Course Name : General Biology Laboratory II (SCBE104) 1 (0-3-1)
Lecture : Friday08:30– 11:30
Semester : Semester 1I– 2016-17
Room : SC3 Lab1
Course coordinator:Associate Professor Dr. Prayad Pokethitiyook
Course Description
This course is a continuation of General Biology Laboratory I (SCBE102). It emphasizes on organisms, biodiversity of life, plant and animal system and function, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate comprehension of life at the organismal and systematic levels. Laboratory exercises include microscope observations, preserved specimens, and dissections to reinforce topics discussed in lecture.
Course Learning Outcomes (CLO)
After completion of this course,the student will demonstrate basic knowledge in each of the following categories:
- Characteristics of the phyla in the kingdoms Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia;
- Comparative plant anatomy and physiology;
- Comparative animal anatomy and physiology;
- Distinguish organisms of different classes and kingdoms.
Teaching will be in the classroom with interacting perspectives. A Campbell textbook is recommended but not required. Course content will follow the recommended textbook.
All practical laboratory works fit the lecture topics by Campbell text.
Practical Exam Methods
The midterm laboratory examinations consisted of 25 stations with either a microscope or a novel question at each.Students have only 1 minute and 30 seconds to finish each answer by inspecting the specimensthrough microscope or question on the sheet.Students must know the materials well enough but not to think through it slowly, students needed to understand it and know it so well that theycan recall terms and write them down in under a minute and a half for each question (1.5 minute per station). Students then move on to the next station for the next 1.5-minute question. The final laboratory examinations will be in-class assessments. Announcement of exams will be at the beginning of the class or with this course outline.
1. Lab attendants20%
2. Lab reports20%
3. Mid-term assessment30%
4. Final assessment30%
Students will be evaluated from their total score (out of 100%). Grading system is A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D and F.
Tentative grading system
85 = A
80-84 = B+
75-79 = B
70 - 74 = C+
65- 69 = C
60 - 64 = D+
55 – 59 = D
55 = F
Teaching Topics
Date19 JanuaryPP & PK
Topic 1Lab Safety
Date26JanuaryPP & PK
Topic 2Introductory of Plant and Animal Diversity
Date2 FebruaryPP & PK
Topic 3Diversity of Life
Date9 FebruaryPP & PK
Topic 4Plant Diversity
Date16 FebruaryPP & PK
Topic 5Animal Diversity 1
Date23 FebruaryPP & PK
Topic 6Lab Assessment 1
Date2 MarchPP & PK
Topic7Animal Diversity II
Date9 MarchPP & PK
Topic8Animal Diversity III
Date16 MarchPP & PK
Topic 9Review
Date23 MarchPP & PK
Topic 10Lab Assessment 1
Date30 MarchPP & PK
Topic 11Animal Development I
Date20 AprilPP & PK
Topic 12Animal Development II
Date27 AprilPP & PK
Topic 13Nervous System and Sensation
Date4 MayPP & PK
Topic 13Circulatory System
Date11 MayPP & PK
Topic14Lab Assessment 2
Campbell, N.A., Reece, Jane B., Morgan, Judith G., Carter, M. E.B. 2007 Investigating Biology Lab Manual (6th Edition)
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prayad Pokethitiyook - PP
- Dr. Pahol Kosiyachinda - PK
Lab technician:
- No
Teaching Assistant:
- No