Spelling List for Week of November 13 - “The Heavenly Zoo”

Monday: Take a pre-test of this week’s words. Write the misspelled words three times correctly!

Tuesday: Write the dictionary definition and your own definitions of: seize, grief, shield, yield, relief. Write sentences showing you know the meaning of these words.

Wednesday: Some of your spelling words are “ie”, and some are “ei”. Make a list and practice the spellings.

Thursday: Practice for the test!

Many of these words have the long “e” sound, and follow the rule: “i before e, except after c”

brief / ceiling / journey / believe
grieve / ski / seized / shield
nasty / chief / spirit / yield
receive / belief / safety / vain
memory / monkey / grief / ancestors
scary / field / relief / summoning
gasoline / every / disbelief / attendants
piece / shield / their / heavens

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

vain – conceited, full of oneself (not considered a positive character trait)

ancestors – people from whom one is descended (example: great-grandparents)

summoning – asking to come (example: I received a summons to appear at court at 1:00 p.m.)

attendants – people who wait on someone, similar to a servant

heavens – the sky as viewed from Earth

Spelling List for Week of November 13 - “The Heavenly Zoo”

Monday: Take a pre-test of this week’s words. Write the misspelled words three times correctly!

Tuesday: Write the dictionary definition and your own definitions of: seize, grief, shield, yield, relief. Write sentences showing you know the meaning of these words.

Wednesday: Some of your spelling words are “ie”, and some are “ei”. Make a list and practice the spellings.

Thursday: Practice for the test!

Many of these words have the long “e” sound, and follow the rule: “i before e, except after c”

brief / ceiling / journey / believe
grieve / ski / seized / shield
nasty / chief / spirit / yield
receive / belief / safety / vain
memory / monkey / grief / ancestors
scary / field / relief / summoning
gasoline / every / disbelief / attendants
piece / shield / their / heavens

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

vain – conceited, full of oneself (not considered a positive character trait)

ancestors – people from whom one is descended (example: great-grandparents)

summoning – asking to come (example: I received a summons to appear at court at 1:00 p.m.)

attendants – people who wait on someone, similar to a servant

heavens – the sky as viewed from Earth