Chapter 20: What Jesus Taught

New Testament

Sermon on the Mount

•Matthew 5-7



  1. Beatitudes
  • Beatitudes are the ______of Jesus’ ______teaching
  1. Blessed are the ______, for theirs in the kingdom of heaven
  2. Blessed are those who mourn, for them shall by ______
  3. Blessed are the ______, for they shall inherit the earth
  4. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for ______, for they shall be satisfied
  5. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain ______
  6. Blessed are the pure in ______, for they shall see God
  7. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called ______
  8. Blessed are those who are______for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven
  1. The Law
  2. “I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it” Matthew ______
  3. 10 commandments
  4. ______occurs when in mind, not only action
  5. ______is not allowed
  6. ______: turn other cheek
  7. Love of enemies – ______
  8. Almsgiving, prayer, fasting --- perform in______
  9. Hearers vs. Doers
  10. Our Father
  11. prayer Jesus taught to his ______
  12. 7 petitions; fundamental and ______Christian prayer
  13. First ______refer to God
  14. Last ______refer to neighbor

1. Honor of God’s name

2. For the coming of God’s kingdom

3. For the doing of God’s will

4. For daily bread

5. For forgiveness

6. For deliverance from temptation

7. For deliverance from evil


  • A ______or example based on a familiar experience that illustrates a ______

Good Samaritan- Luke 10:25-37

•Lawyer = one who interprets the______

•Top two laws



•Who is my neighbor?

- Gentiles and Samaritans hated by ______

•______proved to be neighbor in need

•Lawyer ______

•Robbed man =

•Robbers are the ______

•Stripped = ______

•Beat and left half dead = ______

•Samaritan =______

•Priest and Levite pass by man  both are responsible for worship; represent ______

•JC picks up and brings us to the Inn = the ______

•innkeeper = ______

•2 coins = ______

•washes him off and wine to drink= ______and ______

Sower of the Seed- Matthew 13:1-9

  • Seed= ______
  • Path– ______
  • Rocky ground-______; rocks impede growth of plan; when life get tough they give up
  • Thorns– ______; God is stifled
  • Good soil- ______-

Weeds Among Wheat

  • notice good and evil coexist until______
  • wait to ______until harvest to see which is wheat vs. weeds
  • ______is deceptive but appears good
  • Plants look the ______
  • Must be ______and on guard

Good Steward/Talents

  • Moral= ______

Mustard Seed

  • Mt 13:31, Mk 4:30, Lk 13:18
  • Image of mustard seed is so small but ______!
  • Refers to the ______and harbors ______in the branches’

Pearl of Great Price

•Mt 13:45- 46

•______calls for unconditional and total______and commitment

•______worth more than everything else

Unforgiving Servant

•1st Servant was given forgiveness and pity; however did not do the same to his servant

•Lord of 1st servant acted justly because 1st servant didn’t show mercy

•If we don’t show ______

•We should continuously ______others; “as many as seventy-seven times”


•(Mark 12:1-12)

•Foreshadows ______

•Master = ______

•First servants sent =______

•Second servants sent = ______

•Son = ______

God’s Mercy: Luke 15

Lost Sheep

  • Sheep is ______and shepherd knows way; searches and ______brings it home
  • God is happy when ______comes back to Him
  • Themes:




Lost Coin

  • Same ______as lost sheep
  • Leads up to Prodigal Son parable

Prodigal Son

  • Other titles:




  • Inheritance: considers father ______
  • “______” – “far country”: through sin & lack presence of God
  • “no money and then famine”

– all______in life will disappear and must look within

  • “feed swine”

- pigs are______to Jews

- ______possible job, at lowest level of social ladder

  • “work as Father’s servant = moment of ______
  • identifies sin and gives ______
  • prepared to accept ______and ______as a consequence of actions

- pattern for ______

  • “met father and had compassion”
  • - Father was ______and ______-for son
  • - father meets ______
  • -means father took ______ same as God’s attitude for us and embraced son

Received 3 items

  • 1. ______– sign of son’s innocence is restored; sanctifying grace
  • 2. ______– honor and authority is restored
  • 3. ______– slaves didn’t wear shoes; sign of period of being slave to sin is over
  • #1-3 restored son to rightful place in the ______
  • Fatted calf and music – point to ______celebration and banquet
  • ______is outside house and refused to participate in celebration
  • V.30 “not my brother” but “your son”

- Stating not related, ______

  • See envy of brother – older is ______over the joys of his brother
  • ______that brother is back and wealth is gone
  • Father is ______to regain younger son

Persistent Widow

  • Luke 18: 1-8
  • Moral/lesson:______
  • Widow was wronged by someone, she was persistent in having judge defend her
  • Judge only did so she would not bug him; not because for what was right in the sight of God or man

Declaration of Christ

  • Matthew 16:13-20
  • Simon – name change to ______
  • Receives ______
  • Power to bind and loose

Bread of Life Discourse

•John 6:22-71

•Most ______of Christ!

•Preached to crowd in synagogue in______

•Literal and allegorical  points to ______at Last Supper

•______= the substance of bread and wine are changed into the substance body and blood of Christ at the consecration at Mass

•______are things which can be perceived through the human senses.

•______give an object its true identity and formed its relationship to the world.


• ______= bread and wine, it still looks and tastes the same

• ______= actual body and blood of Christ

•Eucharist is composed of Christ’s ______

• – we receive Christ’s glorified body, divine flesh, we receive a share in Christ’s divinity

•______is when the accidental characteristics change as well as substantial

•officially defined as a dogma in ______at the Fourth Lateran Council

New Commandment

•John 13:34: “______”