Flightline - Conference Room

Thursday, April 17, 2003, 5:00 p.m.

Call to Order by the Chair

Chair Bainter called the meeting to order at 5:11 p.m.

Authority Members Present at Roll Call: Patrick Bainter, Billy Brashear, Janice Honeyman-Buck, Jim Stringfellow, and Marilyn Tubb. Dr. Gallagher arrived at 5:14 p.m.

Determination of a Quorum It was determined that a quorum had been reached.

Chair Bainter presented a plaque to Flightline Group, Inc. for their years of high quality service as the Fixed Base Operator at Gainesville Regional Airport. Mr. Paul Langston, President, Flightline Group, Inc. accepted the plaque on behalf of all of Flightline’s employees.

Approval of Meeting Highlights of March 20, 2003

Mrs. Tubb moved to approve the meeting highlights of March 20, 2003. Mr. Stringfellow seconded the motion. Motion passed

Adoption of the Agenda

Mr. Stringfellow moved to adopt the agenda. Dr. Gallagher seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Citizens Input – Non-Agenda Items

Regarding the transition of FBO services from Flightline Group, Inc. to University Air Center, Mr. Dashwood Hicks requested clarification on T-Hangar and Sunshade rental billing and credit card payments. Mr. Crider advised that the Finance Manager would submit invoices to individuals renting T-Hangars and Sunshades and would accept credit card payments. Mr. Van Riper advised that authorization to bill via credit card by Flightline would be cancelled and that new authorizations would need to be established with University Air Center.

Mr. Walter Barnett, representing the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office, stated that Captain Gainey reviewed the Minimum Standards and has determined that the Joint Aviation Unit would investigate obtaining its own fuel vendor and its own fuel dispensing unit.

Airport Authority Input – Non-Agenda Items

Consent Agenda – Passed with Adoption of the Agenda

The Site Contract between the City of Gainesville, Department of Cultural Affairs, and GACRAA was approved; this agreement provides for the rental of a parcel of Airport property by the City of Gainesville to accommodate overflow parking for the Hoggetowne Medieval Faire in February 2004.

Airport Business:

Information Items

Mr. Crider, Director of Aviation, reported that discussions regarding the acquisition of the County Fairground Property are ongoing with both the County and the City.

Mr. Crider reported that the Master Plan study is underway and the first working paper will be provided shortly; the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will meet after working paper #1 is distributed.

Since the War with Iraq began, enplanements and deplanements are down slightly, still less than one percent (1%).

Mr. Fisher, Director of Operations, announced that the City Beautification Board awarded the Bronze Award in the Features category to the Airport for new plantings in the terminal Atrium and at the Airport’s entrance. Mr. Fisher commended GACRAA employee, Robert Roemer, Horticulturist, for his work.

Ms. Funk, Public Relations and Communications Specialist, thanked all who participated in the Chili-Cook-off and Walk America events that benefited the March of Dimes. The Gainesville Regional Airport team raised $3,721.00 for the March of Dimes.

Mr. Crider reported that a final inspection on the fencing project is scheduled for April 21 and that negotiations are in process regarding liquidated damages for the delay in the satisfactory completion of this project.

Finance Report

Mr. Gordon Rowell, Finance Manager, reviewed the February 28, 2003 year-to-date operating budget and actuals.

Mr. Rowell reported that a budget amendment capturing changes in revenue and expenses due to the transition to the privatized FBO model would be prepared and submitted to the Budget Review Committee in May.

General Aviation Committee Report

In the absence of Dr. Morris, Chair of the General Aviation Committee, Mr. Crider provided the committee report. The GA Committee met on April 9, 2003 and reviewed the FBO Agreement. A new version of the Agreement that supercedes the version included in the agenda package was distributed. Mr. Crider reviewed all the revisions and stated that the Agreement is consistent with the direction given by the GA Committee and by the Authority. The date that University Air Center (UAC) is scheduled to begin operating as the FBO is April 28, 2003.

Dr. Lukowski stated that the FBO Agreement negotiations were extensive and that he felt comfortable with the Agreement, and that arrangements were well underway toward meeting the April 28 transition date.

Ms. Tubb moved approval of Resolution 03-002 approving the FBO Lease Agreement between Gulf Atlantic Airways, d.b.a. University Air Center and GACRAA and authorizing the Director of Aviation to fully execute the Agreement and all documentation associated with the Agreement. Mr. Stringfellow seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Mr. Stringfellow – aye, Dr. Honeyman-Buck – aye, Dr. Gallagher – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye and Mr. Bainter – aye. Motion passed 6-0.

Revised Schedule of Rates and Charges

Mr. Crider reported that the revised Schedule of Rates and Charges, as presented in the agenda packet, represents a compilation of two schedules that were included in the FY2002-2003 Budget as pages SD-2, SD-3 and SD-4. The revised Schedule of Rates and Charges consolidates all the fees and charges previously authorized by the Board, but does not include fees for activities which will now be provided by University Air Center.

Mr. Stringfellow moved approval of the Revised Schedule of Rates and Charges as presented, effective 4/17/03. Mrs. Tubb seconded the motion. Motion passed.

By-Laws Revision

The following revisions to the By-Laws were presented to the Authority by the By-Laws Committee at the last monthly meeting held on March 20, 2003:

·  In ARTICLE I, SECTION 3, the committee recommends deleting the last phase “whose decision may be referred to the By-Laws Committee”, due to a restructuring of the Standing Committees, which is also a suggestion which will be recommended today.

ARTICLE I, SECTION 3. BYLAWS. These ByLaws, and any future amendments hereto, shall be adopted by the affirmative vote of the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority. Notice of a proposed amendment, including the specific wording of same, shall be included in the agenda for any meeting at which an amendment is proposed. These By-Laws shall be interpreted to effectuate their plain meaning. Disputes as to the interpretation of these By-Laws shall be determined by the Chair, whose decision may be referred to the By-Laws Committee.

·  Mr. Stringfellow reported that the deletion of “and shall hold office until his/her successor has been appointed and qualifies” is recommended to make the By-Laws consistent with the Enabling Legislation. The Attorney has researched this item and reported that the Enabling Legislation takes precedence over the By-Laws.

ARTICLE II, SECTION 2. TERM. Each member shall be appointed for a term of three (3) years and shall hold office until his/her successor has been appointed and qualifies; except for appointments to fill vacancies, which shall be for the balance of the unexpired term; and except for the initial term of the first nine (9) members which is established pursuant to Special Act 86469, Subsection 4, as amended.

·  In ARTICLE III, SECTION 3a, the committee recommends adding “County”; this omission appears to be a typographical error.

ARTICLE III, SECTION 3. a) DUTIES OF CHAIR. The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the Authority and shall appoint necessary committees and shall be empowered to execute all legal documents in the name of the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority when the Authority has authorized or required the Chair to do so.

·  In ARTICLE III, SECTION 3C, the committee recommends keeping the title Secretary/Treasurer consistent. He also recommends deleting the “or the City” at the end of the last sentence as this apparently refers to when most of the airport employees were City of Gainesville employees. Currently, the Airport has only 3 employees who are still City employees.

ARTICLE III, SECTION 3 c) DUTIES OF SECRETARY/TREASURER. The Secretary/Treasurer shall see to it that accurate minutes of all meetings of the members are kept. The Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee shall perform all the duties commonly incident to his/her office and shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the Authority shall designate. The Secretary/Treasurer or his/her designee shall have charge of the Corporate Seal and shall attest all written instruments of the Authority executed by the Chair and affix the Seal thereto. In the absence of the Secretary/Treasurer, his/her designee shall perform the aforesaid duties. The Secretary/Treasurer, or his/her designee unless otherwise provided, shall have the care and custody of the money, funds, valuable papers and documents of the Authority and shall have and exercise under the supervision of the Authority all the powers and duties commonly incident to his office. The Secretary/Treasurer shall cause to be kept accurate accounts of the Authority's transactions. Designees shall be restricted to members of the Authority and agents and employees of the Authority or the City.

·  It was the consensus of the committee to consolidate to the four standing committees noted below:


a) STANDING COMMITTEES. The Authority hereby creates the following standing committees:

i) Air Service, Business DevelopmentAdvertising and Marketing

ii) Finance and OperationsBudget Review

iii) Signage

iv) Tower Review and Safety

v) Airpark development

vi) By-Laws

vii) Tenants Association

viii) Facilities and Planning

iv) General AviationGeneral Aviation

Members of all committees shall be appointed by the Chair of the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority. A Chair and Secretary shall be appointed by the Chair of the Gainesville Alachua County Regional Airport Authority for each committee and proper highlights of all committee meetings and actions shall be kept. Meetings of any such committee are at the call of the Committee Chair and shall be subject to the Florida Sunshine Law, but shall not be subject to the notice requirements of full Authority meetings.

·  In ARTICLE X, SECTION 1, the committee recommended making the By-Laws consistent with the Director of Aviation’s contract. It was the consensus of the committee to retain the first five lines of the paragraph and to delete all text starting with “Commencing March 1st of each year…”

ARTICLE X, SECTION 1. ADMINISTRATION. The Authority shall employ the Director of Aviation to administer all operations of the airport and airport facilities and to supervise all airport projects. The Authority shall authorize the employment of other employees by the Director of Aviation, which are necessary to accomplish the objectives and purpose of the Authority. Commencing March 1st of each year, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, the Chairperson of the Authority shall initiate a process to evaluate the Director of Aviation’s performance. The performance evaluation should cover the annual period ending March 31 of that year. Using an evaluation tool sanctioned by the Authority, the Chairperson shall obtain input from members of the Authority. The evaluation tool shall allow the members and the Director to address the attainment of the specific and general goals, objectives, and purposes of the Authority and any other stated duties of the Director. The Chairperson shall meet with the Director to discuss his/her performance, utilizing the input from Authority members. The Director shall respond to the matters raised. The Chairperson shall summarize the results of the evaluation, considering the information provided by the Director, in a presentation to the Authority on or before the May meeting. At this Authority meeting, the Chairperson shall make recommendations regarding adjustments to the Director of Aviation’s terms and conditions of employment.

·  In ARTICLE X, SECTION 2, (7), the committee recommends changes which would state that the Director of Aviation would serve as the designee to carry out the Authority bookkeeping.

ARTICLE X, SECTION 2, (7) Serve as designee of the sSecretary/Treasurer to the Authority and shall keep and provide meeting highlights, tapes, and a record book of all meetings.

Mr. Stringfellow moved to accept the recommended changes to the By-Laws. Dr. Honeyman-Buck seconded the motion. A roll call vote followed: Dr. Honeyman-Buck – aye, Dr. Gallagher – aye, Dr. Brashear – aye, Mrs. Tubb – aye, Mr. Stringfellow – aye and Mr. Bainter – aye. Motion passed 6-0.

Runway 10-28 Rehabilitation Study Presentation

Mr. Dexter Jones, R.W. Armstrong, Inc. advised that the FAA deadline for applying for grant funds is August 1, 2003. Therefore, the R/W 10-28 Rehabilitation must be designed and bid prior to that date. R.W. Armstrong, Inc. has determined that a ninety (90) hour window of time is required to close the runway for construction. In addition, R.W. Armstrong contacted several local contractors to determine the amount of asphalt-producing capacity in the area and found that the local capacity levels can support a ninety (90) hour construction period. Included in the project will be the closure of a drainage ditch that lies between R/W 10-28 and T/W E. Preliminary discussions with the St. Johns River Water Management District have been held to address the permitting requirements.

Mr. Joe Wade, R.W. Armstrong, Inc. reported that a meeting was held with Delta / Atlantic Southeast Airlines (ASA) in Atlanta to discuss their operational options during the closure of R/W 10-28. ASA indicated a preference for closing the runway from a Monday morning through an early Friday morning period. This would allow R/W 10-28 to be available for fall charter operations which typically consist of large jets transporting football teams on Fridays and Saturdays. Mr. Wade reported that ASA was willing to shift operations to only ATR-72 aircraft, which can operate on R/W 6-24 during the closure period of R/W 10-28. US Airways Dash-8 aircraft can also operate on R/W 6-24.

Mr. Jones provided the following proposed timeline:

·  Bid the project late June/early July

·  Apply for grant by August 1

·  Accept grant in August/September

·  Schedule construction in September/October with completion by end of October.

Tenant Reports - None

Airport Authority Attendance – No Issues


Chair Bainter adjourned the meeting at 5:57 p.m. Chair Bainter announced that a reception in honor of Flightline Group, Inc. would commence immediately following adjournment.

GACRAA Monthly Meeting


Patrick Bainter Date



Janice Honeyman-Buck Date
