initial assessment
Social Services core assessment / ONSET

Report completed by


Report read and completed by YOT manager


Please return this form to

Your YJB head of region or Head of YJB for Wales

North East /
North West /
Yorkshire and Humber /
East Midlands /

West Midlands /
Wales /
London /
South East /
South West /

Copied to

YJB Serious Incidents Team /

YJB 2007 2

Recommendations for action

The Local Management Review is a learning lessons exercise and therefore recommendations should relate to wider practice and management issues and not be restricted to the future management of this particular case.

Recommendation / Action / Responsible officer / Timescale / Action complete

YJB 2007 2