Lorain County, Ohio

Transportation Improvement District

January 13, 2014

The Transportation Improvement District met on Monday, January 13, 2014 at 11:00 a.m., in the Commissioners Public Hearing Room B.

The following members attended:

Chairman Commissioner Ted Kalo

Secretary/Treasurer, James R. Cordes

Commissioners Lori Kokoski and Tom Williams

Vice-Chair County Engineer, Kenneth P. Carney and Ex-Officio Members State Representative Matt Lundy & Senator Gayle Manning were not present.

Others in attendance were: Bill Holtzman & Bob Klaiber, County Engineer’s Office and Jerry Innes, Assistant County Prosecutor

Approval of minutes:

Lori Kokoski moved, seconded by James R. Cordes to approve the minutes of June 4, 2013 as submitted. Upon roll call the vote taken resulted: Ayes: All

Motion carried.

Report of the presiding officer(s), and/or acting director of staff: There were no issues for this day.

Other Reports and communications: There were no issues for this day.

Old Business: There were no issues for this day.

New business:

a.  Appoint Officers




Members Ted Kalo

Lori Kokoski

Tom Williams

Ken Carney

James R. Cordes

Ex-Officio Members Senator Gayle Manning

State Representative Matt Lundy

Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes

Clerk Theresa Upton

TID cont. Page 2 January 13, 2014


In the matter of electing the officers and)

Staff for Lorain County Transportation )

Improvement District for 2014 ) January 13, 2014

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Transportation District we hereby elect the officers and staff for Lorain County Transportation Improvement District for 2014.

Chair Ted Kalo

Vice-Chair Ken Carney

Secretary/Treasurer James R. Cordes

Members Ted Kalo

Lori Kokoski

Tom Williams

Ken Carney

James R. Cordes

Ex-Officio Members Senator Gayle Manning

State Representative Matt Lundy

Staff Acting Director – James R. Cordes

Clerk Theresa Upton


Motion by James R. Cordes, seconded by Lori Kokoski to adopt the slate of officers. Upon roll call the vote taken thereon, resulted; Ayes: All.

Motion carried. ______

b.  FY2013/2014 budget

Bill Holtzman the following projects received funding;

1) Cooper Foster Park received $200,000 for design and engineering

2) LaGrange received $250,000 for right of way acquisitions

3) Abbe Road received $250,000 to help Sheffield Village with the local share of project

He stated that the application process is very competitive

Bob Klaiber stated that ODOT approved Cooper Foster Park traffic study recommending 3 lanes of pavement but NOACA is of the opinion this is not warranted. A field visit from of the project from Oberlin Ave. to SR58 will be performed with NOACA.

c. Proposed FY2015 projects

Bill Holtzman stated that in July the following projects will be applied for;

1) Griswold Road, $250,000

2) Lear Nagle between Lorain and Center Ridge Roads, N. Ridgeville $250,000

3) SR57/SR 2 Project. Commissioner Williams asked about turnpike funds for this project. Mr. Klaiber said City of Elyria’s portion is still around $1 million. The City of Elyria will be contacted to see if the TID should apply for funds on their behalf.

Commissioner Williams asked about sound barriers for SR2 from Oak Point to Leavitt Road. Mr. Holtzman said the money is to be used for economic development spur

Commissioner Williams asked about 6 lanes on SR 2 from SR611 to SR58. Mr. Holtzman said will discuss at with NOACA to see if warranted. .

Commissioner Williams asked about Quarry Road. Mr. Holtzman said South Amherst previously had Ohio Public Works Funds for this project but was cancelled because of the quarry project years ago. They are receiving OPWC funds in this Round for the project.

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8. Other – there was nothing

9. Public Comment – there was none

10. Adjourn:

With nothing further, James R. Cordes moved, seconded by Lori Kokoski to adjourn at 11:00 a.m. Upon roll call the vote taken, resulted as: Ayes: All.

Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted; Theresa L. Upton - Clerk, Lorain County Board of Commissioners


James. R. Cordes, Secretary/Treasurer, LCTID