ApprovedMeeting Minutes

from the

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Meeting at theSugarHouseGardenCenter

Advertised Agenda

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SugarHousePark Authority October 11, 2012 Meeting Minutes

I.Call to Order

II.Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use

(*) Tania Moe, Central City Recreation CenterApr 1(PDF file page 1)
Steve Bingham / Wendy Kelly, Huntsman
Cancer Foundation Apr 20(no info)
Brittany Anderson, Good In The HoodApr 27(paper copy)

Jackie Rock, Flash Dash Series, May 4, Jul 27, Oct 19 & Dec 21 (PDF file page 5)

Rachael Hunt / Nikki Whye, JE Cosgriff May 19(paper copy)
Marek Shon, Crit Series Racing May 25(PDF file page 9)

(*) Dan Moore, Salt Lake Valley Health Dept.Jun 6, Jul 3 & Aug 1(PDF file page 13)
Trudi Millet, K2 The ChurchJun 8 or Jun 1(PDF file page 17)

Parker Smith, Zion’s Children of HaitiJun 8, Jun 29 or Jul 6(PDF file page 21)

(*) Erika Stevens-Horn, Intermountain Heart
Institute Jun 22, Jul 13 or Jun 15(PDF file page 25)

(*) Gary Rowles, Highland High School
Cross Country(from Aug 23 to Aug 22)(no info)
(*) Dede Fluette, Rocky Mtn. Care FoundationSep 14 PM(PDF file page 31)

Andrea & Tim Stringfellow, State XC Race Nov 2(PDF file page 35)

Heidi Sanger, Rise, Inc. Sep 14, Sep 21 or Sep 28(PDF file page 39)

(*) – These groups do not need to appear before the board in order to be approved.

Dates in red conflict with already approved dates or other date requests.

III.Approval of Minutes from the January 10 Meeting

IV.July 4th Fireworks Discussion
Scott Workman

V.Financial Matters

VI.President’s Report

VII.Other Business


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SugarHousePark Authority February 14, 2013 Meeting Minutes

Call to Order

Mark Morris calls the Sugar House Park Authority Board meeting to order at 6:02 pm.
Board members present are: Mark Morris,Elizabeth MacGregor, Chad Anderson, George Sumner, Joedy Lister and Mark Kittrell.

Board members not present areLauren Shurman, Wayne Johnson and Alden Breinholt.

County staff member present isCraig Cheney.

Mark M. explains how the park is unique because it is managed and governed by a board of volunteers.

Approval of Special Event and Athletic Field Use Requests

Steve Bingham, Huntsman Cancer Foundation

(no show)

Brittany Anderson, Good In The Hood

Brittany says this is the first time they have held this event. They want to hold a community-style 5k in order to unite neighbors through acts of service projects. Even though this is their first event, they are estimating up to 499 people since neighborhood families are being invited.

Brittany is requesting the Big Field Pavilion on April 27. The board notes that rugby be games will be on the adjacent field. Rugby should be encouraged to park on the east side of the field, not in the Big Field parking lot.

George makes a motion to approve this event request for April 27at the Big Field Pavilion.

Elizabeth seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Marek Shon, Crit Series Racing

Marek has been holding this bicycle criterion for 12 years. The park road is closed for this event. There are about 300 racers and each race lasts from 30 to 75 minutes.

The board asks about safety. Marek says the only dangerous place is the hair-pin turn at the northeast corner of the park. However, since the racers are going up the hill, they aren’t going very fast as they make the turn. Also, the races stay out of the designated pedestrian walkway and even the designated bicycle lane; they stay in the roadway where vehicles would be.

The board asks that the GardenCenter parking lot not be used by this event.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve the Crit Series Racing event request for May 25.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Note: The following two groups have both requested June 8 as their event date. Their alternate dates have already been booked or would be difficult to move to.

Parker Smith, Zion’s Children of Haiti

Parker is requesting their 4th annual event at the park. It will be the same as last year’s. They will bring inflatable jumps and won’t use stakes to anchor them. His one available alternate date of July 6 would be difficult because many of his staff wouldn’t be available.

The board states that because this event has been at the park for the past 3 years, they have a priority on this date.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve this event for the morning of June 8 at the Big Field Pavilion.

Joedy seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Trudi Millet, K2 The Church

Trudi is also requesting June 8 for their event. They have not held this type of event at the park before, although their organization had been very helpful cleaning up the park after the 4th of July events in the past. They would take June 1, but that date has already been booked.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve thisevent for the afternoon of June 8 at the Big Field Pavilion.

George seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Andrea & Tim Stringfellow

Andrea is requesting to hold a cross country event that uses the same course as the UHSSA State Championship course. They are also requesting to use the Big Field Pavilion. The event will be on November 2 which is after the Championship event. They are getting permission from HighlandHigh School since the course ends at Highland’s track. This event is “for-profit” although it is not affiliated with a for-profit group and is meant to be more of a kid’s fun run. They will have volunteers to monitor traffic as the course crosses the east part of the park road into Highland High’s property.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve this athletic event on November 2.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Heidi Sanger, Rise, Inc.

Heidi is requesting to hold a 5K fundraiser at the park for the first time. All of the requested morning dates have been booked; she agrees to hold it on the afternoon of September 28. This event raises funds to support youth and adults with mental health and developmental disabilities.

George makes a motion to approve this event at the Big Field Pavilion for the afternoon of September 28.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Rachael Hunt / Nikki Whye, JE CosgriffMemorialCatholicSchool

Nikki is requesting to hold a 5K and 1K kids fun run to raise funds for their school. They will also have a DJ afterwards for entertainment. They will serve bagels and coffee.

Mark K. makes a motion to approve this event at the Big Field Pavilion on Sunday, May 19.

Joedy seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Erin Ferguson, Lungevity Foundation (impromptu)

Erin didn’t submit a request form, but wants to hold the same event as they did last year. She is requesting August 17 and would be interested in the Parley’s Creek Pavilion. Last year’s event had few activities and only about 100 participants.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve this event on August 17 at the Parley’s Creek Pavilion subject to:

receiving a completed request form within 2 weeks.

George seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

StevieAnn Nance / Jackie Rock, Flash Dance Series, LLC

Jackie is requesting to hold 4 events at the park on May 4, July 27, October 19 and December 21. These are themed 5K fun runs. Admission fees will be donated to charity. They will have an inflatable arch for the start at Parley’s Creek and then move it to the finish at the access road to the Big Field Pavilion.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve the Flash Dash Series events on the mornings of May 4, October 19, December 21, and on the evening of July 27where each event begins at the Parley’s Creek Pavilion and ends at the access road to the Big Field Pavilion.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Jackie is also interested in holding a fifth event, but isn’t sure which dates are available. This is an obstacle-type race. None of the obstacles will damage the park. The board says that August 10 is available.

Elizabeth makes a motion to hold August 10 for the Flash Dash Series “Boot Camp with Jess” event subject to:

submitting a request for the event within two weeks.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Amy Barry, Sugar House Farmers Market

Mark M. asks Amy to rate how well the market went last year. Amy says on a scale from 1 to 10, she would rate it as a 7. Amy is requesting 2 changes from last year. One, move the market from the Parley’s Creek Pavilion to the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion. This should improve the visibility of the market. Second, they would like to “permanently” post A-frame signs at the park entrances and put a banner along 1300 East. These signs would remain during the market season.

The board brings up the pending construction of the Draw at 1300 East and of the new restroom adjacent to the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion. Will this construction cause too much congestion for the market? Amy says that they will “deal with it.”

George expresses concern about the extensive use of signage. He is afraid this is going to create additional requests from groups wanting to do extensive advertising in the park. Mark K. thinks this is okay for the Farmers Market. This market and the 4th of July events are considered to be “community building events”, for which we have made exceptions to park rules.

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve the Farmers Market at the Fabian Lakeside Pavilion on Fridays from July 5 through October 11, paying the same fees as last season, posting A-frame signs at the two park entrances, and, subject to Wayne Johnson’s approval, posting a banner along 1300 East.

Mark K.. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

The following groups were not required to attend a board meeting in order to get approved for their events:

Tania Moe, CentralCityRecreationCenter

Dan Moore, SaltLakeValley Health Dept.

Erika Stevens-Horn, Intermountain Heart Institute

Dede Fluette, Rocky Mountain Care Foundation

Elizabeth makes a motion to approve the event requests for the groups listed above.

Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

July 4th Fireworks Discussion
Scott Workman

Scott distributes his current budget for the 2013 event. He notes that the costs for security and advertising are less.

Scott had been talking about a racing event on the morning of the 4th, sponsored by Ragnar, but that has fallen through. Scott has arrangements with KJZZ and KSL as media partners. He also now has a presence on Facebook.

Scott is asking the board for a permit. Will the board waive the fees as outlined in the Agreement?

Should Scott pay the park a token fee for use of the park, such as $500? Scott proposes a permit fee to be a percentage of “funds raised in sponsorships” over $60,000. The board discusses this proposal and asks that the term “sponsorships” be changed to “revenue.”

Joedy thanks Scott for all of the effort he has put into making the 4th of July event happen. As far as a fee, Joedy would be in favor of a token fee instead of the formula defined in the Agreement. Being a for-profit organization, it would require an audit of Scott’s organization in order to assure accurate numbers for the formula. Mark K. concurs.

The board states that it needs to re-evaluate the Agreement.

Elizabeth makes a motion to issue Scott Workman a permit for the 4th of July Fireworks Event, subject to:

re-evaluating the Agreement signed between SHPA and Scott.

George seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Approval of Minutes from the January 10 Meeting

Mark M. asks for any comments or corrections. There are none.

Elizabethmakes a motion to approve the January 10 meeting minutes.

Joedy seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

Financial Matters

Mark K. says that the City and County are contributing $140,000 each for the new restroom.

Elizabethsummarizes the financial statements summary for January.

George makes a motion to approve the January financial statements.
Mark K. seconds the motion.

Motion passes by show of hands: 6 in favor, none opposed.

George passes out long-range and capital project priorities summaries to the board members. He will discuss these in more detail at next month’s meeting.

President’s Report

Mark M. talked to Walt Gilmore, Salt Lake County Parks Planning, about planting new trees along the southern border of the park as part of the PRATT agreement for tree replacement.

Chad has been approved by the City as a board member; still waiting for the County’s approval.

Other Business

Mark M. asks if there is any other business…no.


Mark K.makes a motion toadjourn the meeting. Time is8:05 pm.

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